Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
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    Default Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    ....I'll start off by saying this inst going to be about what you think its going to be about. But I didn't know where else to list this under. So, since I was CC'ing while it happened, and this incident gives us carriers a bad name by "ruining it for us all" I figured I'll put it here.

    So, me and the Missus are at Wal Mart tonight getting a few odds and ends as usual and I said I want to swing by the ammo cabinet to see what was in there

    Right by the ammo cabinet is all of the airgun stuff. As soon as we get into the isle you can hear a guy talking to himself quite loudly. Not just a little bit, but excessively. As if someone was standing right next to him, but wasn't.

    Then he started taking guns out of the package and pumping them up and firing them down the isle saying "Yeah..OK...thats good. Thats what I expected, thats what I want" Then he would do it with other guns. There was a woman (employee) at the gun counter talking to a customer and she did nothing, never even looked.

    I looked at my wife and said, we're getting the hell out of here. And a few isles down I run into another employee. I said, "you work here, right?" She says "yeah".....I said, "well, as you just heard..there's a guy in the air gun isle firing off air guns" you could here the pops the whole time. So she immediately turned around and walked toward the isle.

    I said to my wife, I hate to be a little shit like that to people but that guy needs to be put in a fucking mental institution. He's completely nuts, and whos to say hes not going to load one of the guns. If hes that nuts to go that far already to open and dry fire these guns...why not some target practice? A kid could walk around the corner of the isle at any time.

    Then after we paid for our stuff we walk outside and overhear a young man talking to a girl and the first thing I hear is "well I got out of jail this morning and I texted the only persons number I knew"

    I grabbed my wife and increased our pace back to the car....."people of wal mart"...indeed.
    [account deactivated]

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    Sounds like a pretty common occurance at walmart. When i lived in Yuma Arizona, i would always ensure to open carry when i went to the local walmart. That place was friggin scary!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    Sorry bout that. I figured i'd try before I buy!


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ambridge, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    I have a handful or regulars at the store I work in who are just shit nuts. A few of them who walk around talking to themselves, an old black guy who wears wigs and dresses like a woman while walking like he's still learning how to use his legs, at least one person a day who is totally fucked up on something and can barely keep their eyes open or stand up, I could go on. The point is that a good percent of people are disgusting, worthless garbage. Destroy your body and turn your brain to mush by being on drugs for most of your adult life and then let the government pay your way until you die once you finally hit the point where you're so fucked up that your dealer won't even return your calls anymore. People like this are what's wrong with our country. They live off of handouts and contribute absolutely nothing to society.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Stone's throw from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    One night a couple of teenagers, 14 or 15 yrs old, were riding bikes around the back of the store. One of them almost hit a little old lady. As he swung around the end of the aisle, I stepped sideways into his path, grabbed the handlebars with both hands, and with my best Clint Eastwood glare, growled "Get off the bike... NOW!" He nearly shit his pants! It cracks me up just thinking about it. Not that it did any good - when he hooked up with his friend and had a little distance from me, they were laughing about it. Oh well, at least I had some fun.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    Quote Originally Posted by scruff View Post
    One night a couple of teenagers, 14 or 15 yrs old, were riding bikes around the back of the store. One of them almost hit a little old lady. As he swung around the end of the aisle, I stepped sideways into his path, grabbed the handlebars with both hands, and with my best Clint Eastwood glare, growled "Get off the bike... NOW!" He nearly shit his pants! It cracks me up just thinking about it. Not that it did any good - when he hooked up with his friend and had a little distance from me, they were laughing about it. Oh well, at least I had some fun.
    Unaccompanied children should be captured, caged, and require a fee to get them out. I swear every time I'm in a Wmart there are kids/young adults riding bicycles.

    Once, there were a group of teens (around 18 - old enough to know better) running up and down the aisles throwing balls and such. The next time through, my wife put out her foot and sent one flying onto the floor.
    I was in another aisle and missed it actually happen, but I was so proud of her.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    WallyWorld is like the local watering hole in the wilderness. You get all kinds because its the place where everyone congregates.
    <-Click For My Youtube [Don't waive your rights with your flags. -Sage Francis]

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    If I'd seen that guy dry firing an airgun down the aisle, I probably would have intentionally stepped in front of him so it was aimed at me (coming around the corner), then proceeded to disarm him and break his arm.

    And I doubt anyone would even care.

    I always open carry, even at Wal-Mart. The only people who ever have anything to say about it are the ones I suspect have criminal interests, anyway.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    Quote Originally Posted by Christ View Post
    If I'd seen that guy dry firing an airgun down the aisle, I probably would have intentionally stepped in front of him so it was aimed at me (coming around the corner), then proceeded to disarm him and break his arm.

    And I doubt anyone would even care.

    I always open carry, even at Wal-Mart. The only people who ever have anything to say about it are the ones I suspect have criminal interests, anyway.
    You would have initiated an unprovoked violent attack against someone who wasn't a threat to you or anyone else, just because he was acting stupid?

    It's that kind of attitude which makes people question the wisdom of Stand Your Ground laws. And I say that as a supporter of Stand Your Ground laws.
    I am not a lawyer. Nothing I say or write is legal advice.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Odd Wal Mart Encounter

    Quote Originally Posted by Christ View Post
    If I'd seen that guy dry firing an airgun down the aisle, I probably would have intentionally stepped in front of him so it was aimed at me (coming around the corner), then proceeded to disarm him and break his arm.

    And I doubt anyone would even care.

    I always open carry, even at Wal-Mart. The only people who ever have anything to say about it are the ones I suspect have criminal interests, anyway.
    I sincerely hope you are kidding. If not, you need some help.

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