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  1. #31
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Depending how this election goes....I think it might be time for a mass of people who love this country, to take it back. Starting with releasing Kyle from prison. This is disgusting. It*s become the norm now that if you are a liberal committing a crime, oh....Nothing can be done to you! And even more disgusting, conservatives can no longer defend themselves. I*m sorry, but law enforcement need to start going against their city DA*s. Democrat city DA*s are absolutely corrupt. Through & through. Police officers need to stop serving them when they know it*s wrong. Otherwise they are part of the problem.
    Remember Biden the Pedophile!

  2. #32
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Kyle Rittenhouse is in big trouble. While is charged by the State, the Biden DOJ will come after him with Federal charges of some sort. He is in "the system" and will have a hard time getting out unscathed. Not sure if it is even possible for him to not be convicted. He will take some sort of deal and most likely serve 10-20 years.
    My GGG Grandpappy,front row (20th NC, Co. F.) and Family Circa 1900.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Kenosha man who allegedly gave Kyle Rittenhouse gun used in shootings charged
    by Mike Brest, Breaking News Reporter - November 10, 2020 11:09 AM

    A Kenosha man has been charged with allegedly providing the gun Kyle Rittenhouse used in a shooting that resulted in two deaths in August.

    Dominick David Black, 19, has been charged with two felony counts of intentionally selling a gun to a minor. He made his first court appearance on Monday in the Kenosha County Circuit Court, according to the Washington Post. Black purchased the rifle at Ladysmith Ace Home Center using Rittenhouse's money in May, and the two agreed to store it in Black's stepfather's house in Kenosha, according to a criminal complaint from the Kenosha County district attorney.

    Rittenhouse, 17, fatally shot two people and wounded a third during a protest in Kenosha on Aug. 25. He is facing a first-degree intentional homicide charge for killing Anthony Huber and first-degree reckless homicide for the death of Joseph Rosenbaum. Rittenhouse has also been charged with attempted first-degree homicide for wounding Gaige Grosskreutz with his rifle.

    Rittenhouse and his lawyers claim he acted in self-defense.

    He told reporters that he had traveled from his home state of Illinois to Kenosha, which was grappling with unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake, in order to protect a car dealership from looters. After the shooting, which was recorded on video, Rittenhouse returned to Illinois, where he was later arrested.

    Rittenhouse faces up to life in prison if convicted of the charges. His next scheduled court appearance is set for Dec. 3, while Black's is Nov. 19.
    Chicago Tribune Story:

    Kyle Rittenhouse*s mother didn*t know what he was doing on night of fatal Kenosha protest shootings
    By Dan Hinkel and Stacy St. Clair - Nov 10, 2020 at 5:00 AM

    Kyle Rittenhouse*s mother says she would have tried to stop her teenage son from going to downtown Kenosha with an AR-15-style rifle during chaotic protests in August, but she didn*t know where he was or what he was doing. By the time she found out, he had fatally shot two men and wounded a third.

    Since the shootings made international headlines, many have wondered what influence the 17-year-old*s parents had on his decision-making and access to a gun. In an interview with the Tribune, Wendy Rittenhouse, a single mother of three, conceded her son shouldn*t have been there but declined to talk about the weapon he used.

    She repeatedly sought to deflect blame for the shootings away from her son and the friend now charged with illegally providing him with the rifle used to shoot three men. While she voiced anger at the authorities, some politicians and protesters, she expressed little sympathy toward the families of the men her son shot.

    *No one should have been there,* she said. *The protesters should not have been there, also. My son shouldn*t have been there either.*

    Rittenhouse, 45, largely has limited her public comments since her son*s arrest. Her attorney, John M. Pierce, has been offering time to other media organizations in recent days. She spent much of her Tribune interview calling for her son*s release on bail.

    Asked if she had anything to say to the families of the two men killed that night, she pointed to a recent online bail hearing at which one man*s father made critical comments about her son.

    *I am not saying nothing because I watched when he had his bail hearing and I*m not going to say anything,* she said.
    Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, has been charged with fatally shooting two men and injuring a third during a protest in Kenosha in late August.

    Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, died from their injuries, while a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz, who prosecutors have said was armed with a handgun, survived being shot in the arm. Rittenhouse*s attorneys have argued he shot all the men in self-defense.

    Huber tried to stop Rittenhouse, hitting him with a skateboard after the teen shot Rosenbaum. John Huber, his father, told the court that Kyle Rittenhouse thinks he is *above the law* and would be a flight risk if he was released.

    *It*s not about gun rights. My son was killed. Another man was killed. They didn*t deserve to be killed,* John Huber said during the hearing.

    Kimberley Motley, an attorney for Grosskreutz, said it was troubling that no one prevented a teenager from going to a protest with a gun during a pandemic.

