Are we all pedophile's? Then why does HB760 by Rep Cruz seek to put anyone who is a gun owner in the state of PA in the catagory of lower life form, criminal or terrorist? Is it because we choose to embrace our sovereignty under our state and federal constitutions? By God pedophiles only have to live a certain distance from buildings that house children, they don't have to submit to two forms of picture ID, social security numbers, fingerprints and carry a card around with them for each act of pedophilia they commited. We will have to carry a card around with us for each firearm we own. Its disgusting!!!!!!!! Its time we go on the offensive with our God given rights under the constitution and stop playing defence. I just renewed my membership with the NRA for three years, stopped by my representitive's office on Friday and he assured me if this bill gets out of commitee he will vote against it. Thank you Rep Garth Everett, 84th district for supporting people that choose to own firearms in defense of themselves and their nation should the need arise. Please call or e-mail or write snail mail to your representative and thank them if they oppose HB760, and if they are in favor of HB760 vote them out next election. Politicians hate to be in office for only one term!

fight the good fight and keep it in the bullseye,