Note: I've copy/pasted this from another forum I posted it on, and have made a few small edits to better fit PAFOA's culture

Dear beloved Poofers, Yinzers, Iggles fans, and other Pennsylvanians,

I saw a weird Facebook ad today while scrolling through the usual drivel. It caught my eye because it was from an organization called "Pennsylvania Firearms Association," and it had thousands upon thousands of likes and reactions. The reason it was eyecatching to me is because I'm heavily involved in Pennsylvania politics, and I had never heard of an organization like this. Worse yet, Pennsylvania's bonafide gun rights groups -- Pennsylvania Firearms Owners Association (PAFOA) and Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC) -- have been around for decades now, and yet even they struggle to get this much exposure on important issues.

Taking all of that into account, something seemed off, and when I say "off", I mean this organization looked like a garbage fundraising front like those notorious turds perpetrated by Dudley Brown: RMGO and NAGR (if you don't know those groups, see my post here to learn more about these gargantuan diarrhea piles).

Well, turns out if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is indeed a cancerous stain on the gun community that probably should be avoided like the plague. Join me on my mystical 15 minutes of internet research on PFA, and learn why I think it's a possible scam organization that you should not support in any way, shape, or form.

  1. First step was to visit their website for a gut check. Things I always notice in scam 2A organizations like NAGR: hardcore advertisement of their nO cOMpRoMisE stance on gun rights; claims of being the strongest/biggest/most powerful/best-funded gun rights organization despite no one knowing who in the hell they are; and immediate prioritization of fundraising/merchandise sales over other things like gun safety education, events, or relevant news. Turns out "Pennsylvania Firearms Association" checks all three boxes. HMMMMMMM...

  2. I noticed at the bottom of their website and on their Facebook page, they are listed as a non-profit organization. This means they must be registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, so it's worth checking to see who is running the show and where they are HQ'ed. Not much to see there, unfortunately, though it is interesting to note that as of 2018, they hadn't done crap-all for gun rights in Pennsylvania. Gotta dig deeper...

  3. I decide to Google their address to see if they're even a true Pennsylvania gun rights organization, or if, like Dudley Brown's brown holes of extra-gravitational suck, it was just an out-of-state shell organization registered at some random office or a postal business. OOOH, WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT: their headquarters address is a box at a UPS Store.

  4. Alright, now we're cooking with fire -- sure looks like a 2A scam organization so far. Is it possible Dudley Brown himself is trying to expand his fundraising racket into Pennsylvania at the expense of our rights? A few more minutes of Googling, and it's actually run by some dude named "Chris Dorr", as found by written testimony presumably provided to the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee. Stuff like this is actually pretty common for scam organizations, as they like to constantly brag about a few paltry work products to show that they're "doing something" in all of their fundraising emails that they send to third party email lists that they paid $500 to access.

  5. Final step: Google Chris Dorr to see who this huckster was, and bingo, it all came full circle. Turns out he's run this scam in other states; follows the same, lame, shell-game, gun rights fundraising scam in those states; learned from Mike Rothfeld (junk-mail professional who also sat [sits?] on the board of NAGR); and started this charade in 2009 with seed money from none other than Dudley Brown's NAGR. (sources: Buckeye Firearms Association / The Trace

Don't donate to Pennsylvania Firearms Association. Don't support/like/share their Facebook page or any of their social media accounts. Don't get conned into joining any of their mailing lists. Like those scummy individuals they associate with, they are nothing but parasitic tapeworms to the cause.

If you're a Pennsylvanian, support FOAC and join PAFOA. They're responsible for our victories in Pennsylvania thus far, and will be instrumental in keeping us from becoming the next Virginia.