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  1. #1
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    Default Daily Collegian Article, the fail is strong with this one

    Found this article this morning as I was perusing our campus rag. I'm not sure this kid has two brain cells that actually click together. As with most antis, he has not taken the time to educate himself.
    They let me play with chemicals!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Daily Collegian Article, the fail is strong with this one

    Some people were not meant to become professional journalists.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Daily Collegian Article, the fail is strong with this one

    I responded to him..The perfect arguement to counter this trash is the last paragraph. When you say the Vice President put it best, you have lost all credibility. Biden has never said anything the best. Punctuation, grammar and spelling in the article was atrocious as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Daily Collegian Article, the fail is strong with this one

    There's a lot that can be discussed about what he is saying, but most has been said elsewhere. But one of the analogies he uses is traffic signs. Just wanted to throw out that a lot of European countries are going away from having a lot of traffics signs to fewer and actually trusting citizens to regulate themselves. Here is a Cracked article about it.

    #2. Obliterate Road Signs

    It was a typical Dutch small town in the North Friesland region, so dull it barely had a name. That is, until one day someone removed all the road signs.
    We're not just talking about a few spare stop signs, either. They utterly destroyed every single aspect of traffic control on every single road. No lane markings, no lines and no signs. Only directional signs, 15 traffic lights (as opposed to the previous 5,000) and complete anarchy.

    Look out! She's got sophisticated societal ideals! And a bike pump!
    Except that, surprisingly, things didn't go Mad Max in a heartbeat. Instead of holding impromptu street racing competitions in spiky dune buggies, people actually slowed down and paid extra attention to their surroundings. As a result, serious accidents took a dramatic nosedive. Pedestrian fatalities at some particularly risky junctions dropped to zero.
    Yes, things got better.
    The mysterious someone who had removed the signs had, of course, been the government. The whole thing was an experiment by town planners of the Friesland area who felt like seeing how pedestrians, drivers and cyclists would fare if left to their own devices. While the plan had all the makings of the biggest, most dickish practical joke in recorded history, the results were extremely positive. All stripped roads quickly became so safe that pedestrians could cross with their eyes closed.

    Not that anything was particularly stopping them before.
    The idea behind the experiment was the theory that relying on signs means you aren't paying as much attention to other people on the road. Remove the signs, and road users actually have to rely on their eyes and acknowledge each other. Also contributing to the safety is the fact that without signs to tell how fast to drive, town area traffic has instinctively slowed to an average 18 mph. The near-absence of traffic lights has helped traffic flow more smoothly, so the overall journey time doesn't slow down too much, either.

    "Hey wait, is that car being operated by a human? Move on, good sir!"
    The idea of sign-free traffic is spreading through Europe like wildfire. Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Belgium have all taken their first baby steps in removing theirs. Others still are considering giving it a go.
    Mind you, the whole no-signs schtick only works on urban areas. We're no experts, but we're guessing the removal of, say, speed limits on a motorway would quickly result in Blues Brothers levels of wrecked vehicles.

    "We got a full tank of gas, it's dark, we're wearing sunglasses and my leg is broken in about seven places."
    Oh, wait, the autobahn replaced the speed limit with a request that drivers use common sense, and it has a better safety record than U.S. highways. And lest you think that wouldn't work in America, Montana has tried highways both with and without speed limits. The very presence of speed limits doubled the number of fatal car accidents. Again, traffic engineers have been fighting for higher or nonexistent speed limits on highways for years based on evidence that driving without speed limits makes us more cautious when it comes to lane changes and buckling up.

    Read more:

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