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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Williamstown NJ ( Peoples Socialist Republic), New Jersey
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    Talking Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    As my previous post makes it as obvious as a Mack Truck , I was SERIOUSLY PISSED about tonites events , so when I sat down at the lap top , this letter just kinda poured out of me . Feel free to critique I have thick skin

    Enjoy !

    NJ Passes One Gun A Month Bill

    At the end of an incredibly long and contentious Legislative Session that didn’t start to wind down until well after midnight on Friday morning , NJ Legislators passed a law barring the purchase of more the one gun a month in the State . The Legislation was first brought to the floor back in February , but didn’t garner enough votes for passage at that time , sensing she was in danger of losing the vote on what could rightly be called a signature piece of legislation , the primary sponsor Sandra Cunningham took the cowardly lion option and asked that the vote be held for a vote at a later time .

    The Legislation was added onto Thursdays Agenda with less then 24 hours notice , at the behest of Gov Jon Corzine . Gov Corzine has actively lobbied for this legislation for more then a year . With every successive poll showing the Gov steadily losing ground to Republican contender Chris Christie , one can safely assume Corzines last minute adding of this controversial bill to the agenda was either an act of desperation to shore up his wavering support , or a calculated “ nuclear option “ , with nothing left to lose other then his job this November , perhaps he’s already decided it’s a lost cause and is looking to ingratiate himself with the Obama Administration . Now that he’s successfully destroyed NJ with his profligate spending , elimination of the death penalty, increases in public payrolls , conflict of interest affairs with the Unions , and a short lived stint as a crash test dummy , Corzine’s track record is sure to be lauded as a sterling example of everything a big Govt , Big Spending , ultra liberal , entitlement mentality Democrat is supposed to be.

    Did the doctors at Cooper Trauma Center actually check for brain damage ??

    There were many troubling aspects of this proposal , far to many to examine in great detail here . But two of the most troubling were the prime driving force behind this , Bryan Miller of CeaseFire NJ and the comments by certain Senators about the matter during debate on the floor . The controversy surrounding Mr. Miller is his “ the sky is falling “ hysteria around the Statehouse , insistently lobbying to anyone that would listen and wasn’t capable of critical thinking that One Gun a Month had to pass in an attempt to combat illegal crime in NJ ‘s inner Cities . What Mr. Miller failed to mention , and what no-one in the State house bothered to ask or investigate , is that two short years ago , Mr. Miller gave testimony before a US House Sub Committee on the Judiciary , in which he lauded the fact that by “ most analysts views , NJ already had very strict laws in place to deal with straw purchasers “ The only logical conclusion one can then make is that Mr. Miller either lied to the US House Sub Committee , or he lied to his sycophants at the State house . Sadly its really not all that surprising . Mr. Miller and others like him have a long and well established track record of intentionally misrepresenting or out right suppressing any information that is contrary to their view point . Historical Facts , violent crime statistics , The Constitution , the laughable idea that criminals will all of a sudden care about one more gun law , when they already ignore the other 20,000 already on the books ?? None of these things matter when your trying to force feed your personal agenda down the throats of your fellow citizens , especially when you can accomplish your goals by Govt fiat .
    Even more troubling , but certainly not surprising , were the words of the most ardent supporters of this bill . The usual cabal of hoplophobic , spineless jellyfish , impersonating Senators that swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States and The State of New Jersey . Sandra Cunningham , Teresa Ruiz , Donald Rice and others , clearly more interested in catering to their home grown special interest groups du jour, let fly with draw dropping commentary that needed to be seen or heard to be believed . Senator Donald Rice is apparently still laboring under the fallacy that the rights protected by the Second Amendment refer to the National Guard ( the militia ) . Apparently Mr. Rice missed the landmark ruling a bit more then a year ago , in which the US Supreme Court ruled definitively that the Second Amendment did in fact refer to the rights of individual citizens . But hey , tell a lie often enough and it becomes the “truth “ right Donnie ???

