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  1. #1
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    Default US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Original Article
    By Mark Glenn

    Recently appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Adm. Mike Mullen flew to Tel Aviv to warn Israel’s military establishment how “important” it was that “history not repeat itself ”—referring to Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty in June, 1967. The Establishment media blacked out the event (in which 34 American men were killed) for decades—and still does.

    Given the fact that this brazen two-hour attack upon the United States has been hushed up for 41 years, the reason for Mullen’s meeting is obvious—someone within the intelligence or military apparatus of the United States has concluded that Israel is planning a “USS Liberty Part II,” meaning an attack on a U.S. ship, most likely in the Persian Gulf, leading to a massive loss of life to be blamed on Iran.

    As was intended in 1967, when Israel attacked the Liberty, angry Americans would demand the “obliteration” of the guilty party, the false identity of which the Jewish media establishment in America would provide. And while all players involved have been tight-lipped about the particulars of this meeting, Mullen’s impromptu trip to Israel and subsequent discussion was in effect a stern warning to Israel to “Not even think about it.”

    Some in Washington are beginning to realize that they’ve just put their foot into something nasty with regards to Israel’s dirty wars in the Middle East that will never be finished as long as it exists. With oil and virtually all consumer products skyrocketing in price simultaneous to the U.S. economy going down the drain, some now understand that by signing on as Israel’s pit bull in the Muslim world that America will wind up paying the ultimate price for her devotion to the Jewish state, meaning the complete destruction of her economy and her position as a world power.

    America’s top general officer seems to be wary of widening the present debacle to include war with Iran that may bring into the fray nuclear-armed nations such as Russia and China. He has now joined with saner voices both inside and outside the Bush administration who are trying to prevent an otherwise apocalyptic end to America.

    In discussing an attack on Iran, Mullen recently stated that opening a third front would be “extremely stressful” on the U.S. military and added that it would lead to consequences “difficult to predict,” adding that “There is need for better clarity, even dialogue.”

    Is this making Israel jittery to the point she would contemplate pulling off another USS Liberty?

    “Respectable” people have begun to openly voice such thoughts as well. In a recent provocative article entitled “If Iran is Attacking, It Might Really Be Israel,” ex-CIA officer Phillip Giraldi wrote:

    Some intel types are beginning to express concerns that the Israelis might do something completely crazy to get the U.S. involved. There are a number of possible “false flag” scenarios in which the Israelis could stage an incident that they will make to look Iranian, either by employing Iranian weapons or by leaving a communications footprint that points to Teheran’s involvement. Those who argue Israel would never do such a thing should think again. Israel is willing to behave with complete ruthlessness towards the U.S. if they feel that the stakes are high enough. Witness the attack on the USS Liberty and the bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Alexandria in the 1950s. If they now believe that Iran is a threat that must be eliminated it is not implausible to assume they will stop at nothing to get the United States to do it for them, particularly as their air force is only able to damage the Iranian nuclear program, not destroy it. . . .

    Joined alongside Giraldi is former long-time CIA analyst Ray McGovern who in a recent essay entitled “Israel Planning a September/October Surprise?” writes the following with regards to the U.S. pulling out of the Middle East and what Israel might do as a result:

    My guess is the Israeli leaders are apoplectic. . . . This dramatic change—or even just the specter of it—greatly increases Israel’s incentive to ensure U.S. involvement in the area that would endure for several years. The Israelis need to create “facts on the ground”—something to guarantee Washington will stand by “our ally.” The legislation drafted by AIPAC calls for a blockade of Iran. That would be one way to entangle; there are many others. The point is that the growing danger the Israelis perceive will probably prompt them to find a way to get the U.S. involved in hostilities with Iran. All Israel has to do is to arrange to be attacked. Not a problem. There are endless possibilities among which Israel can choose to catalyze such a confrontation. Viewed from Tel Aviv it appears an increasingly threatening situation, with more urgent need to “embed” (so to speak) the United States even more deeply in the region—in a confrontation involving both countries with Iran. A perfect storm is brewing. . . . In sum, Israel is likely to be preparing a September/October surprise designed to keep the U.S. bogged down in Iraq and in the wider region by provoking hostilities with Iran. And don’t be surprised if it starts as early as August. . . .
    "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! " - Patrick Henry

  2. #2
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    As was intended in 1967, when Israel attacked the Liberty, angry Americans would demand the “obliteration” of the guilty party, the false identity of which the Jewish media establishment in America would provide.
    And there's the money quote.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Ah yes, let the conspiracy theories continue .... Did you know that fluoridated water is a Communist plot?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Quite some years ago I read a book about the attack on the USS Liberty. I had seen it on the bookself in the store and thought to myself, this is an interesting scenario. I didn't know it was NON-FICTION when I bought it.

