I went to the GPU to pick up my LTC it was a no go [but I won the argument, check out my thread "Philthy LTCF"]. When I was sitting down waiting I noticed a bunch of sign on computer paper. On every pillar and the door to the back office. I look closely and noticed they were police reports. There were three. One was about a 7 year old shooting his 8 year old sister accidently after finding a gun. Another was a boy shooting his brother after finding his grandfather's gun. The last was a kid having a ND after finding his mother's gun under he pillow. In typical PPD fashion they wrote on the paper in a marker "Secure your guns from kids!".

My guess this is to make people second guess getting a LTC or just make the people on the fence who are getting a LTC lean more towards the anti's or plain old just making gun owners feeling like A-holes.