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  1. #1
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    Default Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    I have a question maybe someone can answer that's familiar with beaver run dam aka municipal auth or Westmoreland co . People have told me first hand that they have been cited for trespassing and that their "security" people actually wrote out the citation and told them next time they will confiscate the persons fishing or hunting gear ect . First off how can a private " security guard" even have the power to write and issue a citation to anyone ? To best of my knowledge they are not sworn and certified police officers and the ones in question were not in uniform but were armed . Now I can see them taking the trespassers info giving it to the local or state police and them filing on info received , but to claim to have the power Or authority to confinscate their fishing gear or firearm sounds total BS to me . Can anyone clairify or confirm any of this . Does the west co municipal auth. Have its own private police force?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    I believe any citizen can file charges at a magistrate office. IE loss prevention people at stores can cite people for retail theft without involving a police officer. Im no expert though, and I dont know about the confiscation issue.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Ault View Post
    I have a question maybe someone can answer that's familiar with beaver run dam aka municipal auth or Westmoreland co . People have told me first hand that they have been cited for trespassing and that their "security" people actually wrote out the citation and told them next time they will confiscate the persons fishing or hunting gear ect . First off how can a private " security guard" even have the power to write and issue a citation to anyone ? To best of my knowledge they are not sworn and certified police officers and the ones in question were not in uniform but were armed . Now I can see them taking the trespassers info giving it to the local or state police and them filing on info received , but to claim to have the power Or authority to confinscate their fishing gear or firearm sounds total BS to me . Can anyone clairify or confirm any of this . Does the west co municipal auth. Have its own private police force?
    I don't know who owns and runs Beaver Run but non-profit organizations can form their own police force under Act 501. The officers do not need to be certified under Act 120 only Act 235 if they wish to carry a firearm.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by duqjeep2010 View Post
    I don't know who owns and runs Beaver Run but non-profit organizations can form their own police force under Act 501. The officers do not need to be certified under Act 120 only Act 235 if they wish to carry a firearm.
    I was just going to say that Animal Friends (animal shelter) has a few humane police officers that I believe are "deputized" which I assume gives them arrest powers. They are also armed.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim Ault View Post
    I have a question maybe someone can answer that's familiar with beaver run dam aka municipal auth or Westmoreland co . People have told me first hand that they have been cited for trespassing and that their "security" people actually wrote out the citation and told them next time they will confiscate the persons fishing or hunting gear ect . First off how can a private " security guard" even have the power to write and issue a citation to anyone ? To best of my knowledge they are not sworn and certified police officers and the ones in question were not in uniform but were armed . Now I can see them taking the trespassers info giving it to the local or state police and them filing on info received , but to claim to have the power Or authority to confinscate their fishing gear or firearm sounds total BS to me . Can anyone clairify or confirm any of this . Does the west co municipal auth. Have its own private police force?
    I don't know how it is out there, they could be off duty Leo's working part time as security. If and only if they are only Act 235 security, then they can't write enforceable tickets or confiscate your property, as far as I am aware only LEOs can do that.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by duqjeep2010 View Post
    I don't know who owns and runs Beaver Run but non-profit organizations can form their own police force under Act 501. The officers do not need to be certified under Act 120 only Act 235 if they wish to carry a firearm.
    It is owned and operated by the Westmoreland Co municipal authority who's is indeed a so called "non profit" organization which is total BS . They are making money hand over fist in gas royalties from the countless wells that have been drilled in the last 10 yrs there's a well just about every 500yd around the entire lake and numerous multi hole deep horizontal wells on both the washington twp and bell twp sides. But yet our water rates have gone up not down! Ok rant over .

    Ok let's say they are licensed or deputized or somehow "official" how can they seize your personal property for a summary trespassing charge ? Even the real police can't do that !

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    googled for ownership and found this on Wikipeida.

    Jump to: navigation, search
    Beaver Run Reservoir (also known as Beaver Dam Reservoir) is a reservoir in Westmoreland County in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, 23 miles east of Pittsburgh.[1] The elevation of Beaver Run Reservoir is 1053 feet above sea level.[1]
    The reservoir is the source of drinking water for 150,000 people, including those in Murrysville, Export and Delmont. [2]
    Fishing in the reservoir and hiking near the reservoir are not allowed, due to public health concerns.[3]

    Gas drilling[edit]
    The Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County (MAWC),[4] the local water utility, LEASED the watershed in 1999 for gas drilling, and about 100 shallow gas wells have been drilled since then.[3] And in 2008, deeper drilling and fracking for gas in the Marcellus shale began near the reservoir.[3] As of 2013, 41 deep wells have been drilled on 6 pads.[2] The drillers are Consol Energy's CNX Gas.
    Some of the chemicals used by Consol for fracking have been listed online by the MAWC.[5] There is no information on the location, date, or total quantities of chemicals used, but Material Safety Data Sheets discuss the hazards and properties of these chemicals and others:
    hydrochloric acid;
    DAP-901-1, which contains methanol and phosphoric acid, and other toxic chemicals;
    DWP-938-1, which contains methyl alcohol and other toxic chemicals;
    DWP-944-3, which contains polyethylene glycol and other toxic chemicals; and
    crystalline silica.
    In June 2013 there was a spill of 100 gallons of recycled frack wastewater into the ground at a pad near the reservoir. To limit pollution from the spill, soil was excavated, and testing for chlorides was done, and the tests indicated acceptable chloride levels. Fracking resumed several days later.[6]

    This information makes me think they are protecting the gas wells and not so much the drinking water source. The land is leased and therefor IMO the lease holder can keep you off the property. That includes trespassing and filing charges as required.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Sure sounds like they're Act 235 private guards. They may be able to detain trespassers, but they sure have no lawful authority to confiscate anything - that's called theft.

    Drinking water reservoir? Surely it has signs posted.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Statkowski View Post
    Sure sounds like they're Act 235 private guards. They may be able to detain trespassers, but they sure have no lawful authority to confiscate anything - that's called theft.

    Drinking water reservoir? Surely it has signs posted.
    yes it's been posted for decades. My dads land borders it in my youth many many yrs ago fishing and hunting on the property was fairly common place pretty much all the local folks did it. It was rumored back then there was one guard that would yell at you and tell you to get out only during fishing season never heard anyone being approached when hunting , guess he knew better . But since the drilling started things have changed , my cousin actually was fined while bow hunting he was 50 yds over the line .

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Beaver run security officers what exactly are their powers?

    I wondered about this too years ago.

    I think they are the Westmoreland County police, and they are ACT120 certified, and only patrol Beaver Run property.

    They definitely have to be ACT 120 certified if they are filing charges themselves. An ORI number is needed for that, and ACT 235 security officers don't have it.

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