Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Paradise, Pa, Pennsylvania
    (Lancaster County)
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    Talking Reaching a milestone...

    After going on the "Huff Post" website so many times to correct anti-gunners and show their "facts" as bold face lies, I have finally annoyed them to the point that I seem to be "banned" from making further comments. Locked out under my usual sign in. Guess I could make up a new one, but they would figure out it was me and lock me out again.

    Has anyone else around here been banned from "Huff Post"?
    I prefer the sweet taste of freedom over the bland flavor of socialism.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Mercer, Pennsylvania
    (Mercer County)
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    I've been banned from several antigun FaceBook pages.
    There's no such thing as a free lunch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Bucks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt Pete View Post
    After going on the "Huff Post" website so many times to correct anti-gunners and show their "facts" as bold face lies, I have finally annoyed them to the point that I seem to be "banned" from making further comments. Locked out under my usual sign in. Guess I could make up a new one, but they would figure out it was me and lock me out again.

    Has anyone else around here been banned from "Huff Post"?
    It's standard operating procedure, for both trolls on any site, and for people with dissenting truth on Lefty websites.

    Look at the main game of the Left today; the destruction of any dissenter (whether it's a pizza shop or a "man-caused climate change" denier), the censorship of "hate speech" and "micro-aggression", the exclusion of dissent fro all media controlled by Lefties, and eventually (as in Canada today) the criminalization of "bad thought" that offends special groups.

    A sane person would wonder, "how come I can't defend my beliefs, if they're true?" The Left is not sane. Lefties are almost by definition irrational, they substitute "feelings" and consensus for logic and critical reasoning.

    We'll get a big dose of this over the next year. They are unable to rebut Conservative ideas by pointing out that they can't work in practice, or that the cost is unsupportable, so they invariably just go with their A-game, which is to mimic every leading Conservative in a funny voice.

    They will tell us, with smugness, that every Republican is ignorant, and stupid, and impractical. This, despite the reality that EVERY city and state where Lefty ideas have taken root, becomes a bankrupt, crime-ridden cesspool over the long haul, even where the rot can be concealed by having a captive auto industry (Detroit) or by hosting a cash cow like Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

    The truth is that there is an inevitable crash at the end of every Welfare State, sometime before the taxes hit 100% and there's no difference in the standard of living between those who work 40 hours and those who watch TV all week. We're already at a point where there's no conceivable way that we can repay the $17-18 trillion in Federal debt; try that one on a Lefty, ask them to chart out exactly how much we can divert from entitlements to debt repayment, and how long it will take to pay off $18 trillion at 5% annual interest.

    They'll think about that for a minute, and then ban your IP address. There, all fixed. No more inconvenient truths.
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Stone's throw from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    (Butler County)
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    It's standard operating procedure, for both trolls on any site, and for people with dissenting truth on Lefty websites.

    Look at the main game of the Left today; the destruction of any dissenter (whether it's a pizza shop or a "man-caused climate change" denier), the censorship of "hate speech" and "micro-aggression", the exclusion of dissent fro all media controlled by Lefties, and eventually (as in Canada today) the criminalization of "bad thought" that offends special groups.

    A sane person would wonder, "how come I can't defend my beliefs, if they're true?" The Left is not sane. Lefties are almost by definition irrational, they substitute "feelings" and consensus for logic and critical reasoning.

    We'll get a big dose of this over the next year. They are unable to rebut Conservative ideas by pointing out that they can't work in practice, or that the cost is unsupportable, so they invariably just go with their A-game, which is to mimic every leading Conservative in a funny voice.

    They will tell us, with smugness, that every Republican is ignorant, and stupid, and impractical. This, despite the reality that EVERY city and state where Lefty ideas have taken root, becomes a bankrupt, crime-ridden cesspool over the long haul, even where the rot can be concealed by having a captive auto industry (Detroit) or by hosting a cash cow like Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

    The truth is that there is an inevitable crash at the end of every Welfare State, sometime before the taxes hit 100% and there's no difference in the standard of living between those who work 40 hours and those who watch TV all week. We're already at a point where there's no conceivable way that we can repay the $17-18 trillion in Federal debt; try that one on a Lefty, ask them to chart out exactly how much we can divert from entitlements to debt repayment, and how long it will take to pay off $18 trillion at 5% annual interest.

    They'll think about that for a minute, and then ban your IP address. There, all fixed. No more inconvenient truths.
    Yes, with their 52 Varieties of demagoguery, it's easy to see how "progressive" societies end up with reeducation camps, or worse. And they want us to give up our guns at the same time they're trying to turn the rabble against us. As if!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    The Puffy Ho bans people that dissent from the script.
    Diversity is the greatest weakness, excellence is the greatest strength. JPC

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    Wear it as a badge of honor. The left hates the first amendment as much as the second and will go to any length to silence those who oppose their agenda.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    It's standard operating procedure, for both trolls on any site, and for people with dissenting truth on Lefty websites.

    Look at the main game of the Left today; the destruction of any dissenter (whether it's a pizza shop or a "man-caused climate change" denier), the censorship of "hate speech" and "micro-aggression", the exclusion of dissent fro all media controlled by Lefties, and eventually (as in Canada today) the criminalization of "bad thought" that offends special groups.

    A sane person would wonder, "how come I can't defend my beliefs, if they're true?" The Left is not sane. Lefties are almost by definition irrational, they substitute "feelings" and consensus for logic and critical reasoning.

    We'll get a big dose of this over the next year. They are unable to rebut Conservative ideas by pointing out that they can't work in practice, or that the cost is unsupportable, so they invariably just go with their A-game, which is to mimic every leading Conservative in a funny voice.

    They will tell us, with smugness, that every Republican is ignorant, and stupid, and impractical. This, despite the reality that EVERY city and state where Lefty ideas have taken root, becomes a bankrupt, crime-ridden cesspool over the long haul, even where the rot can be concealed by having a captive auto industry (Detroit) or by hosting a cash cow like Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

    The truth is that there is an inevitable crash at the end of every Welfare State, sometime before the taxes hit 100% and there's no difference in the standard of living between those who work 40 hours and those who watch TV all week. We're already at a point where there's no conceivable way that we can repay the $17-18 trillion in Federal debt; try that one on a Lefty, ask them to chart out exactly how much we can divert from entitlements to debt repayment, and how long it will take to pay off $18 trillion at 5% annual interest.

    They'll think about that for a minute, and then ban your IP address. There, all fixed. No more inconvenient truths.
    They'll give their usual response.


  8. #8
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    Quote Originally Posted by Capt Pete View Post
    After going on the "Huff Post" website so many times to correct anti-gunners and show their "facts" as bold face lies, I have finally annoyed them to the point that I seem to be "banned" from making further comments. Locked out under my usual sign in. Guess I could make up a new one, but they would figure out it was me and lock me out again.

    Has anyone else around here been banned from "Huff Post"?
    I left in disgust. I am too old and life is too sweet to hang around with people who drag me down and cause misery. I realized after a while that I was not going to influence these people.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Reaching a milestone...

    I used to have Huff Post on my blocked website list because I simply got too pissed off at the articles and more so at the comments. After maybe 2 years I started noticing that they surprisingly are quite pro Pit Bull (for which I rescue them and am almost as big of an advocate for them as I am guns). So I now allow myself only to go to those articles.
    You may find me dead in a ditch one day. But by God, I'll be lying in a pile of brass.

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