    *I cannot think of any good reason why Rittenhouse was carrying a weapon on the streets during the protests, and I don*t think he can either,* she told the Tribune.

    Citing *the incredibly serious charges,* a Kenosha County court commissioner found Rittenhouse would be a flight risk and kept his bail at $2 million. He remains in jail on a murder charge and other counts. He has been held there since Oct. 30, the day he was extradited from Lake County to Wisconsin.

    As Wendy Rittenhouse and her son*s attorneys try to raise money for both his release and legal defense fund, she scoffed at the suggestion her son could flee the area before a trial.

    *I have $1.20 in my account,* she said. *You think I can get on a plane?*

    However, she has received a substantial amount of money in donations. Two organizations * one that supports gun rights and another that backs militias across the country * have given a combined $100,000 to help with personal expenses, Pierce said. He told the Tribune that she has complete control of the money, which she is using to pay her bills while on leave from her job and living in an undisclosed location.

    The donations reflect the backing Kyle Rittenhouse has received in conservative circles. A legal-defense fund has raised nearly $2 million, Pierce said. He said he hopes it will raise millions more.

    Individual online fundraising campaigns on behalf of those shot have raised about $250,000 combined. The largest one, aimed at helping Huber*s girlfriend and her daughter with expenses, garnered more than $150,000.

    *Anthony decided to use his voice and stand up for a cause that meant something,* a statement on the verified fundraising page read. *While peacefully protesting, Anthony selflessly tried to aid in taking down an attacker when he was gunned down.*

    Violent protests erupted in Kenosha after police Officer Rusten Sheskey, who is white, shot Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, several times in the back at close range. The demonstrations * fueled by video of the shooting * turned destructive at points, leaving parts of the city damaged.

    In response to the unrest, vigilantes, many of them claiming a connection to a local militia group, walked downtown streets with guns as local law enforcement did little to dissuade them.

    Kyle Rittenhouse was among those on the streets Aug. 25, unbeknown to his mother. Wendy Rittenhouse, a certified nursing assistant at a local nursing home, said she worked a 16-hour shift the previous night, slept late the next morning and was unaware of her son*s plans.

    *It*s a tragedy what happened to Mr. Blake. It is,* she said. *But my son and everybody else should not have been in Kenosha.*

    Rittenhouse said her son does not belong to any militia group, including the Kenosha Guard, which put out a call to arms on Facebook during the unrest. Prosecutors also have not suggested any connection between her son and militias.

    Kyle Rittenhouse and friend Dominic Black initially went to Kenosha to help clean graffiti off a school, according to his mother and Pierce. While there, they learned about a used car dealership that had been hit particularly hard the night before and offered to protect the business.

    Asked if it was an appropriate job for a teen, Wendy Rittenhouse said no. The blame, she said, is on police officers who didn*t protect the businesses and Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, for failing to deploy reinforcements.

    *The police should have helped the businesses out instead of having a 17-year-old kid helping him,* she said. *The police should have been involved with these people that lost their businesses. They should have stepped up. I*m not mad at the police. I*m not. They have a hard enough job as it is.*

    Prosecutors have charged Kyle Rittenhouse with carrying his gun illegally, an allegation his lawyers dispute. On Monday, a court commissioner set Black*s bail at $2,500 on felony charges that he supplied a dangerous weapon to a minor, causing death. Black*s attorney could not be reached for comment.

    Wendy Rittenhouse repeatedly declined to discuss what she knew about her son*s semi-automatic rifle. Police reports indicate Black, then 18, bought the gun for Kyle Rittenhouse earlier this year at a northern Wisconsin hardware store. Black, who was with Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha that night, kept the gun at his stepfather*s house in Wisconsin, police said.

    Black told investigators that Wendy Rittenhouse was going to apply for a firearm owner*s identification card in Illinois so they could legally keep the gun in Antioch, according to police reports.

    Wendy Rittenhouse refused to discuss Black*s statement to investigators or his alleged role in obtaining the gun, saying only that she loves him like a son. She also would not say if she knew her son owned the rifle, but she said has no problem with teenagers possessing guns.

    A native of northern Michigan, she grew up around guns but does not own any herself.

    *I believe in my Second Amendment. I do,* she said. *I*m 100% right to bear arms. If it*s a handgun, a 12-gauge, a 22, AR-15. You have to respect the gun. And I told my son, *you have to respect the gun* and everything like that.*

    Social media users accused Wendy Rittenhouse of driving her son to Kenosha that day, sharing a picture of a woman who is not her as proof. In reality, she was 20 miles away in Illinois, getting a COVID-19 test required for her job and running errands with her oldest daughter, she said.

    She said she did not check in with her son until around midnight, when she texted him to ask what he was doing and received a reply about him *doing medic* duties. She said she briefly fell asleep but then woke up, *knowing something was wrong.*

    Alarmed, she and her daughters soon started driving around looking for him, she said. Their search proved futile and they returned to their Antioch apartment, where Kyle and Black were waiting.

