How do you feel about the list below ??????

You know I heard a young man man say to his father today when the VFW and the Legion were getting ready for the parade "Daddy why is there a parade today ?" I didn't stick around for the answer. I sat on my porch last night till 0330 hours. And I have to wonder did my Bro's die in vain ? Before the flam starts let me explain ! I believe in this

We the People
of the United
States, in Order to
form a more
perfect Union,
establish Justice,
insure domestic
Tranquility, provide
for the common
defense, promote the
general Welfare,
and secure the
Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves
and our Posterity do
ordain and establish
this Constitution for
the United States
of America

Now for my rant (it is not directed toward anyone or anything. So if it offends anyone it wasn't intended that way)

Here goes

Amendment I

Freedom of speech and religion

In order to be Politically Correct freedom of speech suffers and is taken away

(You must be careful telling a joke because you may offend someone or the opposite sex or race or work)

In order to be Politically Correct freedom of religion suffers and id taken away

(The ten commandments can't be posted on on or in government buildings a nativity scene can't be put up on public property, UNDER God in our Pledge of Alliances may be removed and maybe taken off our money.)

The right to petition the Government for redress of grievances

(Try to get a Senator or Congress man either Federal or State to take up a cause that may be unpopular or get a case on the Supreme Court Docket. And see how much redress you get)

Amendment II

The right to keep and bear arms

(What can I say about this, Most here could write a book on this abused amendment)

Amendment III

Housing the Army

(I Agree with this amendment)

Amendment IV

Unreasonable Search

(Read the comments on Dome light talk to a police offices or the Chief of police in Dickson City or Phila. And how many other communities and States say NY have tried to or passed ordnances and laws that dump this amendment in the john)

Amendment V

Right to Double Jeopardy

(A great amendment for OJ and the teens that beat an illegal alien to death)

Amendment IX

The enumeration in The Constitution, of certain rights, shill not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

(Another great amendment. Who were these farmers who wrote this and what incite)

I won't bore you with a longer rant. But my men believed that they were passing these along to Oppressed People and helping them archive what we have here. But the more I thought (wondered) on it I have to ask do we still have these freedoms or have we abridged them to be POLITICALLY CORRECT and maybe just maybe it's time to ask for these freedoms back.

Sorry I feel this way but many men died so I don't have to be politically correct and can be myself. Men all the way back to the Revolutionary War, The Civil War, the war of 1812, WWI, WWII, Nam and today these men have to be rolling over in there pieces of America