Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Open to any PAFOA or PMSC member who would like to attend!
    Date: Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Location: Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsmens Club (PMSC)
    at the upper pistol bays and Shoot House.
    Address: 505 Mosside Boulevard [Rt. 48] North Versailles, PA 15137
    Cost: $5 non-PMSC members. No charge to PMSC members.

    Ill get back to you on the Breakfast event.

    Please note that this is open to ALL PAFOA MEMBERS.
    Members of PAFOA, who are not also members of PMSC are not permitted to bring guests.
    Only those who are forum members or PMSC members may attend.
    Each person present at the shoot will be required to sign in and non-PMSC-members will pay the $5 guest fee.

    We will once again have ClayDays!
    Trap prices:$3/25 birds or $5/50
    The FIRST TEN, first-time shooters that sign up, shoot the first round FREE! (shells and birds fee)
    There will be both 20 gauge and 12 gauge guns available for those without shotguns.
    The preferred shot size is 7 1/2 and smaller. Size 8 shot is preferred but 9 will work.

    Note: Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.

    If any updates or changes need to be made, please let me know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Group Shoot Range Rules
    First time attendees please read (more than once is recommended)

    Regulars, read it again.

    All ranges will be COLD RANGES. If you are carrying a loaded firearm, please approach the firing line, point your firearm downrange and unload it. Dry fire your firearm while pointing it downrange and holster it. All holstered firearms must be visibly unloaded with empty magazine wells visible to all. All firearms put on a table or into an open case must have the actions left open and facing up so that all shooters can see that the gun is safe. Chamber flags or other “empty chamber” indicators are strongly encouraged (there will some available for purchase for $1.00/ea at the shoot), but not required. Rounds of ammunition stored on a firearm (shotgun or rifle shells stored on the stock) will not be permitted.

    Anyone can call "clear" at any time. If you like, see the RSO at your station and he can call it for you. During a "clear" there is no touching of firearms of any sort. No exceptions. During an "all clear" anyone can go downrange to check/paste/hang targets. The all clear continues into infinity until you hear "range going hot". If it has been a few minutes since the all clear and everyone is back on the line, do not assume the range is hot. Either ask the RSO if it is OK to go hot or shout the question "Range going hot?". Wait for others to make sure they have on eyes/ears, check downrange to make sure that there is no one pasting targets and then safely begin shooting again.

    During a cease fire, you should lower your weapon, with fingers OUT of the trigger guards and await further instructions from the RO.

    You are responsible for every round discharged from your firearm. Be certain that all shots will impact the dirt backstop on each range.

    Rule #1 – ALWAYS point firearms in a safe direction. Your first choice is downrange, second is at the ground, third is up in the air. NEVER POINT A FIREARM AT A PERSON, even if the firearm is unloaded, holstered, disassembled, slide back, or any other condition that you might THINK is safe.

    Rule #2 – Keep your trigger finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire. Premature trigger contact is the #1 reason for NEGLEGENT DISCHARGES.

    Rule #3 – Do not load your pistol until you are ready to shoot. Time and procedure for loading is described below.
    Eyes and Ears are REQURED ON ALL RANGES! Safety glasses should be kept on all day, ears are required when in the pavilion area on the main range and at the house, EI bays as well as down at the trap fields.
    Sweeping: All due diligence MUST be made to avoid sweeping yourself or others with your firearm. Sweeping is pointing your firearm at yourself or another person, loaded OR ULOADED! This is the worse infraction you can make and violates rule number one. If an RO sees you doing this, you will be required to put your firearms away for the day.

    Sweeping: All due diligence MUST be made to avoid sweeping yourself or others with your firearm. Sweeping is pointing your firearm at yourself or another person, loaded OR ULOADED! This is the worse infraction you can make and violates rule number one. If an RO sees you doing this, you will be required to put your firearms away for the day.

    Procedure for main range firing
    When the RSO calls “Range Going Hot – Eyes & Ears”, you may approach the firing line with an unloaded firearm. Load your firearm on the firing line while pointing it downrange. Fire rounds at will. Unload your firearm prior to leaving the firing line. For pistols with holsters available, unload, clear chamber, dry fire while pointing downrange and holster. For all other guns, unload while pointing the gun safely downrange. Make the gun safe (slide back, bolt open, action open). Move the gun to the table or case and store action open and facing up. Be sure to point the gun in a safe direction at all times when moving from the firing line to the storage vessel.

    Procedure for Shoot House
    Approach the house when the RSO has instructed you to do so. The RSO will call out “Clear the house, range going hot”. Then the RSO will walk through the house to make certain that no one is inside. You will be asked “Do you understand the course of fire?”. If you answer “no” it will be explained to you until you do. Once you acknowledge that you understand the course of fire, you will be told “You may load and make ready.” At that time, load and charge your firearm, apply the safety or decock the firearm, and holster. You will be asked “Are you ready?”. Once you acknowledge that you are ready, you will be told “Standby”. Within 4 seconds you will hear the timer beep. Upon hearing the beep, you may engage targets and move through the course of fire as you would like. Your firearm should never break the 180 degree plane of the front of the house. When you are finished firing, wait for the RSO to instruct “If finished show clear”. Remove the magazine from the gun and pull back the slide, ejecting any live cartridge onto the ground. Hold the slide open to show the RSO the chamber. You will both be looking into the chamber to make certain there is no live round in it. You will be instructed “If clear, slide forward.”. Release the slide to the closed position. You will be instructed “Hammer down”. Dry fire the gun while pointing down range. You will then be instructed “Holster” or “Bag” (for guns with no holster you will stow them in a case, bag or rug at this point). At this point the RSO will call out “Range is clear to paste and reset steel”. At this point all present at the shoot house will enter the house, paste cardboard targets, and reset steel.

