Hi Yanks, If you have already seen the below article, it's worth the read time again and worth passing along to your friends.

Y'all take care and stock up on amno.


This is a conspiracy. The socialists are very close to reaching their goal of turning the U.S. Into a European style socialism but this time going even beyond a socialist democracy. They want blood and will go to any extreme. For the first time in American history, they have the perfect candidate to take this country toward this goal. Barack Obama a well educated, charming socialist with a Marxist academic background and with the mentors and associates to prove it. In addition with a Chicago "mafia" style political machine well known to all of us students of American political history. His links, personal and political connections to the terrorists Bill Ayers, who was convicted for several terrorists acts in the U.S. Are well known to everyone. His professional connections to A.C.O.R.N. A leading voter registration organization with links to voter fraud, fraudulent mortgage processing are just now coming to the surface mainly due to the current mortgage/financial fiasco in which A.C.O.R.N. Has played a big part. We could go on and on. Only talk radio and some news commentators in Fox News are raising questions about some of the aforementioned. The media, as you all know, is in the tank. Because obviously they are too part of the conspiracy. This is a mean plan, my friends. So mean that even the Clinton political machine could not defeat it. I'm not sure the Republicans and McCain's group are up to it. This is down and dirty. They want the presidency and no one is going to step in their way. This is not a presidential campaign. This is the plan to get the United States to fall under the socialist/Marxist idealogy first and rule later.

And how is the socialist/Marxist extreme left going to achieve their goal of "socializing America"? Simple:

1. Class warfare. Divide and conquer and the rest will follow through. The Blacks vs the Whites. The rich vs. The poor. Because as far as their concern if you don't vote for Obama, your a racist. And, of course, McCain is also a racist because he didn't vote for the MLK holiday the first time around it went up for a vote. So if Obama doesn't win is not because he is an incompetent socialist. It is because we are all racists and we don't want a black man as president. A brilliant black woman Secretary of State is okay but not a black president. On another note. If Obama doesn't win I predict there will be riots in the streets of these United States. This is all or nothing. If Obama wins, we will have a socialist leading our country. If he loses, the streets of most of our major cities will burn.

2. Voter Fraud. We're already seeing reports of the Democratic party registering criminals, non citizens and duplicating entries with different addresses, etc. If McCain wins and it is close, hundreds of attorneys will be filing briefs to cancel the election. Remember this is all or nothing. Their plan is that Obama must win. They won't accept a maybe.

3. Demoralizing the candidates. Already we've seen ads from subrogate organizations of the Obama campaign about Sen. McCain's health showing his bout with skin cancer,etc. With Gov Palin, I think there's very little they've left out. Except maybe the rumor they may want to circulate that she was a prostitute in Alaska when she was 18. I'm not even sure that's not out there in some left wing blog. The goal is to destroy the adversary regardless of the method.

4. Attracting the youth vote. This vote is ready for the picking and there's nothing better than a demagogue populist Marxist/socialist to try to win it over. 90% of Professors in our colleges and universities are liberal left wing socialist, thus, our youth is being brain-washed and unless you have a strong conservative base in the home, their lack of mental maturity and the rebellious natural instinct of youth is a definite plus to secure this vote.

5 Media. We don't even want to go there. I would be wasting my time talking about the media. They want Obama and they will all have triple bypasses if their man losses.

6. Intimidation. Already there are some confirmed reports of state attorney's in some Midwest State warning the public that any libel remarks about Barack Obama will be taken as such and will be prosecuted. The State Attorney's are, of course, Obama supporters and the warning is don't you dare say anything against Obama or you may go to Jail. Does it sound like Communist Cuba or China to you?

And we could go on and on and my conspiracy theory will become more evident. I remember how back in 1998 most of us warned our Venezuelan friends how Chavez was going to take them into the path of communism. I remember had I went on Spanish talk radio in Miami with some of my political oriented colleagues to scream out the danger Chavez would turn into. The Venezuelan people are now living proof of our warnings back in 1998.

So we have only one choice. To scream out the danger an Obama presidency would be to all us. Let's warn our friends, family and colleagues what is the threat from the extreme left. Let's remind everyone we are the only beacon of truth and freedom left in the world. Let's do our best to keep our country free of Marxist idealogy. To keep it as a free market capitalist democracy where we can all think and speak without government intervention. The way this country's founding fathers meant it to be. Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Let's not fall into the trap of a meaningless populist message full of demagoguery and intentional deceit. Let us all be militants this election and fight to keep this Republic free of socialist/Marxist influences. If you want to continue your life as a free thinking freedom loving citizen of this great country, this is our duty.

God Bless America!