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  1. #1
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    Default Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    First is was American Express that 'magically' turns into a bank overnight JUST so they can get some of the slop from the bailout fund.

    Now I read life insurance companies are trying the same trick, they are buying up small banks so they can then 'qualify' to be a 'holding company' and get a piece of the bailout pie:

    Now add to that the fact that Bernanke and Paulison refuse to tell anyone where 1/2 the 700 billion actually went to over that past month, basically saying 'fuck you we will do what we want with it'

    I mean seriously ... is this the biggest god damned scam ever run on the American people or what?
    Last edited by RocketFoot; November 19th, 2008 at 02:38 PM. Reason: Edited Title...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to piss me off with this bail out

    Rewarding bad behavior is the new American way.

    And we just elected a new czar of redistribution.. Get ready folks. America is in a death spiral.

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    Sharpening my pitchforks and soaking rags in kerosene...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Angry Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    I mean seriously ... is this the biggest god damned scam ever run on the American people or what?
    Yep. Without a doubt.

    Our elected representatives certainly did not represent the will of the people.
    So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    totally agree with all the above posts,,,

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    the bailout is now 5 trillion, not 700b (that is a PR number they tell the cattle). we don't know where 2 trillion went. Kashkari looks like the guy from The Mummy. a lot of the money is going towards bonuses and banking consolidation (big eating the small). The public is too busy eating prozac and watching dancing with the stars to care. congress is considering looting the pensions (nationalizing them and taxing them for YOUR SAFETY, example: see IMF Consumes Argentina)

    Watch at your leisure some of these important Cspan videos regarding the total looting of our country:

    Ron Paul Grills Bernanke:

    Kashkari grilled over bankster bailout:

    i think awareness is the only hope, at this point congress is vestigial.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    As much as this all pisses me off I can't get pissed at Bernanke and Paulison for not being forthcoming with where the money is going. Congress gave them that option. Despite our calls and letters lettign Congress know we did NOT want this they went ahead and did it anyway. I am sickened that those two men have the power, but I don't begrudge them using that power. I am enraged that our elected officials have given so much power to those two men. The Fed is so anti-Constitutional. The buying up of banks, insurance companies, the bailout of auto companies, the nationalization of healthcare, and so many of the other things that are going on are anti-Constitutional I can't see how we will ever get back to where we should be.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    As much as this all pisses me off I can't get pissed at Bernanke and Paulison for not being forthcoming with where the money is going. Congress gave them that option. Despite our calls and letters lettign Congress know we did NOT want this they went ahead and did it anyway.
    it was 1000 to 1 against / for the bailout. Congress was threatened with hot martial law if they didnt pass the bailout

    The bailout imo wasn't solely about the money, it was about giving dictatorial power to the bankers through legislation in the bill also. Remember when they killed the PPT and tanked the dow 777 points after congress rejected the first bill. it was literally financial terrorism against the American people.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    Quote Originally Posted by dc dalton View Post
    I mean seriously ... is this the biggest god damned scam ever run on the American people or what?
    The simple answer is YES, YES AND YES.

    Our elected officials have officially lost their minds and lost the confidence of the people that they SERVE. Every single one of these bailouts is a sham and there is no end in sight.

    The bank bailout was supposed to be the tax payers buying assets and then reselling them over a longer period of time (which there was no need to do, it could have been accomplished by simply changing the mark to market rule) turned into buying stock in the banks that were failing.

    We have been blatantly lied to, plain and simple.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ya Know? This crap is REALLY starting to torque me off with this bail out

    I have been truly POed by the whole bailout fiasco. The responsible always seem to subsidize the follies of the irresponsible in our modern world.

    But I think I've gotten to the point were it doesn't make sense to get TOO upset anymore.

    Either it will actually work out in the end or I guess I'll be taking my chances of dying when the S inevitably HTF rather than dying now with .GOV induced heart attack.

    Drink and be merry while Rome burns to mix some metaphors.

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