I am stopping in to say hello again.. I had to deal with a lot of personal issues over the last couple years.. I have a very long story that doesn't belong here but I may discuss it privately with others.. The last time I was on, was before my personal life took over and I had no time for extra things like this while I have always taken the 2a seriously I didn't think one person missing for a few years would make much of a difference but I am back now with a ton of time on my hands and well honestly I think we are in even more dangerous times now than we have ever been!! I just watched a live video on Pennsylvania Oath Keepers on FB and well they had a rally today to attempt to stop the two bills on the table that are serious threats!! They only had 5 people show up!! I can recall a low turn out at the rally I went to and tried to help put together but we had more than 5 and things were looking up!! I am seriously shocked that there are not more people on top of things!! Please we really need to all come together not just in PA but nation wide also!! Like I said I have a bunch of free time not a lot of abilities to leave the house as I am unfortunately disabled at the moment.. I have no vehicle and honestly wouldn't be able to handle the 3-4 hour trip in very many vehicles as it's only been 5 months after several compression fractures in my back due to an "accident" that I feel was more like an attempted homicide..