    Describing her memories of that night as *fuzzy,* Wendy Rittenhouse said the family talked for about 20 minutes before deciding to go to the Antioch Police Department. According to police records, Kyle Rittenhouse told authorities there he shot two people and killed at least one.

    Echoing earlier statements from her son*s attorneys, Wendy Rittenhouse said the teen acted in self-defense. Prosecutors, on the other hand, alleged that Rittenhouse*s actions showed *utter disregard for human life.*

    She said she has watched video of the shootings in small increments, singling out one that made her *sick.* In describing her disgust, she cited recordings of the men approaching her son * not the images of him shooting them.

    *Self-defense,* she said, as her voice rose. *He was in danger.*

    Huber*s father disagreed.

    *This defense of self-defense? That is impossible,* said John Huber at last week*s bail hearing. *(Rittenhouse) was an active shooter and he tried to flee. And my son lost his life protecting other people. He was a hero. Anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong.*
    Last edited by ImminentDanger; November 10th, 2020 at 04:17 PM.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidH View Post
    Depending how this election goes....I think it might be time for a mass of people who love this country, to take it back. Starting with releasing Kyle from prison. This is disgusting. It*s become the norm now that if you are a liberal committing a crime, oh....Nothing can be done to you! And even more disgusting, conservatives can no longer defend themselves. I*m sorry, but law enforcement need to start going against their city DA*s. Democrat city DA*s are absolutely corrupt. Through & through. Police officers need to stop serving them when they know it*s wrong. Otherwise they are part of the problem.
    What is going to start happening is people will no longer surrender to police when something like this happens, and it will happen again. If there is no justice people will make their own justice and that won't end well for anyone.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Quote Originally Posted by coat4gun View Post
    What is going to start happening is people will no longer surrender to police when something like this happens, and it will happen again. If there is no justice people will make their own justice and that won't end well for anyone.
    More realistically is more and more people will be actually afraid to defend themselves out of fear of prosecution, which is exactly what the liberals want.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    I wonder how Kyle would have fared had he immediately hightailed it out of there after he defended himself.
    There are no pacts between lions and men.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Quote Originally Posted by Krichardson View Post
    I wonder how Kyle would have fared had he immediately hightailed it out of there after he defended himself.
    The correct question is, "I wonder how Kyle would have fared if he had dressed in all black, covered his face, and been unidentifiable?".

    In these Soros-owned cities, the best practice seems to be to cover your face, not have a car with an identifiable license plate, and flee the police after the shooting.

    Having a clean conscience counts for nothing, if the DA belongs to Soros and the Democrats. The best legal strategy might well be to avoid being identified and caught, even if (as in this case) it was a textbook case of self-defense where you were attacked, you attempted to flee, and you used the minimum amount of force needed to stop the attack. If we descend into civil war in this country, expect the crooked DA's to criminally prosecute one side but let the other side go free, leading to the strategy of never letting the police see who you are when you snipe the enemy.

    Another lesson here is for those who ask "how would the police know" that they bought a gun illegally or their gun had a 15.9" barrel or whatever. The answer is "something else happens that those in power don't like, so they investigate the crap out of you to find something they can punish". So if a prohibited person has their spouse keep a gun in the house, and someone breaks in and the perp gets shot, expect to be prosecuted for possessing the gun. If you "open carry" 100 miles from your home without a license, and end up shooting an attacker, you could have your itinerary put under a microscope and get prosecuted for the vehicle leg of your journey. Bernie Goetz didn't go to jail for shooting several feral yutes, he went to jail for carrying a gun. And as I recall, the cops weren't looking too hard for him, until Bernie turned himself in and started publicly mocking the DA.

    Yes, we have too many laws. Yes, our laws punish a lot of things that have no identifiable victim. The fact that many agree with that view, is scant comfort to anyone sitting in prison for months or years
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  8. #38
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    ....wasnt aware that there was a correct question.I thought Rittenhouse at least had some of his face covered at some point but he probably would have been better off had he been in ninja full mode.
    There are no pacts between lions and men.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    Quote Originally Posted by Krichardson View Post
    ....wasnt aware that there was a correct question.I thought Rittenhouse at least had some of his face covered at some point but he probably would have been better off had he been in ninja full mode.
    Antifa sociopaths intentionally dress alike, cover their faces, do not associate with personal vehicles, and work at having no distinctive traits that would allow you to identify which person just shot a cop in the face, if you lose sight of him in the crowd for even a second.

    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: NFGR/NAGR raises 50,000 to defend Kyle Rittenhouse

    All of that seems like stuff that Rittenhouse should already have been well aware and mindful of going into the situation.
    There are no pacts between lions and men.

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