    Senator Teresa Ruiz was heard to apologize for the “late hour “ else she would have had “ a more eloquent statement in support of the legislation “ but still managed to muster up enough phony emotion about the need to “ send a message to NJ families “ that she would always “ stand in solidarity with Sandra Cunningham ! “ the now all to worn out “ but its for the children ! “ mantra readily comes to mind . To be honest , I was sort of expecting a raised clenched fist ala Che Guevara and a hearty “viva la revolucion !” to follow , but I guess Ms Ruiz really was to tired . Well Ms Ruiz , congratulations , you wanted to send a message and you certainly did . And the law abiding gun owners of NJ heard you loud and clear . You and your cronies don’t like us , never have . You don’t respect us , never have . Your oath of office wasn’t something meaningful , they were just words , to be discarded at the first opportunity when they become inconvenient to your political aspirations . So congratulations Ms Ruiz , your going to get your way . In recent years , there has been a mass exodus of NJ residents fleeing the State , to make their homes , and contribute their talents and income to States that respect them and whose leaders listen to them . More then 250,000 have left already , and as the State’s and Countries financial crisis continues to worsen , even more are sure to do so , as this legislation will be the proverbial” straw that broke the camels back “

    There are plenty of States with in less then a days drive of NJ that offer significantly lower property and income taxes , lower cost of living expenses and actually protect and defend quaint , out dated ideals like the right to keep and bear arms without infringement.

    Often times , only a tragic personal event is able to lift the veil of denial from the eyes of the most ardent gun control supporters . And there was a slight possibility that personal epiphany may have taken place in the mind of Senator Ray Lesniak , who just a few short months ago was accosted in his home in the middle of the night by two intruders . But alas , the siren song of the pied piper of State mandated victim hood was to much for even Senator Lesniak to overcome , as he stood in vocal support for the bill .

    In an ironic twist the likes of which is only dreamed up by novelists or Hollywood screen play writers , this historic trampling of the law abiding citizens right to firearms came on the same day that the South Brunswick NJ Police Dept publicly advised residents to “ not resist “ and to “ comply with the demands “ of violent criminals , in light of a recent home invasion there .

    My fellow law abiding residents , it should by now be all to apparent that the new State Motto for New Jersey is “ State Mandated Victim Hood and You ! , Perfect Together “
    I implore anyone that is able to make plans to flee the State as soon as your situation allows , talk to your families , talk to your neighbors , convince them to flee , not only for the lower cost of living other States provide , but for their personal safety , as todays tragic vote proves beyond all doubt , in New Jersey , the inmates truly are running the asylum !
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Bristol, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Great letter.It looks too long for a 'Letter to the Editor' though. Maybe submit it as a 'Guest Opinion'?The only problems I see are some spelling and punctuation mistakes, and a couple of style issues. I did some proofreading for you. I've included some (corrections and suggestions).I may have missed some. I'll re-read.

    Quote Originally Posted by son of the revolution View Post
    As my previous post makes it as obvious as a Mack Truck , I was SERIOUSLY PISSED about tonites events , so when I sat down at the lap top , this letter just kinda poured out of me . Feel free to critique I have thick skin

    Enjoy !

    NJ Passes One Gun A Month Bill

    At the end of an incredibly long and contentious Legislative Session that didn’t start to wind down until well after midnight on Friday morning , NJ Legislators passed a law barring the purchase of more the one gun a month in the State . The Legislation was first brought to the floor back in February , but didn’t garner enough votes for passage at that time , sensing she was in danger of losing the vote on what could rightly be called a signature piece of legislation , the primary sponsor Sandra Cunningham took the cowardly lion option and asked that the vote be held for a vote at a later time .

    The Legislation was added onto Thursdays Agenda (Thursday's agenda) with less then 24 hours notice , at the behest of Gov Jon Corzine . Gov Corzine has actively lobbied for this legislation for more then a year . With every successive poll showing the Gov steadily losing ground to Republican contender Chris Christie , one can safely assume Corzines last minute adding of this controversial bill to the agenda was either an act of desperation to shore up his wavering support , or a calculated “ nuclear option “ , with nothing left to lose other then his job this November , perhaps he’s already decided it’s a lost cause and is looking to ingratiate himself with the Obama Administration . Now that he’s successfully destroyed NJ with his profligate spending , elimination of the death penalty, increases in public payrolls , conflict of interest affairs with the Unions , and a short lived stint as a crash test dummy , Corzine’s track record is sure to be lauded as a sterling example of everything a big Govt(gov't, I'd spell out government. If you're going to capitalize Government, capitalize Big as well.) , Big Spending , ultra liberal , entitlement mentality Democrat is supposed to be.

    Did the doctors at Cooper Trauma Center actually check for brain damage ??

