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  1. #1
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    Default Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Glen Beck called Obama a racist...So good to me; I've been calling Obama a socialist racist Muslim Liberal from day one...

    NEW YORK — Fox News Channel commentator Glenn Beck said he believes President Barack Obama is a racist.

    Beck made the statement during a guest appearance Tuesday on the "Fox & Friends" morning show. He said Obama has exposed himself as a person with "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."

    His remarks came during a discussion of Obama's reaction to the arrest of Harvard University scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. Gates is black and was arrested for disorderly conduct by a white policeman over a misunderstanding about a break-in at Gates' home.

    An Obama spokesman, William Burton, said the White House had no comment on Beck.

    Beck's statement was challenged on the air by Fox host Brian Kilmeade, who noted that most of the people who work for the nation's first black president are white.

    "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people," Beck said. "He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

    Beck wondered, during the discussion, what other president would immediately jump on the police for their actions in the case. Obama said in a news conference that he believed the police acted stupidly in the case, but later backtracked from the statement and invited Gates and the police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, to the White House for a conciliatory meeting later this week.

    Bill Shine, Fox News senior vice president of programming, told the TVNewser Web site that Beck had "expressed a personal opinion which represented his own views, not those of the Fox News Channel. And as with all commentators in the cable news arena, he is given the freedom to express his opinions."

    Racial controversies are hardly new to presidents. In 2005, entertainer Kanye West said during a telethon after Hurricane Katrina that President George W. Bush "doesn't care about black people."

    Beck, also a radio host and best-selling author, was an immediate hit with Fox News Channel viewers, starting in January when he made the jump from HLN (formerly CNN Headline News).

    Beck didn't speak about the racial comments on his own daily Fox show Tuesday.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Glenn Beck is right about this.

    Funny they mention Kanye West's comments about George Bush. News media was stringing Bush up as a racist, saying he wasn't doing enough to help the black people who should have left and didn't.

    Where was the media when Dear Leader left the white folks in Kentucky utterly on their own this past winter, to starve or freeze to death, if they didn't take care of themselves? Federal aid just didn't happen. If they had been as utterly unwilling to care for themselves as the residents of New Orleans, they would have all died.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Where was the News media when the whole state of Iowa was damn near a lake? Where was the fema trailers for the thousands of displayed white farmers? Didn't hear a peep about it yet thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of farm land were underwater, houses, farms, farm equipment, whole herds of animals, gone. Nope not one peep, hardly a blip on the news media screen...I wonder why???

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    Where was the News media when the whole state of Iowa was damn near a lake? Where was the fema trailers for the thousands of displayed white farmers? Didn't hear a peep about it yet thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of farm land were underwater, houses, farms, farm equipment, whole herds of animals, gone. Nope not one peep, hardly a blip on the news media screen...I wonder why???

    Because nobody goes to Iowa to throw beads to get trashy skanks to show them their titties while shitface drunk. And I'm pretty sure there's more buttsex available in New Orleans than in Iowa.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    BHO's knee-jerk reaction suggests that he agrees with Gates - that automatically, it's about race if the cop is white and the so-called victim is black.

    What has been implied though hasn't been stated is the belief that Gates' statements should be taken at face-value and that Gates himself should be exempted from any scrutiny simply because of the race issue.

    That our President would do this is unsurprising - when one knows that BHO spent 20++ years in church with Jeremiah Wright and one chooses not to engage in cognitive dissonance about that fact.

    The "independents" (e.g. those noisy, stupid people who don't really believe in very much of anything) that voted for Barack Obama were probably a little shocked.

    I fully expect the drive-by media and the entire DNC to bury their heads in the sand about the meaning of the statement, though.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Quote Originally Posted by camper View Post
    Because nobody goes to Iowa to throw beads to get trashy skanks to show them their titties while shitface drunk. And I'm pretty sure there's more buttsex available in New Orleans than in Iowa.

    New Orleans made Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild fame a very rich man.

    As for BO being racist? Um duh.

    Bush being a racist? I don't think he paid enough attention to be racist.

    But then again they'd still have called him one even if he had carried each and every black person stuck in NO after Katrina out on his back and gave them a new house.

    Kanye West could have done more for the black people of New Orleans. Where was he to help other than be on telethongs putting his ugly mug on TV to get more publicity? If he actually gave a flying fornication about anyone other than himself and his entourage he'd have been down there in the boats helping get people off rooftops and rallying against cops disarming people who were defending themselves and their property.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Obama IS short.... he only has 1,440 days left. I don't remember how bad Jimmy Carter was, do you?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist


    Everyone is a racist..


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeWilliams View Post
    Glenn Beck is right about this.

    Funny they mention Kanye West's comments about George Bush. News media was stringing Bush up as a racist, saying he wasn't doing enough to help the black people who should have left and didn't.

    Where was the media when Dear Leader left the white folks in Kentucky utterly on their own this past winter, to starve or freeze to death, if they didn't take care of themselves? Federal aid just didn't happen. If they had been as utterly unwilling to care for themselves as the residents of New Orleans, they would have all died.
    Well that and they weren't forced into a 55,000 stadium with little or no security.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think what happen to to New Orleans was Race based.. It was a total and complete clusterfuck in every way possible. But I really doubt Bush didn't care because they were black.. He just had morons (and the city had morons) running everything.

    And a total blizzard and flood are two different disasters. With a flood, you don't want to be alone without help, and your house is under 10 feet of salt water.

    In a Blizzard any home with a fireplace kerosene heater or gas stove can keep you toasty, and water is free for the taking.. Difficult and dangerous yes. But totally different types of situations.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Fox's Glenn Beck: President Obama is a racist

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post

    Everyone is a racist..

    Depends on how you define the term.

    If you define and use the term in such a way that it applies to everyone, the term becomes completely worthless. If you define the term in such a way as to discriminate between different behaviors/projected attitudes, then the term is much more useful. I don't think anyone uses the term, 'Racist' in the sense that it 'applies to everyone' unless they are just trying to weasel out of a racial discussion.

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