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  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Term Limits Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by BRS View Post
    In 1995 SCOTUS heard U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton. The citizens of 23 states had just passed state laws putting term limits on their members of Congress. That meant just under half of all congressmen were term-limited, and Congress would soon be forced to propose a term limits amendment applying to everyone. Then a self-interested politician in Arkansas and his donors made a court challenge to void that state*s law. Others followed. After the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled against term limits, US Term Limits, Inc. (USTL), a special interest group promoting congressional term limits, took the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    The Court decided, in a 5-4 split decision, that citizens are not allowed to term limit their own members of Congress using state laws. The SCOTUS decision threw out 23 states* term limits laws in one day. Justice Scalia disagreed, ruling for term limits as part of the dissenting minority.

    SCOTUS left an out: In the majority opinion was the statement, *State imposition of term limits for congressional service would effect such a fundamental change in the constitutional framework that it must come through a constitutional amendment properly passed under the procedures set forth in Article V.*

    While they had closed the door to term-limiting Congress with state laws, SCOTUS had opened another by saying it can be done through amendment to the Constitution. That*s the COS approach to which you refer, and it is supported by USTL. There's still hope, but this is the only path because Congress won't do it themselves, and there is no presidential authority provided to do so.
    The "system" is set up to protect itself first and foremost.

    "Since 1789, Congress has received approximately 11,848 proposals to amend the Constitution. However, none of the proposals made in recent decades have become part of the Constitution."

    Chances are between slim and none and slim left town.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Term Limits Needed

    All I know is that if I only had let*s say 12 years total to do what I needed to do, I*d do as much damage as possible before getting the boot. We had term limits this year, Casey GONE, Matt Cartwright GONE, HALLELUJAH!!

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Term Limits Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by SwampFoxZ71 View Post
    To think, all of the twits bringing this round of gun control legislation are the same braniacs that did it back in 1993-1994. So, basically, 20 years later and it's the same infernal group of liberal Dems driving policy.

    Term limits are needed for the House and Senate. I'd say 2 terms for the Senate and 6 for the House. That would be a total of 12 years for each member, should they continue to run. 12 years for either assembly is plenty long enough.

    What do you think? While I think they were all for voting on term limits for the President, I doubt they'd ever do so for themselves. Just my opinion, but one can dream, can't they?
    With mandatory IRS audits anti insider trading by them or thier families, and bans on lobbying for 5 years after their terms are up? Yeah I would go for that, the swamp needs to be drained, and the water they're swimming in is our tax dollars
    Derrion Albert was my Hero.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Term Limits Needed

    Changing the puppets isn't the issue. It's the puppeteers that are the problem and how much is in reach of the hands of the puppets. If you don't get rid of the puppeteers or what they can do with the puppets it doesn't matter who the puppets are, they'll just do the same thing as the ones they replaced.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Term Limits Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowfin View Post
    Changing the puppets isn't the issue. It's the puppeteers that are the problem and how much is in reach of the hands of the puppets. If you don't get rid of the puppeteers or what they can do with the puppets it doesn't matter who the puppets are, they'll just do the same thing as the ones they replaced.
    They need an L.A. style fire on K Street in DC. That is where all the money comes from.
    Diversity is the greatest weakness, excellence is the greatest strength. JPC

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