    Procedure for Easter Island Bay
    Approach the shooting station when the RSO has instructed you to do so. The RSO will call out “Range going hot”. You will be asked “Do you understand the course of fire?”. If you answer “no” it will be explained to you until you do. Once you acknowledge that you understand the course of fire, you will be told “You may load and make ready.” At that time, load and charge your firearm, apply the safety or decock the firearm, and holster (hold shotguns in the low-ready position with the safety in the ON position - Note: no shotguns on Easter Island Bay for July shoot). You will be asked “Are you ready?”. Once you acknowledge that you are ready, you will be told “Standby”. Within 4 seconds you will hear the timer beep. Upon hearing the beep, you may engage as you would like. Your firearm should never break the 180 degree plane of the course of fire. When you are finished firing, wait for the RSO to instruct “If finished show clear”. Remove the magazine from the gun(if applicable) and pull back the slide, ejecting any live cartridge onto the ground. For tube magazine-fed shotguns, cycle the action until the magazine and chamber are empty. Hold the slide open to show the RSO the chamber. You will both be looking into the chamber to make certain there is no live round in it. You will be instructed “If clear, slide forward.”. Release the slide to the closed position. You will be instructed “Hammer down”. Dry fire the gun while pointing down range. You will then be instructed “Holster” or “Bag” (for guns with no holster you will stow them in a case, bag or rug at this point, for shotguns, you will open the action and return the gun to its case or rack). At this point the RSO will call out “Range is clear to reset/paste ”. At this point all present at the stage will approach the course and reset steel/paste targets.
    Last edited by Montanya; August 30th, 2008 at 10:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    ill be there...
    its a full-auto shoot, you owe it to yourself to show! ha ha

  4. #4
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    I'm in! Can't wait!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    This is also the same day as the last 3D archery shoot. The stick and string guys usually do something special for lunch at their last shoot. I am going to see if it is ok for us to eat breakfast and lunch down there. We may need to ask for volunteers to help with the the kitchen/food serving due to the increase in volume that we may cause. We may also need to get a head count this month, somewhat ahead of time, so that we can let the archery people how many extra people to expect.
    More information to be coming after I talk with the Archery people.
    Koli's back from Ambler.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Really going to try and make this one as well. There won't be funds for a room in Monroeville this time so I'll just have to get up real early for the drive
    "When the winds of change blow hard enough, the most trivial of things can become deadly projectiles." - Unknown.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Quote Originally Posted by Koli01 View Post
    This is also the same day as the last 3D archery shoot. The stick and string guys usually do something special for lunch at their last shoot. I am going to see if it is ok for us to eat breakfast and lunch down there. We may need to ask for volunteers to help with the the kitchen/food serving due to the increase in volume that we may cause. We may also need to get a head count this month, somewhat ahead of time, so that we can let the archery people how many extra people to expect.
    More information to be coming after I talk with the Archery people.
    As is usual, if I can be of assistance helping with breakfast/lunch whatever lemme know where you need me. That is, if I can roll my butt outta bed in time

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Quote Originally Posted by Montanya View Post
    As is usual, if I can be of assistance helping with breakfast/lunch whatever lemme know where you need me. That is, if I can roll my butt outta bed in time
    I will keep you posted.
    Koli's back from Ambler.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    Barring an act of God, I'll be there.

    ...maybe with a new AK, if the gun show at the end of the month goes well.
    Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: PAFOA GROUP SHOOT # 19 Sunday, Sept. 14, 2008 Shoot Time: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

    As we all know this will be the day of the Full Auto (machine gun madness)
    This does not make this shoot part of the FA. Any activities taking part after this shoot is completely setup by PMSC.

    A reminder, If you intend to shoot Full auto after this group shoot, You will need to be a PMSC member, You will need to reserve your time at that shoot and a gun (if as many of us you don’t own one) with the owner of the said Full Auto gun.
    Many will stay for the thrill of seeing these guns fired and to actually see the guns.

    More info will be posted by the members of PMSC who are actually in charge of the FA shoot on an other thread.

    A challenge was put up for people to “step up” for the group shoot, and this is what this is, a step up. I expect the same people to be available for the areas they always are, but I want to be sure.

    As Koli1 said, there may be a breakfast already in the works, so we will wait on that development.

    We need:
    • 2 RO’s for the main bay
    • 2 Ro’s for the house.
    • 2 RO’s for Easter Island.
    • Monty and I will work the Skeet and trap area.
    • Removed the CMP comment, there is already a CMP group if i understand well the first sunday of every month.
    • Because this is also the day of the FA shoot, I imagine they will be at the same place they where last year, the RO’s on the main bay will need to be vigilant of people going to and coming back from the FA area.

    If there are other people who can think of things to have that day… Tony and the intimidator for example… Let me know so we can plan on it.

    I will be getting there early so we can get things going to a smart start.
    Prayer will be at 8:45 so we can actually get shooting at 9 am.
    (For those who do not know the Prayer is actually the last reminder of rules and expectations/regulations for PMCS, don’t expect us to break out our Bibles)
    Last edited by Frenchy; August 11th, 2008 at 12:12 PM.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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