Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    south western PA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Moving PA from Welfare to Road Work

    Rep. Daryl Metcalfe is VERY PRO-GUN and also tackles other important issues as well, such as this one that effects all tax payers in the state.

    Rep Metcalfe touches on one of my big complaints, Taxpayers from all over PA subsiding bus fares for people in the big cities. My wife rode the public transportation to Pittsburgh for many years.

    Port authority of Allegheny County waste tax payer money like there is no end to the “free” money to underwrite their ill conceived projects.

    Rep. Daryl Metcalfe
    12th District
    Pennsylvania House of Representatives
    (724) 772-3110
    (717) 783-1707

    Moving PA from
    Welfare to Road Work

    Government should live within its means, just as individuals, families and businesses have to.

    I listened to a story last week of two young girls who were protesting the high gasoline prices because their mother had to terminate their cable television to have the money needed to fill her gas tank.

    I am sure that there are millions of stories across our nation of American citizens who have tightened their family budget belt to make ends meet. Individuals, families and businesses continually balance their budgets to survive the fluctuations of the economy.

    On June 17, 2008, I joined with several of my colleagues to offer an alternative solution to the Rendell I-80 tolling plan or turnpike leasing scam for funding our roads and bridges.

    The 10 percent plan that we offered to fund our state roads and bridges is a no new taxes, no new debt, no new spending, no new tolls and no lease of our turnpike to a foreign-owned company, common sense answer that families and businesses of our state would choose to enact.

    One of our state government's primary responsibilities is addressing our common needs that we are not able to address as individuals.

    The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a body of government created to address those issues that are for our common good, common interest or common wealth.

    One of the primary responsibilities of our Commonwealth is the maintenance, repair and construction of our core transportation infrastructure, especially our state roads and bridges.

    In its report, the Governor's Pennsylvania Transportation Funding and Reform Commission claimed that we need just under a billion dollars a year for our roads and bridges.

    Our 10 percent plan offers a solution that protects the taxpayers of Pennsylvania and does just what any family or business must do when faced with necessary expenditures and constricted income:

    Prioritize spending.

    Including this year's budget proposal, this administration has grown the welfare budget by almost $4 billion dollars.

    The total welfare budget is $10 billion plus, not including the hundreds of millions of dollars funneled to the mass transit systems. If you and I paying for someone's bus fare isn't welfare, then I don't know what you would call it.

    The 10 percent plan calls for a 10 percent reduction in the welfare budget through efficiency changes, fraud and waste reduction, which would provide $1 billion for our core infrastructure.

    Moving able bodied individuals from welfare to work will enable us to move prior spending from welfare to roads.

    Just as I have argued for the past five years, the 2008-2009 state budget should reduce spending, reduce debt and reduce the overall tax burden for all Pennsylvania citizens.

    There should be no hidden tax increases through new or increased tolls. Government must live within its means and the 10 percent plan is a step to doing just that!

    If you enjoyed this Metcalfe Memo, please feel free to forward it to your friends and family. If you received this Metcalfe Memo from a friend or family member, and you would like to be added to the distribution list, please send an e-mail to If you do not wish to receive future editions of the Metcalfe Memo, reply with "unsubscribe" in the subject line and you will be removed from this distribution list

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    (Lebanon County)
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    Default Re: Moving PA from Welfare to Road Work

    good read. I don't think it goes far enough, so I replied to the email address with my welfare reform plan that I discussed here:
    Let's see what he has to say.

    got this:

    Thank you. I have forwarded your email to the representative.


    Amy J. Dohner
    Last edited by theshadow; July 2nd, 2008 at 11:57 AM. Reason: information added

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Moving PA from Welfare to Road Work

    Public transportation is an important and integral part of the Pennsylvania economy , the various systems do need to reform themselves because any bureaucracy has waste in its budgets, it also needs to maintain and expand their systems so that our dependence on foreign oil is reduced , I would not expect the entire state to pay any portion of this public transportation since many in the statewould not be able to use these systems , however , these systems do contribute to the economic health of our state since they get many workers to and from their jobs in an economical manner , saving businesses untold millions in wage increases and bringing jobs to the state.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    down side of up, Pennsylvania
    (Allegheny County)
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    Default Re: Moving PA from Welfare to Road Work

    Nothing will ever be done to change the "welfare" system.. If anyone says anything negative about welfare, activists automatically label them as "racists" and will always point to the poor single mother of 5 that is trying to go to school to "get her life straight" as an example of welfare in motion. Politicians are too scared to tackle the issue, 'cause once the media label you as something, it is next to impossible to remove that label. TALK IS CHEAP! Action is what is needed, but, don't hold your breath. Gas prices will continue to rise, ridership on port authority transit will increase and more welfare recipients will take advantage of other people paying for them to get around..

    Zombie Response Team SECTOR 4 Ground assault unit
    "Nothing defuses people like crazy." ~ Lycanthrope

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Too close to the "Dirty"., Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Moving PA from Welfare to Road Work

    Having lived almost all my youth on Welfare/Food Stamps/Medicaid, I feel I have much room to speak(personally, any tax payer has room to talk, it's your money). Welfare Moms are like tribbles, 50% of their body is designed for reproduction. The only way to shut them down, is to cut off their food supply.

    I was taught welfare money is for the children, but I never saw the children cashing their check in a bar and getting hammered every day in the beginning of the month, till the money ran out.

    Yeah, I'm insensitive, but I'm defensive of the screwed over children trapped in poverty by their parents.
    Everyday, Love your Wife. She might love you back twice that day. :D

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