Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by daschnoz View Post
    This will end well; I'm sure of it.
    Those limp wristed pansies wont do a damn thing about it. So I think you're right.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    I don't know dude; once you get out of Fairytale land and into the rest of California, you find more people who think like we do.

    Think about the TV show that this could be:
    C.O.P.S. - California Gun Confiscation Edition
    Filmed on location as it happens, from a safe distance with a high power telephoto lens
    Soap Box - Worn out : Ballot Box - Broken : Jury Box - Pending : Ammunition Box - Unknown

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by daschnoz View Post
    I don't know dude; once you get out of Fairytale land and into the rest of California, you find more people who think like we do.

    Think about the TV show that this could be:
    C.O.P.S. - California Gun Confiscation Edition
    Filmed on location as it happens, from a safe distance with a high power telephoto lens
    I took that into consideration. I think its mostly the city folk that
    will succumb to the tyrants illegal laws. Easy pickins.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bogey1 View Post
    I took that into consideration. I think its mostly the city folk that
    will succumb to the tyrants illegal laws. Easy pickins.
    The problem is that most of the population is in metro areas, and even the suburbs have become Demorcrat/Progressive. It seems we are always fighting a losing battle anymore. They are buying into the propaganda. This trend may reverse when more of them lose their jobs, as this phoney economy really tanks.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by God's Country View Post
    Is the can real??
    Doesn't look it.
    That looks like one of the guns that were seized from the guys illegally manufacturing guns and suppressors. Happened a little while ago in California. The article either stole the pic or the scumbag in the picture whom is holding it swiped it from a locker somewhere. California is a shit hole and should be sectioned off and made into a penal colony, it is already overrun with criminals.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilot321 View Post
    Who is the man with the ear rings standing behind him?
    Caitlyn Jenners twin.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    When disease happens in Kalifornia it typically metastasizes to the rest of the country within five or so years. Usually, it shows up in NY/NJ next and spreads from there.
    "Everyone is entitled to my opinion." - Gman106
    "Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face." - Mike Tyson
    "Get the hell out of my way." - John Galt

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    I read the law. It has a patina of due process in that the confiscation has to be confirmed by a hearing, but in reality I believe it will be administered in a way so as to be a nightmare for gun owners. I predict that no one will ever have a firearm returned to them after seizure under this statute. The cost of fighting a confiscation will be crushing except for the wealthiest of citizens. The system, including the legions of anti-Second Amendment California judges and prosecutors, will be stacked against the gun owner. It is not clear who picks the mental health professionals. If the Court appoints the professionals, the game is over right there. The courts will just have a pool of anti-Second Amendment medical professionals to choose from. Even if the defendant has a say in the selection, you will never get a mental health professional to decide that a firearm can be returned for fear that, even for the most remote of reasons, something bad happens after the return of the firearm. They will not admit that fear, but at the end of the day, they will be content to see the individual lose a Constitutional right rather than take any risk of being held accountable for a bad result for any reason. The law provides no standard or consequence to the professionals for being arbitrary, biased or capricious. There are confidentiality provisions allegedly designed to protect the person subject to the confiscation, but these provisions can and will be used to shield the State's evaluative and administrative process from attack for bias or abuse.

    The definition of an immediate family member who can set the confiscation in process is quite large (second degree of consanguinity or affinity) and includes unrelated persons who reside in a household or anyone who resided in the household for a six month period. Any police officer can file a petition. (Don't give any lip to a police officer over that traffic ticket because he could easily exaggerate your demeanor and, with a phone call, get a judge to issue a search warrant and confiscation because of the officer's perceived immediacy of a threat.) While the statute makes it a misdemeanor to file a false petition or to harass, so much of this is a matter of opinion that I can see prosecutions for harassment or false statements being few and far between. The threat of it will be toothless. Even if there are such prosecutions, for the victim of the false or harassing petition, the damage will have been done.

    There are provisions designed to protect the rights of gun owners in the household who own firearms not belonging to the defendant. After seizure, they are supposed to be returned to the rightful owner, but guess what? You have to prove they were yours and that you met all the conditions for ownership and safe storage at the time of the confiscation. Your property is taken without cause but you have to prove that - the police and the Courts have no responsibility or accountability to anyone for unlawful takings under this statute. As a practical matter you have to spend the money to get something that the government took without cause and, again, the cost will be crushing. The authors of this statute and Governor Brown know this full well. Think of Mayor Ray Nagin's illegal confiscation of firearms in New Orleans. Despite numerous Federal Court orders to New Orleans to return the firearms, few have ever been returned to their rightful owners and many have just gone missing. The imperial State of California will be even worse. There will be no justice for law abiding citizens caught up in this. As an aside, does anyone know if Ray Nagin is out of jail yet?

    I hope I am wrong about my predictions on how all of this will play out in reality. If I am, please feel free to post that I blew the call big time.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gman106 View Post
    When disease happens in Kalifornia it typically metastasizes to the rest of the country within five or so years. Usually, it shows up in NY/NJ next and spreads from there.

    I would agree with you, except even the gun manufacturer's have abandon CA as a lost cause. In the last two days I've seen both Colt and Ruger introduce new firearms and tell the residents of CA they were SOL. I believe the majority in our country see the joke that is nicknamed the PRCA.
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Feinstein set to get wet on Jan 1, 2016!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilot321 View Post
    The problem is that most of the population is in metro areas, and even the suburbs have become Demorcrat/Progressive. It seems we are always fighting a losing battle anymore. They are buying into the propaganda. This trend may reverse when more of them lose their jobs, as this phoney economy really tanks.
    You might be right. Ive seen more people (anti) buying firearms/license's in the past year than regular gun buyers.
    Its going to take the anti's to turn things around unfortunately IMO.
    Or a government beatdown via the people.

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