    There were many troubling aspects of this proposal , far to many to examine in great detail here . But two of the most troubling were the prime driving force behind this , Bryan Miller of CeaseFire NJ and the comments by certain Senators about the matter during debate on the floor . The controversy surrounding Mr. Miller is his “ the sky is falling “ hysteria around the Statehouse , insistently lobbying to anyone that would listen and wasn’t capable of critical thinking that One Gun a Month had to pass in an attempt to combat illegal crime in NJ ‘s inner Cities . What Mr. Miller failed to mention , and what no-one in the State house bothered to ask or investigate , is that two short years ago , Mr. Miller gave testimony before a US House Sub Committee on the Judiciary , in which he lauded the fact that by “ most analysts views , NJ already had very strict laws in place to deal with straw purchasers “ The only logical conclusion one can then make is that Mr. Miller either lied to the US House Sub Committee , or he lied to his sycophants at the State house . Sadly its really not all that surprising . Mr. Miller and others like him have a long and well established track record of intentionally misrepresenting or out right suppressing any information that is contrary to their view point . Historical Facts , violent crime statistics , The Constitution , the laughable idea that criminals will all of a sudden care about one more gun law , when they already ignore the other 20,000 already on the books ?? None of these things matter when your trying to force feed your personal agenda down the throats of your fellow citizens , especially when you can accomplish your goals by Govt(gov't, I'd spell out government, don't capitalize) fiat .
    Even more troubling , but certainly not surprising , were the words of the most ardent supporters of this bill . The usual cabal of hoplophobic , spineless jellyfish , impersonating Senators that swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States and The State of New Jersey . Sandra Cunningham , Teresa Ruiz , Donald Rice and others , clearly more interested in catering to their home grown special interest groups du jour, let fly with draw(jaw) dropping commentary that needed to be seen or heard to be believed . Senator Donald Rice is apparently still laboring under the fallacy that the rights protected by the Second Amendment refer to the National Guard ( the militia ) . Apparently Mr. Rice missed the landmark ruling a bit more then a year ago , in which the US Supreme Court ruled definitively that the Second Amendment did in fact refer to the rights of individual citizens . But hey , tell a lie often enough and it becomes the “truth “ right Donnie ???

    Senator Teresa Ruiz was heard to apologize for the “late hour “ else she would have had “ a more eloquent statement in support of the legislation “ but still managed to muster up enough phony emotion about the need to “ send a message to NJ families “ that she would always “ stand in solidarity with Sandra Cunningham ! “ the now all to(too) worn out “ but its for the children ! “ mantra readily comes to mind . To be honest , I was sort of expecting a raised clenched fist ala Che Guevara and a hearty “viva la revolucion !”(I understand that you're making a jab at commies here, but it could be seen as 'racist' since you're you're talking about a woman named Ruiz) to follow , but I guess Ms Ruiz really was to(too) tired . Well Ms Ruiz , congratulations , you wanted to send a message and you certainly did . And the law abiding gun owners of NJ heard you loud and clear . You and your cronies don’t like us ,(you) never have . You don’t respect us , (you)never have . Your oath of office wasn’t something meaningful , they were just (empty?) words , to be discarded at the first opportunity when they become inconvenient to your political aspirations . So congratulations Ms Ruiz , your going to get your way . In recent years , there has been a mass exodus of NJ residents fleeing the State ,('Fleeing' is redundant used after 'exodus'. I'd replace it with 'from' or cut 'fleeing the State' entirely) to make their homes , and contribute their talents and income to States that respect them and whose leaders listen to them . More then 250,000 have left already , and as the State’s and Countries (I'm not sure if you meant Country's or Counties here) financial crisis continues to worsen , even more are sure to do so , as this legislation will be the proverbial” straw that broke the camels back “

    There are plenty of States with in less then a days(day's) drive of NJ that offer significantly lower property and income taxes , lower cost of living expenses and actually protect and defend quaint , out dated ideals like the right to keep and bear arms without infringement.

    Often times , only a tragic personal event is able to lift the veil of denial from the eyes of the most ardent gun control supporters . And there was a slight possibility that personal epiphany may have taken place in the mind of Senator Ray Lesniak , who just a few short months ago was accosted in his home in the middle of the night by two intruders . But alas , the siren song of the pied piper of State mandated victim hood was to much for even Senator Lesniak to overcome , as he stood in vocal support for the bill .

    In an ironic twist the likes of which is only dreamed up by novelists or Hollywood screen play writers , this historic trampling of the law abiding citizens right to firearms came on the same day that the South Brunswick NJ Police Dept publicly advised residents to “ not resist “ and to “ comply with the demands “ of violent criminals , in light of a recent home invasion there .

    My fellow law abiding residents , it should(,) by now(,) be all to (too) apparent that the new State Motto for New Jersey is “ State Mandated Victim Hood and You ! , Perfect Together “
    I implore anyone that is able to make plans to flee the State as soon as your situation allows ,(Start a new sentence here. . Talk) talk to your families , talk to your neighbors , convince them to flee , not only for the lower cost of living other States provide , but for their personal safety , as todays tragic vote proves beyond all doubt , in New Jersey , the inmates truly are running the asylum !

