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  1. #1
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    Default Ladies and purses?

    Yeah I know mostly men here and most of you may not be able to really relate to this but as OBSERVERS you might be able to think about this and answer it....of course most men I know aren't very observant so.....

    Anyway, when I am carrying I am most comfortable carrying at what I would say is maybe between 1 and 2 o'clock. I like this placement because of where my arm naturally hangs on my right side while I'm walking and because of where my purse hangs. Being right handed I obviously carry it on the right side so if I'm getting something out of it then it's right there. My husband it always bitching that it should be moved back to about 3 o'clock or damn near close to 4 which doesn't make me very comfortable to be honest. He says this is a better placement for drawing. I say it's a hell of a lot easier for someone to come up behind me and try to grab it (although when OCing I always use a holster with retention on it and I don't mean a strap I mean a locking mechanism where the release is between myself and the firearm and is not exactly obvious to someone who doesn't know anything about holsters and when CCing I am still using a holster where you have to pretty much pull straight UP or you're not getting it out either) then for them to reach under or around my arm and grab it not to mention the conflict with my arm and my purse etc. ANYWAY, there is also the matter of when I am OCing I am always thinking that if anyone DOES notice (because I am more and more convinced that A. they don't notice and B. those who DO notice don't give a shit because they think I am a cop or they are just smart enough to know OUR RIGHTS) and if they are nervous or questioning it at first if they see me reaching for my purse...well you know they might freak out at first because it hangs RIGHT next to or sometimes damn near on top of my firearm. I am wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this. Yeah, I know, I just might be asking the wrong group of people since this is probably more of a woman thing but I am not asking about tampons or anything here. LOL. Again, maybe they are just not even noticing. Truthfully, even as much as I have learned about the law, just because I now know that ANYONE can open carry and really law enforcement has no right to be stopping them without some lawful reason, anytime I see someone OCing I know I would keep an eye on them for the simple fact that this means a criminal could OC and no one would be the wiser. Now I realize they are usually the ones CCing until they're ready to shoot up the place or hold up the clerk but it just makes me more cautious. It doesn't mean I'm afraid of anyone I see OCing. I just pay a little more attention...Ok and I've only seen ONE person OCing who wasn't a LEO since I started learning all of this stuff. LOL. Still, I am being more aware.....

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    Like you I carry around 1 or 2 o'clock unless I'm carrying the p32 then it's at 10 or 11 o'clock, I don't know why but it feels more natural that way with that one.

    I think it's because of the way women carry themselves, we naturally hold ourselves tighter (does that make sense?) and by carrying a gun at say 3 or 4 it's constantly being hit by our arms and rubbing at the skin if we have short sleeves. Also the curves make a difference, if you carry at the waist at say 3 o'clock the bottom of the holster will be sticking out further and be more of an obstacle then anything and since most women don't have a pot belly no matter what we weigh it's less of a curve in the front and it fits more snugly to our bodies.

    The purse thing I don't know about, I stopped carry one years ago. I carry 3 things with me, my DL, my ATM card and my LTCF and sometimes cash in my back pocket. The purses always either hurt my shoulder or just kept getting in the way. Besides with the amount of purse snatches it's one less thing I have to keep an eye on, I figure if they can get their hand in my back pocket without me knowing about it, then they deserve what they get.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    THANK YOU! My husband thinks I am retarded for carrying that far front and I TRIED to explain to him that WOMAN are made differently and it is COMFORTABLE that way for me the way my hips are shaped (especially after shoving out three kids damn it!) and you're right about it sticking out more at 3 or 4 o'clock! Basically I have to carry a purse most of the time because of still having a 9 month old. I hate carrying a diaper bag so I generally carry ONE diaper in a small purse with me and a small wipe pack (it's not a plastic wipe box but rather a plastic wrapper thing that I keep refilling) and then the other "essentials" that women usually lug around for themselves. I am glad to know that I am not the only woman who thinks it's more comfortable to carry like that though.

    What I have been trying to do lately if I am OCing is when I am going to pay for something I try to have my payment out of my purse before I'm at the register so at the very least if the cashier is paying any attention they don't think I am reaching for my firearm and have a heart attack or reach for their own and shoot me in error. Probably unnecessary paranoia on my part but just something I am throwing out there because you never know what people are thinking or paying attention to and I didn't know if anyone else had ever given this thought or whatever.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    I haven't used a purse since high school, so I can't help you. I hate purses. Used a fanny pack worn in front for a while, then I went to just stuffing things into pockets. My only suggestion is to try to wear the purse on your left shoulder and at 10-11, you can reach right in with your right hand and it will be nowhere near the gun on the other hip.

