Just received this e-mail from Christopher P. Carney

Dear Friend,

As a Member of the Congressional Sportsmen Caucus and the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus, I know how important it is to protect the rights of our hunters and anglers. Last week, I teamed up with Congressman Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania to create an amendment to protect the rights of hunters and anglers on national lands. Our amendment ensured that nothing in

Like thousands of sportsmen and women across the 10th district, Rep. Carney’s field representative, Ed Zygmunt, enjoys hunting and fishing with his family and friends. So does Didi, his loyal springer spaniel.
the National Landscape Conservation System Act would limit any access for hunting, fishing, trapping or recreational shooting on the 27 million acres administered by the Bureau of Land Management. It also ensures that the bill will not infringe on a state’s right to manage, control or regulate its hunting, fishing, trapping and recreational shooting activities on these lands.

I was proud to see this amendment overwhelmingly pass the House of Representatives.

Hunting and angling are beloved traditions; they are activities I enjoy, both with my father and my own children. We created this amendment on behalf of the 34 million hunters and anglers in America. The Bureau of Land Management has an important role to play, but we cannot compromise the rights of our hunters and anglers. Hunting and angling are not just sports; they are a way of life.


Christopher P. Carney
Member of Congress