Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    (Monroe County)
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    Default SW Sighting Problems

    Just picked up a SW Sigma 9mm. Put 100 rounds through it this past weekend. At 25 yards away, I was inconsistently hitting the target. At 10 yards, I was better and was putting 3 out of every 5 shots on the target (not exactly where I wanted but at least I was hitting the target). I've seen some other posts where people talked about adjusting their sights; mine our fixed.

    What can I do to be sure that it is me, not that sights that are off? This is my first handgun and any advice would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Everett, Pennsylvania
    (Bedford County)
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    Default Re: SW Sighting Problems

    S&W Sigmas are known to have a long heavy stacking trigger. 25 yard shooting with a Sigma is hard to do...I have many rounds through them.

    As a defensive pistol, it's good to practice at many distances. Shooting from 10 yards and closer is the best training, since you will most likely be shooting up close and personal if you ever need your gun to save your life. I would still practice up to 25 yards from time to's good to do.

    Moving closer will help, but it still wont prove if it's the gun or you that is off. I would guess both being that you are a newer shooter, and that your gun is well known for having a heavy trigger pull.

    Try shooting a target at 5 yards and then 10 yards using a bench rest. Take your time and fire a few 3 or 5 shot groups with the gun firmly benched. This will help keep the gun steady and take away from some of the human error. I think the Sigma is capable of some decent groups if it wasnt for that trigger. Regardless, you will get better with it the more you shoot it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: SW Sighting Problems

    Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. As I got more rounds through it, I definitely felt more comfortable with it. Next time at the range, I'll try it benched at 5, then 10 yards.

    Thanks for your help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: SW Sighting Problems

    The front sight is fixed but the back sight can slide left or right. Check it and make sure it is in line. Also these guys have a lot of experience and will probably be of more help....

    Best of luck!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: SW Sighting Problems

    Thanks Log...

    That's good to know...if I'm continually off, I can play with the rear sights. As I put more rounds through it, I noticed that it was consistently left of where I aimed. I'll check out that website too. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
    (Franklin County)
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    Default Re: SW Sighting Problems

    Admittedly I have no experience whatsoever with the S&W Sigma pistols, but I will say that right now S&W is running a promotion that you can buy a Sigma for $99 when you buy a S&W .500 or .460, i-Bolt or AR-15.

    Perhaps they're trying to get rid of them for some reason?

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