A month ago I received a notice that my LTCF permit was to expire on August 2, 2015. Not one to wait until the last minute to renew any memberships, driver's license, vehicle registration, etc., I went to the Tioga County Sheriff's Office to submit the renewal application with plenty of time to spare. . Today I received a notice that my permit was approved and had to be picked up in person, which I did.

Questions: My permit says that it is "NEW" permit, not a renewal.
The Issue date is 7/15/2015 and expires on 7/21/2020

I called the Sheriff's office to express my confusion. The clerk told me that this was a newly established PA process and that all LTCF permits were "new". I wish that I had had my permit in front of me while on the phone, because I would have asked why there were boxes for renewal and dupl/correction? As to the new expiration date, I could have avoided that by not renewing the application so early.

Gosh, I feel like a Freshman. Can anyone tell me if they have had the same experience?

P.S. I am a new member to this forum.