    I think this is the book. I'm not positive though. I read it back when I was in high school in the mid-80's. The copyright says it was first printed in 1979. It was a paperback. I can't find it though. I may have donated it to Goodwill during our move into our house. We unloaded lots of books and such.

    Anyway... I remember feeling stunned while reading the book. I may have to look for it again and reread it.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Quote Originally Posted by gunsrfun1 View Post
    Ah yes, let the conspiracy theories continue .... Did you know that fluoridated water is a Communist plot?
    I did not know that. I went to college in a town that vigorously fights fluoridation nearly every year. And it is mostly the professors fighting the city.

    Did you know the National Constortium of Japanese mafia own a weather machine and are using it to attack the US?

  6. #6
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    Default Or...

    You can read up on the topic and realize that it was more likely not deliberate or premeditated.

    And that Israel eventually paid nearly US$13 million in humanitarian reparations to the United States and in compensation to the families of the victims.

    And I guess we can chalk up all the friendly fire incidents in Iraq to deliberate intent on the part of the U.S. I mean, we like shooting at Brits, Canadians, everyone right....or we actually make logistical mistakes in a heated complex smoke filled (literally) situation.

    Of course if you hate Jews, like to blame them for everything, think Islamic terrorists only attack the U.S. because of Israel. (Ignoring the fact that pretty much every place on the planet Islamic extremists exist, they attack their neighbors.) Then it does make for a good "here, here, see one incident....PROOF...that Israel is secretly plotting the demise of America.".


  7. #7
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Quote Originally Posted by gunsrfun1 View Post
    Ah yes, let the conspiracy theories continue .... Did you know that fluoridated water is a Communist plot?
    No, but I do know that the fluoride concentration in water is not strong enough to strengthen teeth, but ingestion of fluoride is bad for bones.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Or...

    Quote Originally Posted by theSaj View Post
    You can read up on the topic and realize that it was more likely not deliberate or premeditated.

    And that Israel eventually paid nearly US$13 million in humanitarian reparations to the United States and in compensation to the families of the victims.

    And I guess we can chalk up all the friendly fire incidents in Iraq to deliberate intent on the part of the U.S. I mean, we like shooting at Brits, Canadians, everyone right....or we actually make logistical mistakes in a heated complex smoke filled (literally) situation.

    Of course if you hate Jews, like to blame them for everything, think Islamic terrorists only attack the U.S. because of Israel. (Ignoring the fact that pretty much every place on the planet Islamic extremists exist, they attack their neighbors.) Then it does make for a good "here, here, see one incident....PROOF...that Israel is secretly plotting the demise of America.".

    Red is mine... I imagine they just said pulled it right out of the foreign aid we send them every year.

    I don't remember the details of the reparations. I'm gonna give the wiki site a looksee though.
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  9. #9
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    Wink Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    Granted, Israel does get a lot of foreign aid from us. That said, Israel does a lot of the dirty work for the West as well. Like bombing nuclear development sites which the West is too "socially distraught over". Eliminated the need for the U.S. and Europe to act. We condemn them afterward publicly while breathing sighs of relief.

    That said, when reading the account of the USS Liberty situation, it sure sounds like a "Fog of War" situation. Considering how many "oopses" we've had. I don't think it's off base to assume such.

    As for the fluorinated water. Well, so it's not enough to harden teeth. But it does seem a wonder that those cities with fluorinated water have reduced incidence of cavities. What's even more amazing, is that the kids of those cities tend to eat a lot more junk food and candy than the more rural well drinkers.

    It may simply be the fact that bacteria dislike flourinated water, and we're really just reducing bacteria similar to the use of chlorine. Who knows.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: US Warns Israel: Another "Liberty" Will Not Be Tolerated

    The story I got from a friend's father who was in the Navy at that time was the Liberty was carrying intelligence very sensitive to Israel. According to him, the attack was completely intentional. He was an officer, cleared to work on some very strange things. While that doesn't necessarily make his assertions accurate, I'm more inclined to take his word over that of our molested history books.

    Quote Originally Posted by theSaj View Post
    Of course if you hate Jews, like to blame them for everything, think Islamic terrorists only attack the U.S. because of Israel. (Ignoring the fact that pretty much every place on the planet Islamic extremists exist, they attack their neighbors.)
    Writing things like that just makes you sound as narrow-minded as the very people you're pointing your finger at. To deny that Israel has been attacking their neighbors for the last 60 years would be preposterous. Just becuase it's not on the cover of TIME magazine, doesn't mean it's not happening.
    Last edited by JP8; August 5th, 2008 at 02:13 AM.

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