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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF


    You got it!

    It is a jobs protection racket for over-paid fed-goons. It also feeds the current meme of guns are "flooding into Mexico from illegal gun suppliers in the U.S.A."....hence the government has to do something!!!

    This is how the criminal element in government operates. Lies, lawlessness, aiding & abetting other criminal enterprises and it is all done on the dime of the taxpayers. This time there is evidence the result was the death of a Border Patrol agent and some folks inside the ATF are a little pissed off about that.

    Unfortunately, I suspect not much will come of it. No criminal charges, no termination of employment (and seizing pensions) no one goes to jail, and the beat goes on.

    The ATF is a criminal agency and heads should roll over this.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    National Border Patrol Council silent on ‘Project Gunwalker’ allegations

    February 14th, 2011 10:54 am ET
    By David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner

    “One of the most curious aspects to me of the cover-up of the circumstances of the death of Customs and Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is the absolute silence of his union, the National Border Patrol Council and that organization's normally high-profile leader, T.J. Bonner,” Mike Vanderboegh writes on his Sipsey Street Irregulars blog.

    According to our sources, CBP agents are seething with anger over Project Gunwalker and the death of their fellow agent. We also hear that the line agents are more than a little upset at Bonner's silence. He cannot plead ignorance. I have myself sent Senator Grassley's letters to Bonner via email asking for his comment. He has not responded. I have often suggested to reporters that they seek out Bonner for comment. Yet he has not commented.

    Why not?

    That would seem a fair question, especially considering Sen. Grassley provided strong documentary corroboration for the allegations.

    Rank and file Border Patrol agents must understand that unless and until all “Project Gunwalker” allegations and supporting evidence are explored in full, including what role top officials in ATF and the Justice Department have played, they will continue to face additional unnecessary risks in an already dangerous job. And they will continue to perform it knowing that should tragedy befall them, the primary motivation of those who order them into harm’s way will not be, in Senator Grassley’s words, to “come clean.”

    What type of management expects people to risk their lives under such conditions? What kind of representative would not make it a priority to immediately rectify things to protect those he has been tasked--and trusted--to serve?

    We make people leaders for a reason: we expect them to lead. The best way to encourage Mr. Bonner to direct his union’s substantial influence toward determining the truth is for its members to let him know--in no uncertain terms-- that they expect it of him.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    .....and the beat goes on.

    What surprises me is that this has been posted here several times with very little interest from those who frequently comment on the forum.

    Do readers here not see the implications of this? This is the same agency that was vocal about stopping the flow of illegal guns to the drug cartels. The same justice department that talked the same game. The same scoundrels in Congress who have pushed for "more reasonable restrictions" on our RKBA?

    Also, though not surprising at all, where is the NRA on this issue?

    I guess the ATF gets a pass on this just like all their other unlawful antics over the decades.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    Quote Originally Posted by twoguns View Post
    Also, though not surprising at all, where is the NRA on this issue?
    From last Friday....

    Senator Grassley Presses BATFE On Project Gunrunner

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Pointing to documentation that guns used by Mexican nationals in a shootout with Border Patrol agents were allowed to be sold under suspicious circumstances with the knowledge of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) is calling on the agency to fully respond to his inquiries into the case. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in that encounter on Dec. 14 of last year.

    Grassley has called the response of BATFE to his original letter on inquiry "little more than delay and denial."

    Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich responded to Grassley on Feb. 4 denying the allegations.

    Senator Grassley on Feb. 9 wrote Attorney General Eric Holder to again request that BATFE cooperate with his investigation, writing "the Terry family deserves answers."

    Grassley stated in the letter that he has documentation for his allegations. "The whistleblowers have expressed a desire to honor agent Terry's memory by disclosing this information. The Justice Department should work to do the same. The best way to honor his memory is to come clean."

    Senator Grassley has demonstrated that he is determined to uncover the truth regarding BATFE's investigative tactics, even as BATFE seems intent on shutting down his investigation. BATFE has accused Grassley of conducting a "partisan" investigation and has even gone so far as to ask that Senate Judiciary Committee staff stop talking to law enforcement personnel.

