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Thread: Obama & Mexico

  1. #1
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    Default Obama & Mexico

    Anyone watching Obama and Calderon on tv right now? Of course the 2A came up. Do I feel another wave of panic buying coming on?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    An AP article detailing the conference

    Still looking for a video in English. The live stream I found failed.
    Last edited by legendarylorot; March 3rd, 2011 at 04:19 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    where is the 1.4 billion dollars he's sending to Mexico (900 mil by the end of the year) going to come from? Isn't there a budget deficit already?

    Here's and idea, why don't we worry about fixing the problems within our own borders before sending 1.4 billion to Mexico?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    The timing of this couldn't possibly have anything to do with the recent revelations about ATF Project Gunwalker, wherein ATF knowingly allowed straw purchase guns to cross the border. Two of which have now been traced back to this very Project Gunwalker scandal.

    Talk is cheap and O is full of cheap talk. That is what he does best. Actions speak louder than words. I would like to see action in the form of ATF and DOJ hauled before Congressional hearings to explain this hair-brained scheme called Project Gunwalker. After that happens, heads should roll, criminal prosecutions should proceed and the Congress should refuse any further funding for this un-Constitutional gang of thugs. There is a mountain of evidence that shows a pattern lawlessness on the part of ATF going back for over 3 decades. Time to shut them down once and for all.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by tacticalreload View Post
    Anyone watching Obama and Calderon on tv right now? Of course the 2A came up. Do I feel another wave of panic buying coming on?
    Hard to say. I hope not since Im just now starting to be able to get back into the game with baby steps. But knowing the history, I'd say its probably likely at some point soon. Its the same situation as the speculators and their effect on gas prices. I think I heard somewhere ( both back in '08 and now) that the huge surge in prices at the pump is primarily caused by speculators, not an actual supply curtailment.

    Im MUCH more confident that we wil continue to see parasites like Lautenzombie, McCarthy and the usual hoplophobes pushing more and more gun bills. Maybe we need to start letting the freshmen in Congress know we will hold their feet to the fire on this issue just like the Tea Party did for the spending cuts/budgetary matters.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by dwalk View Post
    where is the 1.4 billion dollars he's sending to Mexico (900 mil by the end of the year) going to come from? Isn't there a budget deficit already?

    Here's and idea, why don't we worry about fixing the problems within our own borders before sending 1.4 billion to Mexico?

    Obama is a disgrace to this country and just about everything that anyone who loves this country is raised to know is wrong with the country. People want to give him a pass because of his race and i call bs on that. He seems to cowtow too much to mexico from suing arizona to our nation being invaded by criminal invaders who sneak across our border. Its pathetic and needs to stop. not only do we send them all kind of money but we make automatic tax burdens out of the children this illegal invasion produce. Hell i think california could solve about half of its budget deficit without illegals and anchor babies mooching our tax dollars.

    illegal immigration will destroy the country

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    2012 can't come fast enough.....
    The answer to a fool is silence.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    According to Drudge, the plan now is that US agents sent across the border will NOT be armed! Obama says the US and Mexican govts must find another way to keep them safe!! How stupid can they be?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedog46 View Post
    Obama is a disgrace to this country and just about everything that anyone who loves this country is raised to know is wrong with the country. People want to give him a pass because of his race and i call bs on that. He seems to cowtow too much to mexico from suing arizona to our nation being invaded by criminal invaders who sneak across our border. Its pathetic and needs to stop. not only do we send them all kind of money but we make automatic tax burdens out of the children this illegal invasion produce. Hell i think california could solve about half of its budget deficit without illegals and anchor babies mooching our tax dollars.

    illegal immigration will destroy the country
    Hes done more to benefit this country by being a catalyst to make people re-evaluate the role of governments. It has polarized people. At some point, opposing charges annihilate each-other achieving equilibrium and that eventually repeats itself.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Obama & Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by topsykretts View Post
    Hes done more to benefit this country by being a catalyst to make people re-evaluate the role of governments. It has polarized people. At some point, opposing charges annihilate each-other achieving equilibrium and that eventually repeats itself.
    I agree. However, the more extreme a person is on one side, the more extreme the opposition is on the other. While I certainly don't view the Tea Party as "extreme", a lot of people do (probably due to the way the media has portrayed them in the last election). Especially in a time lacking general financial prosperity, that most likely means another eventual swing the other way -- back and forth until we settle at someone like Clinton or Bush.

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