sent an e-mail to toomey just now will be awaiting his response.

heres what I wrote.

Senator Toomey, I'm contacting you in reference to the recent legislation being introduced by Senator Feinstein. I urge you to vigorously oppose this and any other legislation that would be enacted to undermine our second amendment rights. As I'm sure your aware of the SCOTUS ruling in the case District of Columbia V. Heller (2008) provides that the second amendment secures the right of an individual to keep and bear arms in defense of ones self and family.

The language our fore fathers used in the second amendment assured us that above all other rights, this particular one was of grave importance. "shall not be infringed" suggest our founding fathers had the foresight to know that an era like this would come. These men knew that giving up arms would make no person safer in the long run. Benjamin Franklin said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

We were all shocked and appalled by the tragedies in Aurora, Colorado; Clackamas, Oregon and Newtown, Connecticut. These Terrible happenings should spark people to want to do some thing to protect innocent people from harm, but disarming law abiding citizens cannot and will not save lives.

Jesse Beyea

i tried to keep it short a sweet, what do you guys think?