An excellent suggestion was made to start a separate thread dedicated to carpooling options for those attending the Harrisburg Rally January 23, 2013, so here it is.

First off, parking can be found at:

Our 'special event' permit (the Rally) has specified a desired location on the north side of the Capitol, however we are still researching the best 'rally point' at which to assemble and disseminate last-minute info before actually going to the location. Here is some info to help orientate you on the Capitol itself:

For this thread, it might be easiest if each county indicated the number of cars and seats available, to which those interested could chime in. With that info, you could start a series of PM's among those offering/needing a ride. With PM's, you can address up to 5 screen names each time...that should be the right amount for a carload.

Using PM's keeps a lot of info from prying eyes!

Thanks again to all of you that are pledging to support this event!

Regards - Don