Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!


    From Kim Stolfer:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kim Stolfer
    Pennsylvania is once again at a crossroads where our legislators are being faced with an onslaught of anti-gun legislation in this fall session. The furor in the early part of this year and our subsequent news conference put them on notice that we held our freedoms in the highest regard. Since then groups from the District Attorneys Association, the Governors office, the PA State Police, local Mayors from urban centers, the media (especially CNN) and selected urban police spokes persons have been lobbying for legislation that will create minefields for gun owners. Anti-gun legislation like HB 1536 and HB 1744 and others have been quietly receiving attention in committees due to this pressure while at the same time pushing pro-gun legislation aside that we worked so hard to get introduced.

    Therefore we are planning on, once again, taking another trip to Harrisburg on Tuesday Oct 23, 2007 to reinforce in legislators minds the premise that we EXPECT action on ‘our’ legislation and that we are closely watching the legislative process and every action taken on the anti-gun bills.

    Attached to this message is our flyer for this event with an overview of our intentions.
    This is extremely important people! Our legislators are under intense pressure from every angle (Philadelphia, Rendell, the Media, etc) to pass pointless and rights-infringing "feel-good" anti-gun legislation that will negatively impact law abiding firearm owners who are not part of the problem.

    If you can make it to this event please do! The more people that show up, the more legislators will be reminded that we support them in their efforts to stand by their principles in fighting for firearm rights.

    For more information please download the attached PDF flyer
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by danp; October 9th, 2007 at 05:11 PM.
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/27/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    Dan, thanks for posting this.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/27/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    I need a ride from Pittsburgh. I'll pick up Gas and Food. PM me please.
    "Because I'm an American." - MtnJack

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    south western PA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/27/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    A note to anyone from Allegheny county area.

    Allegheny County Sportsmen League is sponsoring transportation for this most important event.

    Contact information for transportation from Allegheny Co is located on ACSL website

    In the past ACSL has had a pick up point at the same location as the PAFOA group shoots at PMSC, depends on attendance.

    Got this email today, I am definitely going, these ACSL trips are always fun

    PA Gun owners your help is needed..Oct 23 Pro-gun Legislative Lobbying Day

    Pennsylvania is once again at a crossroads where our legislators are being faced with an onslaught of anti-gun legislation in this fall session. The furor in the early part of this year and our subsequent news conference put them on notice that we held our freedoms in the highest regard. Since then groups from the District Attorneys Association, the Governors office, the PA State Police, local Mayors from urban centers and selected urban police spokes persons have been lobbying for legislation that will create minefields for gun owners. Anti-gun legislation like HB 1536 and HB 1744 and others have been quietly receiving attention in committees due to this pressure while at the same time pushing pro-gun legislation aside that we worked so hard to get introduced.

    Therefore we are planning on, once again, taking another trip to Harrisburg on Tuesday Oct 23, 2007 to reinforce in legislators minds the premise that we EXPECT action on ‘our’ legislation and that we are closely watching the legislative process and every action taken on the anti-gun bills.

    See attached flier for more detailed information on your attending this important day where your voice can make a difference.

    This will be a day devoted strictly to Legislator Interaction and Lobbying/Education that will run from 9am to 3 pm in the Capitol building and associated offices in Harrisburg.

    What is it SO important for the average gun owner to take part in this???

    Certain Philadelphia legislators have used tax money to pay for a poll that ‘supposedly’ demonstrates that even ‘gun owners’ want more gun control to include One Gun a Month, Mandatory Training, Assault Weapon Bans and other gun control concepts. This particular individual lobbying event will be focused on dispelling these notions. It is important to remember that there are dozens of anti-gun bills that are either pending or that have been held up in the Judiciary Committee so far. Combining that with the fact that there are 50 new representatives in the PA House alone this session with a large portion of them not having committed to a decision (much less a vote yet) on all of these Anti and PRO gun bills pending. We must take the initiative to educate these new Reps and other Reps as to why they should support and oppose other proposed legislation. We must educate them with facts, figures, and real world realities about crime and criminal problems and how these laws could help and hurt the people of Pennsylvania. If we fail you can expect to have some of these anti-gun, anti-constitution, anti-freedom bills become laws that will negatively affect all Pennsylvanians for decades.

    You personally can make a huge difference by attending and participating in this event to help educate our legislators with your fellow gun owners as to the reason why firearm ownership is so important to you. YOUR voice could make the all the difference at this Legislator “Lobbying and Education” day in the state capital.

    Please make EVERY EFFORT to join us on this most important opportunity, to protect your constitutional rights to keep and bear arms and help pass PRO-gun bills that will make PA a safer place to live for everyone except the criminals.

    Hope you can make it on Oct 23 2007

    Thanks for the post Dan and the PAFOA web site

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    Thanks for Posting this! I'll be passing it on to my Networkers in Pa.!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    I'm thinking about going to this as well if anyone in the montco/chester/berks area want to tag along. Need to see if I can get the day off from work.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    I wish I could go but I have used all my vacation time this year. The part where it talks about legislation to specifically protect our rights to stop confication in a Katrina like incident is particualarly important. What happened to those people in N.O. being dis-armed is disturbing and very scary.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hellam, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    This is a great opportunity to have our voices heard immediately before an election.
    Just make sure everyone is careful with their signs!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Whitehall, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    Anyone from the LVFC (Lehigh Valley Firearms Coalition) or Gutsville RGC planning on going?? Drop me a note and let me know.


    Thanx 4 the heads up on this...
    "Safety and Security Without Freedom and Expression Are NOT Solutions"

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Beaverdale, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: RKBA Pro-2A Legislator Lobbying & Education Day: 10/23/07 9am-3pm in Harrisburg!

    I would be willing to go. Would like to ride with or share the ride.

    Which way is that bus going? Any other stops along the way? Like maybe Somerset? ? ? You may get a group of us from this area to meet you there for the ride. Let us know what your plans are. I would like to attend.

    The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control....
    The day they want my guns, they'll have to bring theirs!!!
    Proud to be One of the 3%

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