Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    So recently on one of my facebook friends statuses a small debate began over the tragic Tuscon event. It is as follows:

    (I Have removed last names)

    Cristin ******
    To everyone who is calling for stricter gun laws in light of the tragedy in Tucson, may I offer this little tidbit: If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people FAT. Remember: Hold the person accountable for their actions, not the means they chose to utilize!!! (Re posted from another friend's status message. Feel free to do the same.)
    3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · Comment · View Feedback (17)Hide Feedback (17)

    You, Daniel ******, Lisa ****** and 3 others like this.
    Clint ****** I'm glad you see the irony
    2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Luana ****** However, if that very unstable young man had not been able to purchase a gun and ammunition, none of those people would have been shot.
    2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Clint ****** However this clearly unstable man has rights, and one of those rights is the right to bear arms. He did not have a felony record which would have bared him from purchasing or possessing a firearm. You want to take away the citizens rights because of the minority?
    about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
    Clint ****** Also, let me note, I am ASSUMING he purchased the firearm legally. If in fact he had a felony and purchased the firearm illegally your entire logic is moot as stronger gun laws do NOT keep guns out of the illegal market.
    about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
    Daniel ******
    Here in the US, it is all about choice. People have the choice to consume soda or water, the choice to eat an apple or a snickers, and a choice to protect themselves. In Arizona, which has one of THE LOWEST criminal rates in the nation, gun... laws are very lenient. Now you ask, how can a state where guns are everywhere have such a low criminal rate? It's simple, with the amount of guns floating around the state, and the easy access to them, criminals are a bit more hesitant, and have to second-guess their criminal plans.

    If a predator approached you or your family, would you like to have a gun in your pocket to defend yourself, or would you rather revert back to persuasion, hope, and a cell-phone? Think about it...

    At the end of the day, if someone wants a gun, they can find a way to make that happen, legally or illegally.The black market for that is so easy to come by. By putting guns in the hands of the RESPONSIBLE, they can protect themselves from the irresponsible criminal. The family is safer and better protected from the criminal who intrudes through their home at night. The woman is safer walking alone at night.

    Taking away the gun from society to protect us is like taking away alcohol or chocolate or soda or kitchen knives to protect us from obesity,addiction, and murder. The source of the murder is not the gun or the bullet, it's the finger that pulls the trigger. ACCOUNTABILITY
    "It's not his fault he's obese, its all the chocolate and ice cream he eats!"...really?See More
    57 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
    Clint ****** Not only is it a CHOICE, it's a RIGHT. That is the most important word. It is a constitutional RIGHT
    46 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Cristin ****** The right to choose
    45 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
    Steven ****** I agree with all of the above except for Luana, if he wasn't able to legally obtain a gun (and let's say he wasn't able to illegally either), he would have used a vehicle. Or a bomb. Or a knife. Or a fork had he no knife. Or a sharpened spoon had he no fork. If we outlaw all the things that people could use to potentially cause harm, you're outlawing everything. Put a pistol in my hand and a robber is going to rob someone else. If the congresswoman had a gun she could have defended herself.
    21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Cristin ****** This is a healthy debate we have going. It makes me miss the days of debate class and the ****** speech team. I love hearing opinions, as long as people keep their opinions strictly to the topic. At least we can all keep freedom of speech going!
    16 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Clint ****** Also let me point out again the second amendment is not a right to CHOSE, it is simply a right to bear arms. If you chose not to bear arms that is your CHOICE however the right is not the right of choice, it is the right to bear arms. Think of it as "if I so desire I may purchase a firearm" barring any legal reason that may exempt you from owning one such as a felony record.
    3 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
    Clint ****** But now we are straying off topic. The point is as everyone else has made clear. If he were not able to get a gun, he would have used any other means to carry out his sick twisted plan.
    about a minute ago · Like
    I'm glad the 18-25 year old range is becoming more understanding

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    Thats good to see. I feel like everyone around me except for a select few is completely clueless. They probably couldn't tell you who the vice president is, or what year 9/11 happened, or anything about any current event except for which celebrities are pregnant and who was caught having an affair. If they are not watching TMZ they are updating their twitter status, whatever that means. I only know ONE other person my age who even voted this past november. It makes me sick. /rant

  3. #3
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    I've felt like my generation has started to understand things like this more and more over the years... then I realized it's because we're all getting older and gaining more common sense as we go.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    I'm presently enrolled at a local community college for job training and I'll admit, I'm older then most of my instructors.

