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  1. #1
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    Default Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    I am watching Pierce Morgan Tonight - he is interviewing friends and relatives of people that were shot and/or affected by recent violence.
    What I am seeing and hearing from Pierce Morgan doesn't amaze me or makes me angry. Sadly the simplicity of these feelings are in the far past which I often remember with a sense of nostalgia. How easy has it been to call someone an idiot, your commentaries are lies...

    Welcome to the any state USA circa 2012... Turn on your TV, switch on to CNN and listen to an Englishman who will tell you that America is a disgrace...
    I was not born here. I was born in USSR and came here at a turbulent age of 19 when USSR was alive and kicking. I often say this to people – this now is NOT the USA we were coming to - this is different country. The USA we knew, the USA we idolized and were mad about came from what we knew then - the books we read, the radio shows on Voice of America we were catching on the shortwave, the history, the stories, the reading between the lines in the newspapers. It was the USA of the old days. What we knew, loved, respected and yearned was the USA that made the Made in USA sound with pride. It was the country where anyone, no matter what walks of life or corner of the earth, could come, work hard and make it - really truly make it. This USA that we knew had sound values and principles that were the foundation and a staple of the American way of life... American way of life... now just a phrase... most wouldn't even be able to explain what it means today or what's even worse - wouldn't ever ponder upon it. Which brings me to my point of view...

    I am 41... I live amongst good people. Lovely co-workers, nice neighbors, friendly train travelers to and from work... But forgive me for what I am about to say - I am observing a dumbed down, tired mass of human beings who are not able to see further than a step away. College graduates anywhere you see.. who are so uneducated, it is painful to hold any serious conversations with them. World politics - never discussed as nothing is known...Internal politics - not many really have enough time or true interest to really care - ask yourself or your friends how much do they know about their local political scene... Literature – zero. History – nada… All I hear is - TV shows, sports, and celebrity gossip. This brings me to the core of my point.

    In the light of the tragedy one must examine the present and think of the past. One to analyze rationally and seek a way to progress, rebuild and resolve... intelligently. But it's hard, especially when all you know is ... so little. It's hard to think rationally and intelligently when you grew up with junk on TV, junk in your fridge and junk in your school. This is how you have a British born and raised newspaper editor who became a TV personality... judged America's got talent, and the Celebrity Apprentice he then went to CNN in 2010, replacing Larry King… This guy, today, says that America should be in disgrace due to shameful gun laws that have nothing to do with second amendment..

    ( )

    These very words pronounced on CNN, by a British journalist who now lives and works in USA could only be tolerated and swallowed in our modern days. This very guy goes on to compare Britain and Australia to USA in terms of gun control and gun laws... tells us this is not about second amendment… The fact that this guy can push this terrible agenda so openly, criticizing the very depth of what made this nation - ability to protect itself from the enemies outside and within. The fact that people like this guy are able to show up on TV, build career, become successful and wealthy at the cost of our freedom... that is a true disgrace. How dare he exploit this tragedy? How dare he cover up the real issues with that this country is facing. We need reforms not bans, we need to streamline, we need to get healthy, we need to focus on the broken system… Yet all you hear is – assault weapons… One would think that all of our issues are traced back to AR and AK rifles with banana clips.

    The ARs will leave the scene along with AKs and high cap mags. No doubt this will happen… But what will remain is a lack of even a basic education, lack of any historical perspective, lack of national sense of pride with a thick layer of young adults who grew up with type 2 diabetes poisoned by the ever growing corporate greed - soft drinks, fast food, GMO laced products, behavioral drugs galore, unthinkable self-medication, complete inability to take care of your health outside of the crippled medical system, lack of jobs, poor economy with destroyed talent for manufacturing… This is the end of a great country and the beginning of a total loss… if nothing is done to stop it. It is not about guns now. It is about everything else that is no longer there but once was… I am sad to know that my 5 year old has to solve it, alongside the many of him. What a mess we leave to them… Will they be strong enough to turn it around?
    Last edited by mracer71; December 18th, 2012 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    My first reaction is, "so you're the mysterious, lone viewer who tunes-in to Piers Morgan!" That asshat has abysmal ratings for a reason...he is unwatchable. That said, I hear you on the loss of the rugged individualism America was once known for. Liberalism is an insidious disease and even many of us who consider ourselves "Conservative" have succumb to elements of it over the years.

    I believe we can recapture the momentum, but it's going to take the silent majority to get off their collective asses and revolt! Restore traditional values, stop the secular progressive assault on Christmas, Boy Scouts, marriage, religion, etc. It's every little thing diminishing our culture. Even public cursing is out of control compared to when I was a kid.

    I will call you out on one thing....junk food is as American as Chevrolet, baseball and highly processed, store-bought apple pie! It will be a cold day in hell when they pry my Tastykake out of my cold, dead hand!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    You lost me at "watching Pierce Morgan".............................
    A Republic, if you can keep it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Berks_Iraq_Vet View Post
    You lost me at "watching Pierce Morgan".............................
    Intel. It's a dirty job but someone has to it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyF View Post
    Intel. It's a dirty job but someone has to it.
    True. I do watch MSNBC to see what the lunatics are ranting about a couple of times a day. "Keep your enemies closer".
    A Republic, if you can keep it.

  6. #6
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Good thread....

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    First off, paragraphs are your friends. It was very to hard to read a solid block of words.

    Second, those of us that wish for the olden days of American reliance and individuality can still have an impact and work with our own children to educate and teach critical thinking even within the current school system.

    I remember when my children were going into the 6th grade. They were to sign up and get a packet that outlined the curriculum for the coming year. I signed and got the information packet for them. The teachers were surprised and said that it is usually the child's responsibility to do so.

    I told them that I wanted to read through it first and get a heads up on the misinformation and brainwashing that was going to be thrown at them.

    I was NOT a popular parent at the school. I kept an eye on what the kids were being taught and gave them different points of views to consider. In doing so, I was able to put a chink in school chain of indoctrination and both the boys have the ability to think for themselves and both are big on taking care of what needs to be done without turning everything over to the Government.

    If everyone believes that America is heading down the wrong path adopts this stance, we can still have a fighting chance. Children are our future and it is up to us to see that America as we knew it, will not go down without a fight.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Fixed the paragraphs.
    I have a five year old who is turning six soon. I am planning on being the same pain in a butt father to the "system" as yourself.. It's strange here in US these days there are such divisions and labels, it's perplexing to me. So if I live in a city but take my five year old shooting, camping, 4 wheeling, visit farms to pick our own veggies - I appear to be a country bumpkin to the city snobs... yet we are members of Phila art museum, go to theaters and well versed in literature...not that I am trying to "fit in" but whatever happened to the idea of a well-rounded individual?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyF View Post
    Intel. It's a dirty job but someone has to it.
    I pay attention to the media just like people check weather reports... A guy like Pierce (fake name btw) who is taking prime time on CNN can do a lot of damage.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Watching Pierce Morgan - What a dissgrace, he said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Berks_Iraq_Vet View Post
    You lost me at "watching Pierce Morgan".............................
    Me Too,He is such an A$$HAT !

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