My LTCF Permit was just denied in Philadelphia because apparently I am wanted on arrest for Scofflaw (3 Tickets). Additionally, this makes my character and reputation dangerous to public safety. As far as I know, I do not have any outstanding tickets or warrants for my arrest. The last ticket I received was in 2017 for a parking violation which I paid. I am going to appeal this decision with the help of a lawyer just to be safe. I already contacted Adam Kraut and plan on contacting Jon Mirowitz. Does anyone know approximately how much this might end up costing me with court/lawyer fees and are there any other reputable lawyers that can handle this type of case?

There is no reason whatsoever that I should have been denied the right to carry a firearm in the city of Philadelphia. Even if I had outstanding parking/moving violations (which I don't), how could that even be entertained as a reason for denying someone the right to carry a firearm? It seems to me that the Philadelphia Gun Permit Unit just looks for ways to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights. How can one legally purchase a firearm and then be denied the right to carry that firearm in public?

Thanks in advance for any information.