    Since Agent Terry's killing, BATFE has denied the allegations regarding its investigations while at the same time claiming that a shortage of manpower and resources prevents the agency from accounting for all the firearms it is tracking.

    The obvious question is: Did BATFE have no involvement with the firearms involved in the shootout, or did it lack the manpower to do its job effectively?

    Either way, the BATFE's desire to mandate reporting of multiple long gun sales by border area firearms dealers is questionable since BATFE seems incapable of managing the criminal leads it already has and unwilling to submit to constitutionally mandated Congressional oversight.


    Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership

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  5. #15
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    More agents killed in Ole Mexico. I would if some of the BATF weapons were used?????????? Can we say that the BATF helped to murder the AGENTS????

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    Fox News finally does a piece on Project Gunwalker and interviews members of Agent Terry's family.

    ATF is currently a ship without a rudder. Apparently DOJ does not want to go forward with confirmation hearing for their new chief for fear of this coming up. They may be able to run from this but they can not hide.

    Meanwhile, members of the Dead Elephant Party have cut $650 million from border security. If there is one area that probably should not be coming under the ax I think it would be border security.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF


    This agent was not killed on Mexican soil. He was killed in Arizona! That is still part of America, unless you subscribe to the notion of Reconquista.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    Finally the lame stream media has decided to report on this.


    Agency Secretly Endorsed Practice of Letting Guns "Walk"; ATF Agent to CBS News: "God Only Knows How Many Guns Were Used to Kill People"

    Tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC (6:30 PM, ET), CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports on a major scandal building within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), one of America's top law enforcement agencies. CBS News uncovered evidence which supports the allegation that the agency that is supposed to stop border gunrunning to Mexico's drug cartels actually participated in letting it happen. Attkisson reports that these guns have turned up at the scenes of violent crimes, including the murder of a U.S. border patrol officer in Arizona.

    CBS News reveals that "Project Gunrunner," an ATF operation that aims to stop the flow of weapons from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels, has allegedly facilitated the delivery of thousands of guns into the hands of criminals. Often bought with cash, and sometimes brought in paper bags, sources tell CBS News that several gun shops wanted to stop the questionable sales, but were encouraged to continue selling by the ATF, so that they could continue gathering intelligence and see where the weapons ended up. This dangerous tactic is referred to as letting the guns "walk."

    Veteran ATF agents called this strategy "insane" and "appalling," with one, speaking under a condition of anonymity, telling CBS News, "We were fully aware the guns would probably be moved across the border to drug cartels where they could be used to kill." CBS News has been told that at least 11 ATF agents and senior managers voiced fierce opposition to the strategy.

    Sharyl Attkisson's full report, including a potential link between "Project Gunrunner" and the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, broadcasts tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC.

    * * *

    Press Contact:

    Elizabeth Wasden (212) 975-3328

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    After watching this piece on CBS, I have to say I was impressed with the thoroughness of the report. ATF and DOJ refuse to comment....gee what can that mean?;photovideo

    This is a gun forum, right? I am a little stunned at the total lack of interest on this forum. WTF?

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Project Gun-walker and the ATF

    Quote Originally Posted by twoguns View Post

    You got it!

    It is a jobs protection racket for over-paid fed-goons. It also feeds the current meme of guns are "flooding into Mexico from illegal gun suppliers in the U.S.A."....hence the government has to do something!!!

    This is how the criminal element in government operates. Lies, lawlessness, aiding & abetting other criminal enterprises and it is all done on the dime of the taxpayers. This time there is evidence the result was the death of a Border Patrol agent and some folks inside the ATF are a little pissed off about that.

    Unfortunately, I suspect not much will come of it. No criminal charges, no termination of employment (and seizing pensions) no one goes to jail, and the beat goes on.

    The ATF is a criminal agency and heads should roll over this.
    Mexico wants us to keep our guns on this side of the border? Why cant they keep their people on their side ( unless coming legally) if they did not turn a blind eye to people sneaking in the usa and patrolled their own border this could be handled.

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