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Darlington Township, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Also, too many "then"s that should be "than"s, and you should spell out "governor" (it's an office, and deserves respect, even if the current occupant does not).

    Also, "Did the doctors at Cooper Trauma Center actually check for brain damage ??" destroys your objective credibility.

    In contrast to unloved's suggestion to begin a new sentence, I'd recommend a full colon to separate the ideas in "I implore anyone that is able to make plans to flee the State as soon as your situation allows , talk to your families , talk to your neighbors , convince them to flee , not only for the lower cost of living other States provide , but for their personal safety , as todays tragic vote proves beyond all doubt , in New Jersey , the inmates truly are running the asylum !"

    It's a good letter. From what I've seen, there aren't enough liberty-minded individuals in New Jersey to make a difference, so your efforts are likely moot.
    Kevin Singleton, Potawatomi - {ZRT - Sector 4}

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Williamstown NJ ( Peoples Socialist Republic), New Jersey
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Quote Originally Posted by unloved View Post
    Great letter.It looks too long for a 'Letter to the Editor' though. Maybe submit it as a 'Guest Opinion'?The only problems I see are some spelling and punctuation mistakes, and a couple of style issues. I did some proofreading for you. I've included some (corrections and suggestions).I may have missed some. I'll re-read.

    Thanks so much for the editing !! I knew the errors were there , I first wrote that at something like 2AM , in an emotionally charged state , I've since started re reading it . While I'll never be Shakespeare some of my best writing comes out when my passions and ire are stirred , but an unfortunate side effect to that is a tendency to " fat finger " keys and blast past proper sentence structure and grammar in order to get all my thoughts out . Feel free to continue to edit accordingly if you like . I agree its probably to long for a " Letter to the Editor " but once it's more polished I plan on posting it to NJ Voices and my blog site . Might even try to wrangle a Guest Opinion slot from my local paper .

    ETA . I sort of worried about the potential " racial " undertones of my jab at Senator Ruiz . Im glad to see you recognized the reference to the " commies " instead as that was my intent . But I freely admit to intentionally making an over the top double enterde , in the hopes of sharpening the cut . If Ms Ruiz or anyone else wants to attribute that line to "racism " they will only be making fools of themselves , as there are plenty of close friends of all races and creeds that will publicly defend me as the least racist person they know .
    Last edited by son of the revolution; June 26th, 2009 at 10:58 AM.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Williamstown NJ ( Peoples Socialist Republic), New Jersey
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Quote Originally Posted by kevindsingleton View Post
    Also, too many "then"s that should be "than"s, and you should spell out "governor" (it's an office, and deserves respect, even if the current occupant does not).

    Also, "Did the doctors at Cooper Trauma Center actually check for brain damage ??" destroys your objective credibility.

    In contrast to unloved's suggestion to begin a new sentence, I'd recommend a full colon to separate the ideas in "I implore anyone that is able to make plans to flee the State as soon as your situation allows , talk to your families , talk to your neighbors , convince them to flee , not only for the lower cost of living other States provide , but for their personal safety , as todays tragic vote proves beyond all doubt , in New Jersey , the inmates truly are running the asylum !"

    It's a good letter. From what I've seen, there aren't enough liberty-minded individuals in New Jersey to make a difference, so your efforts are likely moot.
    I have no problem removing the line about Cooper Trauma and brain damage . While apropos in my personal opinion , I can certainly recognize your point .
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    (Adams County)
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Quote Originally Posted by son of the revolution View Post
    the South Brunswick NJ Police Dept publicly advised residents to “ not resist “ and to “ comply with the demands “ of violent criminals , in light of a recent home invasion there .
    Are you F'ing serious?????

    The only thing I can imagine that they're trying to do is let crime get SO bad, that they have no choice but to institute martial law and rule the state instead of govern over it.

    It's the 2nd Amendment that protects all others

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    Quote Originally Posted by camper View Post
    Are you F'ing serious?????

    The only thing I can imagine that they're trying to do is let crime get SO bad, that they have no choice but to institute martial law and rule the state instead of govern over it.

    Ill keep it brief so I don't get into trouble because of excessive bad language.
    ^ what camper said. I wasn't aware it was that bad. I am furious. I saw so much foreward progress. Then this. Bullshit!
    Millions for defense, Not one cent for tribute!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Come on in and enjoy my broad side against The Peoples Socialist Republic !!

    My rep button is broken, I owe ya.

    Armed, I am free.
    ZRT Sector 7 (Recon)
    A 3 percenter

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