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  1. #1
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    Default State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    CNN Poll: Double-digit post-speech jump for Obama plan
    Posted: September 10th, 2009 11:28 AM ET

    WASHINGTON (CNN) — Two out of three Americans who watched President Barack Obama's health care reform speech Wednesday night favor his health care plans — a 14-point gain among speech-watchers, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation national poll of people who tuned into Obama's address Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress.

    Sixty-seven percent of people questioned in the survey say the support Obama's health care reform proposals that the president outlined in his address, with 29 percent opposed. Those figures are almost identical to a poll conducted immediately after Bill Clinton's health care speech before Congress in September, 1993.

    The audience for the speech appears to be more Democratic than the U.S. population as a whole. Because of this, the results may favor Obama simply because more Democrats than Republicans tune into the speech. The poll surveyed the opinions of people who watched Wednesday night's speech, and does not reflect the views of all Americans.

    (Full results after the jump)

    About one in seven people who watched the speech changed their minds on Obama's health care plan. "Going into the speech, a bare majority of his audience — 53 percent — favored his proposals. Immediately after the speech, that figure rose to 67 percent," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "But the real question is whether those conversions will last. Bill Clinton got similar numbers after his 1993 address to Congress, but five months later a majority of the country no longer supported his plan."

    Fifty-six percent of people questioned say they had a very positive reaction to the speech, with 21 percent indicating they had a somewhat positive reaction and a equal amount suggesting they had a negative reaction. The 56 percent who said they had a very positive reaction is lower than the 68 percent of speech watchers who had a similar reaction to the president's first address to a joint session of Congress in February.

    More than seven in ten say that Obama clearly stated his goals, with one in four saying he didn't express his goals clearly.

    Three out of four say it's very or somewhat likely that the president will pass most of his proposals on health care reform through Congress, with one in four saying it's unlikely.

    Seven in 10 say that Obama's policies will move the country in the right direction, up 10 points from before the speech.

    The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted just before and just after the president's speech, with 427 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 5 percentage points.

    The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.

    –CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser contributed to this report

  2. #2
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    When only 21% of the country identify themselves as republican it might he hard to get an exact 21% of the poll respondents to call themselves republican. I'd say that if you ran the poll with 50% dem and 50% GOP, that's stacking the deck.

    You also have to wonder who answered the call and responded.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

  4. #4
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    Well , I didn't watch his speech because it seems that is all he does anymore . I would guess all the star struck kool aid drinkers watched and were polled .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  5. #5
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    As we've discovered, "conservative" and "declared Republican" are not the same thing.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    I'm just amazed that these folks favor his plan, when after listening to this speech he's still yet to submit a plan. This is just another example of vague cheer leading with no specifics. Full of things that sound good but mean absolutely nothing.

    But if it worked for getting him elected then you have to stick to what works.
    Divided we ever have been, and ever must be.Two thirds always had and will have more difficulty to struggle with the one third than with all our foreign enemies. - John Adams

  7. #7
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    Quote Originally Posted by stephpd View Post
    I'm just amazed that these folks favor his plan, when after listening to this speech he's still yet to submit a plan. This is just another example of vague cheer leading with no specifics. Full of things that sound good but mean absolutely nothing.

    But if it worked for getting him elected then you have to stick to what works.
    Change .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  8. #8
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    Polls are useless..

    It's all in the wording.. You could have 80% of the people in the country wanting heathcare reform.. But only 20% of those people could agree with the current plan being presented. Depending on how you word the question you could get 80% of people agree with Obama or 80% disagree with Obama.. lol

  9. #9
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    Default Re: State Run Media..stacking the deck....does this not alarm the left??

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    Polls are useless..

    It's all in the wording.. You could have 80% of the people in the country wanting heathcare reform.. But only 20% of those people could agree with the current plan being presented. Depending on how you word the question you could get 80% of people agree with Obama or 80% disagree with Obama.. lol
    I forget where I read it, but apparently when polling the "public option" has twice the support of the "government option". Even though they refer to the same thing.

    I don't think that means polls are useless, though. I think it shows how easily people are swayed by the wording being used, and how little people actually understand of the issues presented to them.
    "There are four boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order."

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