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Thread: Viper's OC log

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by phillykev View Post
    Why would they be bothered? Did you paint a big penis on the dragon or something?
    it = holstered Glock

    April 18th, 2011

    Not a whole lot happened over the weekend. The lady and I went out a few times and no one said anything until today. I went to the doctor's office to get something for this damned eye irritation, and the nurse who checked me in asked me what I did for a living that made it necessary to carry a gun around.

    "I live in a crazy world with some violent people who sometimes like to act like animals. Same world you live in."
    "Oh! Well then..."
    "...and so as not to appear like a jerk, I work in IT. Aside from that, I find myself in West and South Philly a lot, so I like to protect myself."

    She didn't say anything else, and took my information. The doctor came in a few moments later, joking -

    "I'm not going to get shot when I come in, am I?"

    I asked her if everything was okay, and she just mentioned that it's extremely rare for someone to come into the office with a gun, unless they're a police officer. Everything else was business as usual - no one said anything at Rite Aid, or at Wendy's when I went to lunch.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Thanks for all the positive reports. I'll have to try this, but I have this feeling that in State College I'd get more BS thrown at me than it might be worth, which doesn't go well with my big mouth.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS19801 View Post
    April 13th and 14th

    Yesterday, on my way home from work, I stopped in at MicroCenter to pick up a few things. While standing in line, the guy behind me said,
    Ive OC'd int there LOTS... a couple of the sales-folks thought I was with some 3 letter agency, but when asked they were like "cool... didnt know you could do that".

    I worked for them (MicroCenter) some 20 years ago in Ohio when they were still a 2 store operation, and you sure couldn't carry back then. How times have changed

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Up Through May 3rd

    Very little to talk about the past couple of weeks, just the way it's supposed to be. The cashier at Wawa asked me if I was a cop, a detective, or a security guard, to which I replied "No, I carry for self-defense." She went, "Oh! Okay." and that was the end of that. The girl at McDonald's today noticed for sure but didn't say anything, and she smiled as I left. Otherwise, I've been in countless convenient stores, to the local bowling alley a couple times (when I bowl, I pack it away, don't worry ), and generally out and about.

    It is possible to exercise your rights as an American and abide by the law without being treated like a criminal. That's the way it should be, and it's a real shame that when someone acts like a fool at the sight of a gun, people need to be hassled, questioned, or thrown in jail. Just keep in mind that the negative encounters you read about here are the exceptions - NOT the norm.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS19801 View Post
    "I'm not going to get shot when I come in, am I?"
    Boy, this stupid "joke" is getting old
    Je suis déplorable

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    I am going to try like hell to keep this updated. It's not to show off how astute I am about OC or to show off how much I enjoy OC, but it's for the benefit of those who think that negative OC encounters occur all the time. They don't.

    Several mornings ago, I stopped in at a Wawa for coffee. No looks, no gestures, no mentions.

    Then in the afternoon, I stopped by the DelCo courthouse to follow up on a few things I have open, and I locked up my Taurus 1911 in the Tull Building, but left my Serpa holster on my belt. When I got to the security checkpoint, the guard asked me who I was with after seeing the Serpa. I deflected by making a joke about locking my firearm up, and "the whole courthouse know." He chuckled and nodded.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    The past week or so I have been out and about a bit, but not too much. The only noteful day was a few afternoons ago, with my girlfriend. We went to lunch at Devil's Alley in Center City (which is an OC friendly place, btw) and no one said a word for the whole hour we were there.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    I had some personal business to attend to this week.

    While at the bank, it was a bit busy, so I had to wait in line for a little while. While waiting, the woman behind me noticed my 1911.

    "Are you a police officer?"
    ", why do you have a gun?"
    "Oh, I carry for protection."
    "Really?" She paused. "How much did that one cost you?"
    "About $630 - that's why I bought it; low cost and very high-quality design."

    We chatted about various costs for different types of handguns, and she said her husband was a police officer, which was why she was curious.

    Later the same day, at MicroCenter, I got a few quizzical looks from a man in line behind me, but nothing was said.

    Then, yesterday morning, I was on my way up north for a vacation day when the new neighbor's wife happened to be here, helping them move stuff in. Her husband introduced her and we shook hands, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Why do you have a gun?"
    Same answer as with the last one - "For protection."
    "In Media? You don't need that here!"
    "It's not always about where I am at the current moment..."
    "But this is the suburbs! Nothing happens out here that you'd need a gun for."
    Now, I could have been an asshole, but since she's the new neighbor and she may just be misinformed, I thought it might be worth it to try and leave the door open for future conversations.
    "Well, I also travel a lot - I go to south Philly and such fairly often, and today I am going to log about a hundred miles."
    Her scowl softened almost immediately. "Oh."

    I bid them a good morning and left. At least this way, I'm not that asshole neighbor with a gun fetish, and she may be able to open her mind yet. Not that it matters, but I'd rather help them be open than seal them shut permanently.

    This afternoon, I stopped in at a Redner's Quick Shop (Stop?) to grab a drink. I went towards the counter, and another cashier called me over.
    "I can ring you up over here..."
    "Okiedoke, thanks!"
    " long as you don't shoot me." She said this with a half grin.
    "Hehe...I promise."
    "You sure seem to love your gun a lot." I guess she was referring to the grips and the fact that I was OC.
    "Well, it helps keep me safe, so I might as well show it a little love."
    "Is that your only one, or do you have more?"
    "No, I have four...this is just my every day carry. It's a hobby...albeit, a VERY expensive one."
    She nodded in understanding. "My husband has a whole bunch of guns - I have no idea what any of them are called - but he takes me shooting a lot. It's fun, but you're isn't cheap."
    "Yep - smaller calibers aren't bad, but this is a .45, and you go through ammo so fast!"

    That's it for now.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    I would keep one of these logs as well since I OC all day, every day, but fortunately enough for me thus far, it would only be "OCed today. Nothing happened." I consider myself very fortunate out here considering some of the stories I've read on here. *knock on wood* But everything that I've experienced in the past several months is just the way it's supposed to be with the two encounters I've posted on here about. I'm glad that everything is going well out there for you, viper. Hopefully, it stays that way!

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by flyingjunkie View Post
    I would keep one of these logs as well since I OC all day, every day, but fortunately enough for me thus far, it would only be "OCed today. Nothing happened." I consider myself very fortunate out here considering some of the stories I've read on here. *knock on wood* But everything that I've experienced in the past several months is just the way it's supposed to be with the two encounters I've posted on here about. I'm glad that everything is going well out there for you, viper. Hopefully, it stays that way!
    Bold emphasis is mine...that's most days, with exceptions like yesterday.

    I took the puppy out for a walk, and it was rather busy on State Street since they do Dining Under The Stars. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to take a super-high energy puppy down there, but I forgot that they did this stuff on Wednesdays.

    A woman walked over and bent down to pet Barrett without asking for permission from me first. She was using the high pitched, "OMG A PUPPEH" voice...which is somewhat to be expected. He IS a cutie.

    "I'd rather you didn't." I reeled Barrett in a little bit. If she'd have asked, I probably would have said yes.
    "...Really? Why?" She had that tone in her voice, like she'd just been smacked upside the head.
    "Because I'm training him." Admittedly, I am trying to get him used to being around people without jumping all over them.
    "...And you're wearing two guns?" Mistakenly referring to the flashlight on my other side. Her voice was now dismissive and she walked away.
    I said, "No, just one," but she was already ignoring me for not letting her pet my cute puppy.

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