Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    There's no reason to kill snakes, unless you have a rattkesnake or copperhead infestation. Or love having mice and rats in your home. Our yard has a decent sized population of garter snakes, and every oncein awhile we see a black snake out there. In five years, I've yet to see a mouse in or around our home.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    Quote Originally Posted by UnimatrixZero View Post
    One last point, snakes (and spiders/scorpions, etc.), are venomous, not poisonous. Sorry, it was bugging me...<grin>
    That bugs you like 'clips' and 'magazines' bugs us...

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    Your life as it has been, is over...

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    Isn't it illegal to shoot snakes in PA?

  5. #15
    Join Date
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  6. #16
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    You didn't specifically state the municipality where you live. I am assuming the borough in question is Bedford but if it is like many jurisdictions you may live in a surrounding township. I have a Mechanicsburg address but so do the residents of 6 townships.

    If it is Bedford, you may find your answers on the webpage of borough ordinances at

    For the rodents, the best solution I have found is bait boxes. They need to be checked and resupplied periodically. Most use a compressed "cake" of poison laced grain that looks like a granola bar. The mice will eat it and leave looking for a water supply as the poison eats their body from within. I've used bait boxes in my attic and around the house for about 12 years and have never had a mouse die in the house where an odor is noticed.

    The next step is reducing points of entry. If you have a newer house it will be pretty well sealed but rodents will find a way in. In my case we discovered they were climbing up the corner channel of the vinyl siding. This is easiy fixed by plugging the bottom of the channel with brass or copper wool. Don't use steel wool as it will quickly rust away to nothing. Brass or copper wool can be found at most hardware stores, welding suppliers, etc. Expanding spray foam insulation also works but use it sparingly. If you apply too much it will make the corner channel buldge.

    Give the poison bait traps a month or more to work. This time of year the mice will be easy to drive out since there is plenty of food outside like pine nuts. The most challenging time to get rid of them is winter for obvious reasons. If possible clean up the droppings in the attic and stir the insulation around (if it is blown loose insulation). After that check the insulation for new tunnels and fresh droppings each week until there are no more. At this point you will be pretty much free of rodents and the snakes will leave on their own.

    If you want an added layer of deterant from snakes you can try the granular snake repellents sold at Walmary and Lowes (Snake Away, Snake Out...). These are designed to spread around the perimeter of your house.

    If you really want professional help contact a pest control company. I have a contracted service through Ehrlich. For about $400/year they monitor and fill bait stations, spray my foundation, spray all baseboards inside the home, treat for seasonal critters, and other stuff once every 10 weeks. In addition if I have a problem they provide free speciality services under the contract. I just had my late spring visit and the summary says they "looked for signs of pavement and carpenter ants, carpenter bees, mice, crawling insects, bees, wasps, fleas and ticks. As a Year Round Protection Plan customer, you can have peace of mind knowing that we will handle any of your pest concerns whenever and as often as they arise." I went with Ehrlich after several neighbors moved in/out of a house next door over a 3 or 4 yr period. We noticed increases and decreases in the bugs and mice. After looking into it I realized the changes were a reflection of pest control practices next door. Basically if the neighbor used a pest control contractor it would send all the critters to my house. This, and a wife that doesn't handle creepy crawlies well convinced me to hire Ehrlich. Have you ever gotten a call from your wife when your ten states away complaining that she thinks she saw a critter? Telling a woman to "deal with it, it's just a mouse" is not a good option.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    Quote Originally Posted by djpup View Post
    Isn't it illegal to shoot snakes in PA?
    That's what I thought that I'd seen here a dozen times over the years. Not 100% sure though.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    That's what I thought that I'd seen here a dozen times over the years. Not 100% sure though.
    Fish and Boat Commission addresses some of the laws/limitations at

    Some of these are almost amusing - Size restrictions on timber rattlesnakes: The timber rattlesnake must be at least 42 inches in length, measured lengthwise along the dorsal surface from the snout to the tail, excluding the rattle, and must possess 21 or more subcaudal scales. Hey Bob, you hold it down while Kevin measures it. If that bad boy is legal I'll just stand over here where I can get a goooood shot.

    The site mainly addresses timber rattlers. But it does state "PA Fish and Boat Commission regulations provide that a person may kill a venomous snake in defense of life and limb. This can be done regardless of the season. However, by law a person must report to the Commission in writing within 5 days, that such a killing occurred. Persons killing a venomous snake in defense of life and limb are not permitted to retain the snake. So, if the reason for killing the snake is fear of life/limb you're ok.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Snakes and Rodents

    This is a pic I had laying around from 2013 at a rattle snake round up type of event.
    morris snake hunt 2013.JPG

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