Hello Everyone,
The next Matamoras Rod and Gun Club action pistol match of the year will be held Sunday, May 22nd, 2016 at the Matamoras Rod and Gun Club. Please register at the following link as online registration is highly preferred.


You can also search for the match on the Practiscore home page.

Final set up begins at 730am
Registration opens at 9AM
Registration closes at 9:30am
Safety briefing and walkthrough at 9:40am

Match costs are as follows:
Matamoras club member $10
Non member $15
Junior shooters Free

There will be 6 stages with a minimum round count of 99. Lunch will also be available again at the match. Holly will be running hamburgers and hot dogs and she will be set up near the pits in order to make it easier for everyone to grab food throughout the day. Thank you again Holly.

The side match this month will be a "Run what you Brung" type match. Meaning you can shoot anything you want as long as it is a pistol caliber. Pistol caliber carbine, revolver, bug, suppressed pistol, an alternate pistol, anything goes. My only restrictions are no 5.7, magnum, or armor piercing ammo. This is also class III friendly. I will not be asking to see your paperwork but transport rules and NFA rules do apply. I know of two shooters who will be shooting short barrel rifles with suppressors already. This is also a good event for trying new pistols. We will be shooting stages 3-6 a second time in order to speed up completion. Since this is a sidematch, the main rules apply with a few additions.

Shooters may start from low ready if they do not have a holster.

Magazine capacity restrictions will not apply. Load em up if you so choose.

You do not have to shoot the same gun for each stage. Firearms must be handled at a safe table to be transferred to a holster. If no holster is to be used the firearm must be cased to move to the line. Once the course of fire is complete it must be cased again to leave the line. No Exceptions on this one as it is for everyone's safety.

Any questions regarding firearm selection for the side match please do not hesitate to contact me.

Cost will again be $3.

Please register here. Registration will be permitted the day of but I would like to see how many are interested in the side match.


Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns. As always, please feel free to pass the registration on to your fellow shooters. Thank you and see you Sunday.