Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    I'm new to shooting, so the only thing I know is scrounging for ammo... calling Walmarts, checking in when I'm near one... looking for any deals online that's not "out of stock".

    So, was there ever a time when you could, on your way to the range, just think "I better stop by Walmart and pick up some more ammo", and know it would be there?
    Tommy610, NRA Member, Romans 12:18

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Yes, before O was president you could go anywhere and find ammo! This will blow over just have to be patient. Once the fear of everyone never having ammo is over, and the ammo companies can catch up with demand, it will start trickling in again. Right now everyone is in panic mode and any and all handgun, and alot of rifle ammo disappears off the shelves.

    I've always planned ahead for this kind of dry spell and have always stored some ammo away. I don't shoot handguns alot anyway, so don't have a need for a room full of handgun ammo. I do however have enough for each of my handguns to get through. I just won't do much if any handgun shooting until this blows over to conserve.

    I keep telling my friends...shoot .22 or a shotgun until this blows over. For even Wally Wrld has plenty of those two types of ammo.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Haha, those were the days. Yup, back before the wonderful Obama took office, there was no shortage of ammo. I used to just head over to my small gun shop that I frequent and pick up whatever I wanted to shoot that day. Or I'd order bulk online and it never took more than 3 days or so to get a couple thousand rounds. And it was cheaper too. You just can't argue with that.

    But I agree with Poonie, this will blow over, you just have to give it some time. Pretty soon you'll be able to find whatever it is that you're looking for whenever you want to.

    On a side note, I'll bet for you it will be like the gates of Heaven are opening up when you walk into any place that sells ammunition and the shelves are stocked full. Trumpets will play, lights will shine down. You'll love it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Believe it or not back in the mid 90's, you could pick up 5.56 surplus for about $300 for 2700 rounds. You could get 1k of wolf 7.62x39 for about $59 too.

    Handgun ammo was cheap and available. You could get a case 1k rounds of fed 9mm for less than $100.

    When y2k was the hype, prices went up a little and availability went down.

    Then we had 9/11 and the war and brass, lead and powder started getting harder to come by.

    I actually think that since 1999 / 2001, prices have gone through the roof and availability has been spotty.

    It's not just odumbo - but he hasn't helped the situation any.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    When I was younger, Me and my pops used to go to a few places to find ammo. Not because it was hard to find. Everywhere had TONS of it. Nope, Back then, you could actually go around and find the best price!!!

    He used to get a lot from closeing Sports Authority stores. Boxs of .40 and.45 were 5-6 bucks!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Before the big Obamanation catastrophe, I would throw a few boxes in with my groceries when I shopped at Walmart. It was like buying any other readily available commodity. It was always "just there".

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    yeah i dont think the ammo shortage will disappear anytime soon probably after Obama leaves the presidency in 3 more years and just pray we dont have another prez like Obama or the ammo shortage will never end...remember once Sotomayor steps in the Supreme Court things will get worst not better.... she will bear her true self once she is in power...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Huh ! Just AMMO?

    Gee whiz, there was a time when you could drop in to your local "Joe the Motorist's Friend" or "Western Auto", even the local hardware store and buy (GASP !) a GUN. Revolver, rifle, shotgun - everyone had some for sale. You could even buy a new (in the arsenal box and wrapper) 1911A1 for $65.00, MAIL ORDER.

    8mm Mausers were standing by bunches in wooden barrels for $39.00. (good ones).
    {Rant mode=ON}
    That was before 1968, and the hysteria of that time.

    Creeping socialism and creeping regulation have brought us the BATFE, GCA68, The Clintoon Gun Ban, "assault-weapon hysteria", as well as Obama and the current plague of Sarah Brady, Pete Shields, Frank Lautenberg, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, et al.

    It is not time or circumstance that has bought us to this impasse - it is the collective stupefaction of the American Voters. As long as they have their "American Idol", NASCAR, "Survivor" or whatever circus that will keep them focused on triviality and not on the serious business of the future of their country and progeny, they continue to be led in a herd, to their own shearing.

    In the last five months, your grandchildren (and mine, too) have had the total tax burden of their entire lifetime TREBLED. And that is before "Son of Stimulus", "Obamacare", or "Tax and Trade".

    {Rant mode = OFF}

    I am not too sure that things will ever "get back to normal" where you can walk into any store and buy whatever you want in guns or ammunition or components. I'm not really that much of a pessimist, but the anti-gun crazies like to see us in any sort of upheaval - they seem to gain a certain perverse satisfaction in our unrest, either individually or collectively.

    They "will not let a good crisis go to waste", in the words of the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. They will use this as an opening to both further the restriction of our liberties and to distress the free market in any way possible. They have tried it in many ways before. (Does anyone remember the proposed $.05 tax PER BULLET? The proposed tax on lead at $.75/lb just to own it? The other proposed restrictions on lead, the already-enacted ban on lead shot for waterfowl hunting? The astouondingly restrictive EPA "Regulation" - not even LAW - that so severely restrict indoor AND ouotdoor shooting ranges? The three cartridge limit at SGL's ? -- Oh, I could go on - - - )
    Dang it, how did Rant Mode get swithched on again, without my noticing it?

    Anyway, I am not certain that things ever will get back to the good old days of being able to run over to WallyWorld and grab up a couple thou 9mm, right off the shelf. And all that that entails.


    Pessimistic? Heck yes, I've seen socialilsts in government before, and I know them. Just that this time, there is such an abundance of them and they have a majority of the legislature, as wlell as the Executive Office - and that not only on the national level, but in the several states as well. And so they have, if not the willing support of so many others, then at least the acquiescense of so many RINO's. So very few will stand against the machine. So many of the electorate as well give agreement by their silence, they render their consent by not objecting.

    If only two percent more of the voters had voted against socialism instead of against stupidity, Barack Hussein Obama would still be merely the Junior Senator from Illinois.

    Sorry, ranting again. I guess I need to go get a cold Dr.Pepper and take my Model 39 to the range for the rest of the afternoon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Last edited by ca2pa; July 16th, 2009 at 02:43 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Was there a time when you didn't worry about finding ammo?

    Nice rant. I was under the impression that the 3 round limit at SGL was an old hunting regulation (for all long guns) that was left on the book for the ranges? I imagine it was before my time.. but when did that start?

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