    My mother has a big honkin purse that can tear your shoulder off! I have made jokes in the past that she has a gun collection in her purse and that is why it is so heavy. A bunch of big clunky revolvers and alot of extra ammo.
    LOL, I am a woman...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    This just my opinion because I don't carry a purse (stop laughing I don't... anymore.. stop it!) but I don't like anything that will impede my draw or ability to aquire my sight picture. This includes cell phones, wallet, brief case, car / house keys, even opening a door. All are on my non-dominant side to maintain the habit when I'm carrying.

    I've fought to retain my pistol in the past and, while the adrenaline helps, I would assume (I know...) that a purse bouncing around could be a detriment as well, possibly even provide the critter with a leverage point.

    Just my .02 but hopefully a little food for thought.

    As far as holster location, I think it's definitely a personal choice and women are built differently (thank goodness, vive la differeance) and you need to find what works best, and is most comfortable for you. Just don't outshoot us too often, we have tender egos.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    Ladies ( & gents )

    There was another recent thread addressing purses & ladies modes of carry generally on the Concealed / Open Carry forum:

    I offered a post on page 2 that may present some options to you that are "customizable" to a favorite purse or garment. (Why pay $75 - 200+ for a concealment purse when you can "upgrade" an existing favorite, or mount a surgical elastic holster or pocket holster on a stiff panel you can transfer from purse to purse).

    Many of the ladies who attend my classes comment on the discomfort of having to try to make a "man's" holseter work for them. Ladies garments are substantially different in design (different waist designs, often VERY shallow pockets differently placed than men's clothing, etc...). Also, if you are short waisted, a proper draw is more difficult as many women elect for a high rise holster, futher complicating things.

    TIP: "Men's" pancake style holster slots often dont align for a comfortable cant when placed fore or aft of a ladies hip; look for adjustable "roto" style belt or paddle holsters by folks such as Fobus.

    A solid platform (belt) for the holster is also a challenge, as many ladies pants belt loops are intended to accept a thin "fashion" belt moreso than a "real" belt. You may find some relief via the larger police outfitters such as that offer thinner belts sculpted to account for a ladies' shape.

    ... hope this helps ...

    NRA Certified Instructor / PA State Constable

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    I haven't carried a purse since my son was a toddler. My motto is never put anything in a purse you are not willing to loose. ESPECIALLY A FIREARM!!!!!

    I've always carried about 1 or 2 o'clock, whether its O/C or C/C. Seems the most comfortable for me, even while driving. I use a carbon fiber belt. So far its been holding up well. I don't play dress up, so, my carbon fiber belt fits well with my jeans and makes carrying comfortable.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    BCI Instructor thank you very much for the link. Some of the purses linked on that thread are actually decent looking. Although I don't think I have ever spent more then ten dollars on a purse I might have to consider it in this case. I carry a glock 26 so I'd have to make sure I was buying from a company that would be return friendly if their purse wouldn't accommodate such a firearm but this is nice option to have because I don't wear a lot of conceal friendly clothing and my husband is VERY opposed to OC. I also don't like to OC when I'm doing something that doesn't allow me to have good situational awareness for obvious reasons (ie grocery shopping with 3 or more kids and a store list etc) but I don't see an issue if I'm by myself and not distracted or just going for a walk or something relaxing. Anyway, you have been most helpful. Rep coming. Thanks again.

    Thanks for the rest of the replies as well everyone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    Wow... that was one really long paragraph and insanely hard to follow.

    If your concern is primarily around where you carry... tell your husband to piss off, where you carry is personal preference and as long as you can get to it what does he care?

    If your concern is over people thinking you are going for your gun when you reach into your purse you can move your purse out in front of you to go through it, although I really doubt anyone would mistake reaching into your purse as an aggressive move.

    Personally I prefer to CC for the reasons you stated. Nobody is going to make a grab for my gun if they don't know I have it, also if there is a robbery its better to be able to surprise then make yourself a target from the get go, but this is just my opinion as well.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Ladies and purses?

    Dredly, I understand the reasons you mention for CCing. I am just one who doesn't firmly go one way or the other. I switch back and forth. I see both sides and sometimes one fits and sometimes the other. You know?

    Sorry for my erratic writing style. Sometimes I start typing something up, the kids, husband, animals, or all of the above distract me and I end up stopping and coming back to whatever I was typing and sometimes I end up doing that several times before a post is complete.

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