    A lot of the kids don't have a clue what happened on Aug 6th, 1945, who Jimmy Dolittle was or what Sprio Agnew did to make himself famous. But they're very proud to admit they voted for Obama.

    But then again, I have met some pretty sharp young adults who can hold a conversation without using "ummm, ahhhh, like you know" and admit their Obama vote was a waste.

    There is some hope in the younger generation.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    But there is a problem here;

    Clint ****** However this clearly unstable man has rights, and one of those rights is the right to bear arms. He did not have a felony record which would have bared him from purchasing or possessing a firearm. You want to take away the citizens rights because of the minority?
    about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
    He did commit the crime of perjury when he completed the form 4473. In order to complete the purchase he had to answer no (and lie) in his response to question
    11e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled
    His use of marijuana made him ineligible for the purchase.

    "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities".

  6. #6
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    What bothers me is the 'how can we stop these things from happening?" mentality.

    The answer is that you can't. There are always going to be bad people. And there are also going to be deeply disturbed people. There is just no way that you can make the world into a sunshine and loppipops dream world where nothing bad ever happens.

    You can't stop bad people from doing bad things by passing laws. The things they are doing are already illegal. A person who is prepared to kill innocent civilians isn't going to be stopped by a gun free zone or a magazine capacity limit. I just can't understand how this is not apparent to some.

    The best thing that you can do is realize that there is evil in this world, and in this country too. Realize that you are not immune to it. It can happen to you. What you need to do is be aware and be prepared.

    Hopefully you can stop something like this from happening to you. But you aren't going to do it with a law, and the police will only draw the chalk outline around you, and try to find the bad guy after the fact. You are going to have to be responsible for your own saftey. You are going to have to defend yourself.

    Hopefully the government will still allow you to do that.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    Quote Originally Posted by max384 View Post
    I've felt like my generation has started to understand things like this more and more over the years... then I realized it's because we're all getting older and gaining more common sense as we go.
    Winston Churchill had something to say about this.

    If at 20 your not a liberal you have no heart. If at 40 your not a conservative you have no brain.
    When the the fan.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    But there is a problem here;

    He did commit the crime of perjury when he completed the form 4473. In order to complete the purchase he had to answer no (and lie) in his response to question
    His use of marijuana made him ineligible for the purchase.
    Unfortunately I see the antis using this as proof the current system doesn't work and needs to be tightened up. Their going to continue their idea of a compromise and call for psyhcological evaluations and follicle testing.
    When the the fan.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    Quote Originally Posted by ErSwnn View Post
    Unfortunately I see the antis using this as proof the current system doesn't work and needs to be tightened up. Their going to continue their idea of a compromise and call for psyhcological evaluations and follicle testing.
    Right..."You want to buy a gun?...Here, pee in this cup!...and that will cost you ***much extra!"

  10. #10
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    Default Re: My 'generation' is starting to understand a bit more!

    I know several younger people who aren't complete sheep and have done well thinking for themselves. My two oldest daughters both have displayed this asset. Colby, the kid I got into firearms and away from the dangerous track he was on is another, and there is this kid out in Wisconsin who blew me away with his ability to think. When he was visiting here for a week I purposely baited him into political discussions and held opposing views, even if I didn't actually believe those views. I couldn't cut this guy down, he was very well versed and equally stoic in his own beliefs. When we visited D.C. his primary objective was to see the Ronald Reagan Building. Heehee, I told him the GWB Building was being built right behind it. He got all excited till I informed him it was a sewage treatment plant. He took the jab well, but was still disappointed. For his efforts I procured a John McCain autographed photo (real autograph and a short note) framed it and sent it to him. He's a big fan of McCain, bought two campaign shirts so he'd always have a clean one to wear. On the flip side, some of these kids today are real idiots.

    On a side note, Colby is now a full senior member of Langhorne. He was a junior member but now that he is over 17 he became a senior member last month. For those who may not know the story, Colby came to me as a community service(court ordered) kid at the non-profit drug rehab I work for. He was on a bad road but had better than usual promise. I took him shooting, he found a passion for it. He also came to understand the responsibility it entails and got his life straight. A gun saved this kid's life.
    When the the fan.

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