Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Acme, Pennsylvania
    (Fayette County)
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    Default LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    Hi all I was hoping I could get some info on the process here in Fayette Co. for obtaining my carry permit.
    1st off Do I need to bring 2 passport pictures or do they take them there when they issue the permit? I have heard it both ways depending upon the county of issuance. One of my co-workers has a card like his DL or a CC with his digital photo printed on it others have the older style laminated card with a passport photo attached.
    Also do you go there and apply OR can you get the app and fill it out and bring it back ? If you fill it it out there how long does it take and I assume you need to then bring your references info with You (?) They just need full name address and phone number --correct?
    And I am assuming it can only be done in Uniontown at the sherrifs office --which I gather is in the courthouse (?)
    --some people have said the courthouse --some say the sheriffs office which they seem to assume everyone just knows where it is....
    Also do you need to bring a check or will they take cash or a debit/credit card. One guy told me he needed a check for the fee and then the permit issuance he paid in cash when he picked his permit up. But they wouldnt take cash for the app fee.(??)
    I know these might seem like obvious questions to some but if you have not lived here all your life and dont get to Uniontown --like ever....
    My house literally borders Westmoreland Co and most of the time I am working in Allegheny Co so I rarely if ever get down that way. Mainly I wll have to take a half day off run down there and get it done so I want to make sure I go in there with everything I need if I have to do it there and so on..
    I appreciate the help in advance
    Last edited by Mflynn4; October 3rd, 2012 at 05:35 PM. Reason: correcting errors in title

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    City in, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    Best advice is to call them directly to be sure of all the info:

    Fayette County Sheriff's Office
    Sheriff Gary Brownfield
    Courthouse, 61 E Main St Uniontown, Pennsylvania 15401


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    The Burgh, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    From what I was told you only need 1 form of Picture ID there and about 15 minutes of your time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Smile Re: LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    That's good info. Took about 10 minutes of my time, and I had left my DL in the car. REAL nice guy there. He does the pic right there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Banning/DawsonPA, Pennsylvania
    (Fayette County)
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    Smile Re: LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mflynn4 View Post
    Hi all I was hoping I could get some info on the process here in Fayette Co. for obtaining my carry permit.
    1st off Do I need to bring 2 passport pictures or do they take them there when they issue the permit? I have heard it both ways depending upon the county of issuance. One of my co-workers has a card like his DL or a CC with his digital photo printed on it others have the older style laminated card with a passport photo attached.
    Also do you go there and apply OR can you get the app and fill it out and bring it back ? If you fill it it out there how long does it take and I assume you need to then bring your references info with You (?) They just need full name address and phone number --correct?
    And I am assuming it can only be done in Uniontown at the sherrifs office --which I gather is in the courthouse (?)
    --some people have said the courthouse --some say the sheriffs office which they seem to assume everyone just knows where it is....
    Also do you need to bring a check or will they take cash or a debit/credit card. One guy told me he needed a check for the fee and then the permit issuance he paid in cash when he picked his permit up. But they wouldnt take cash for the app fee.(??)
    I know these might seem like obvious questions to some but if you have not lived here all your life and dont get to Uniontown --like ever....
    My house literally borders Westmoreland Co and most of the time I am working in Allegheny Co so I rarely if ever get down that way. Mainly I wll have to take a half day off run down there and get it done so I want to make sure I go in there with everything I need if I have to do it there and so on..
    I appreciate the help in advance
    , yes, IN ADVANCE! Coincidentally I was at the Courthouse yesterday morning. I wrote about a Computer problem in the office that did not allow them to complete the procedure to issue my License. You need your Driver's License or another form of Picture ID. They ask us to fill out the Application in person, which normally should take 15 minutes taking care to answer questions properly. MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK, OR CASH! They accept either. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE 2 PERSONAL REFERENCES WHO ARENT FAMILY MEMBERS. I wrote to ask about references located at the same address, and they told me that it is acceptable, (husband/wife, brother sister, ect.

    PLEASE NOTE VERY IMPORTANT! Ok, I just now received a callback from the Sheriff's Office on my Concealed Carry License. 9:13 AM the call came in on my Cell Phone. The Offices word is as good as gold! He appologetically informed me that I was approved through the PICS check and that I may come in at my convenience.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Banning/DawsonPA, Pennsylvania
    (Fayette County)
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    Default Re: LTCF application process in Fayette Co. ?

    Quote Originally Posted by m16ark1954 View Post
    , yes, IN ADVANCE! Coincidentally I was at the Courthouse yesterday morning. I wrote about a Computer problem in the office that did not allow them to complete the procedure to issue my License. You need your Driver's License or another form of Picture ID. They ask us to fill out the Application in person, which normally should take 15 minutes taking care to answer questions properly. MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK, OR CASH! They accept either. ALSO VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE 2 PERSONAL REFERENCES WHO ARENT FAMILY MEMBERS. I wrote to ask about references located at the same address, and they told me that it is acceptable, (husband/wife, brother sister, ect.

    PLEASE NOTE VERY IMPORTANT! Ok, I just now received a callback from the Sheriff's Office on my Concealed Carry License. 9:13 AM the call came in on my Cell Phone. The Offices word is as good as gold! He appologetically informed me that I was approved through the PICS check and that I may come in at my convenience.
    ANYWAY! I went to the Courthouse first thing this morning 3/12/2014, and they finished issuing my Concealed Carry License! Keep in mind that I am all the way across the County from Uniontown, and it was a bit of an inconvenience for me. I do not have a vehicle right now, and had to borrow a car to go, twice. The computer problems were corrected, and I was told that the Computer system in the ENTIRE COURTHOUSE was out of order. Glad I finally got it done!

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