Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    So I recently had a timber harvest on my 10 acre property and have started some cleanup for firewood/etc. Yesterday my neighbor (with whom I've had a good relationship for 4 years) comes down while I'm cutting some firewood and goes off about 'me f***ing up his hunting, running that saw every day, I haven't seen a deer real time or on my camera in 4 weeks, you can do what you want/it's your property, but if you don't stop, we are NOT going to be neighborly anymore.'

    I calmed him down and said that wasn't my intent. We're kind of on a schedule to prepare a pasture and run-in for a horse or two, so if we wait 2 months, then we're approaching winter and might have to board the horse over winter for at least $250/month if we can't get the clearing done/building and fence up. He relaxed, but still is going on about 'we're a hunting family, I have $400 in licenses, that's how we feed our family, I bought my place for hunting. If you wait until deer season is over (almost 2 months), we'll help you clean up.' I told him we'll figure something out and talk later this weekend.

    Conflicted. Who is he to 'tell' me what I can do? What if they started building a house on the property on the other side of his with construction going on? He'll try to tell them to stop? During our short conversation I mentioned a rift with another neighbor who tried to hunt on my property without permission. (That guy is a problem with nearly everyone around him.) He acknowledged that but said 'I don't care about anybody else. I care about me.' That says a lot.

    OTOH, I'd like to keep the peace, but if I compromise with him, I'm potentially going to be putting out an extra $1500-$2000 for boarding the horse until spring, and have a pile of lumber and fencing lying around that I've already ordered and paid for.

    Just interested in the feelings of others.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Tell him to give you the board money and you'll wait until spring.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Deer aren't afraid of saws and whatnot, they are afraid of people walking around in the woods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    This thread belongs in the Lounge.

    Having said that, it really comes down to your personal concern about your relationship vs your concern about your needs.
    The weight you give the neighborly relationship will decide how much effort you give to creative compromise.
    How can you have any cookies if you don't drink your milk?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    On top of a hill, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Sorry but your neighbor is nothing but a jerk and bully plain and simple. If he doesn’t like you working on your property then we’ll maybe he should have moved to a location with no neighbors at all.

    I am always highly respectful of my neighbors and they of me but if I need to get something done to better my life especially financially then that comes 1st as long as I’m not breaking any noise laws.

    I would say try and work something out but it sounds like he wants it to stop completely for the season and that’s not an option that would or should work for both parties. I’d leave him a message if he wants to compromise some reasonable time out then come over if not then him to get ahead of the curve and get his lazy ass up at 4am like the public land hunters do.

    He’s the kind of guy that you DO NOT trust if shit were to hit the fan. It’s all about him and his and he will gladly take from you or whoever else. Better to find out now then if things were to go absolute bonkers.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Tell Karen to go play with his marbles

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    The *neighborly* relationship has already been destroyed, and he destroyed it when he came over and started F-bombing you and threatening you if you didn*t do what he wanted. If he would*ve come over and in a friendly way expressed his concerns and asked if there was anything that could be done, that would be one thing. But to come over and show his ass and act like a dick, I wouldn*t feel any obligation to do anything for him. A friend of mine had a saying: *if you treat me like a dog I*ll lift my leg on you*. He treated you like a dog in my opinion.
    “A Republic, if you can keep it.” - Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by McSull View Post
    Tell him to give you the board money and you'll wait until spring.
    Pretty much in agreement with that. Maybe with the option of, if the work is done in time, you'll give it back, minus any labor fees you incur hiring help to get it done on time.
    Actually, tell him it's $10k he has to put up, so that you can hire people to get the job done regardless of the weather.
    Member: NJ "undocumented" Felons Club. NRA Life Member

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    There's no way I'd rely on a vague promise to help in a few months, without a signed and notarized contract backed up by a performance bond, specifying the work to be done and how much time is available and how many hours of work they commit to doing.

    Selfish people ALWAYS justify why they never give, always take. When you ask for him to help, you'll get a sob story about his back, or they'll be on a cruise, or he just won't answer his phone.

    You bought your property for the horse, he bought his to hunt. Do you complain about the gunshots? Why does he get to complain about the saws?

    On a practical basis, unless you're sawing at night in the dark, any critters scared by the sound of saws would have hours to filter back and be right there to be shot in the morning. Personally, I doubt that the sound of sawing scares them away; the sounds of cars don't seem to keep deer away from roads, based on the number of corpses I see.

    I also agree that "the time of neighborliness is over". Has he been helping you out, do you owe him any favors from the past? Probably not. If he's pulled your car out of a ditch or run his sled dogs 1,000 miles to get your family medicine, then OK, he can call in the marker. Otherwise, he's asking you for credit, and it will hurt you to do it, even if he really did help you make up the time later, which he won't.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Neighbor complaint/conflict. Opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    There's no way I'd rely on a vague promise to help in a few months, without a signed and notarized contract backed up by a performance bond, specifying the work to be done and how much time is available and how many hours of work they commit to doing.

    Selfish people ALWAYS justify why they never give, always take. When you ask for him to help, you'll get a sob story about his back, or they'll be on a cruise, or he just won't answer his phone.

    You bought your property for the horse, he bought his to hunt. Do you complain about the gunshots? Why does he get to complain about the saws?

    On a practical basis, unless you're sawing at night in the dark, any critters scared by the sound of saws would have hours to filter back and be right there to be shot in the morning. Personally, I doubt that the sound of sawing scares them away; the sounds of cars don't seem to keep deer away from roads, based on the number of corpses I see.

    I also agree that "the time of neighborliness is over". Has he been helping you out, do you owe him any favors from the past? Probably not. If he's pulled your car out of a ditch or run his sled dogs 1,000 miles to get your family medicine, then OK, he can call in the marker. Otherwise, he's asking you for credit, and it will hurt you to do it, even if he really did help you make up the time later, which he won't.
    The last time I had my sled dogs deliver medicine the guy completely dicked me over. Last time I ever do that.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

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