Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania
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    Default Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    By voting for John McCain. Staying away from the polls or casting an anti-Obama vote for any other candidate isn't going to help.

    I will vote in November. I've contributed to McCain's campaign and to the NRA PVF. I've done what I can do as a serf of the Free and Independent Socialist Republic of New Jersey to prevent the 2nd Amendment-hating Obama from imposing his brand of tyranny on the Nation. But it looks like the Socialist Republic of New Jersey is going for Obama no matter what.

    PA. it is coming down to you. As a swing state, depriving Obama of your electoral votes could be crucial. I know that Marine slandering Democrat Congressman John Murtha has declared you all racists because you might not vote for Obama. That's the slander directed at anyone who dares to disagree with "The One". I know you are better than that and hope you prove more worthy than my New Jersey bretheren come November. If you care about your 2nd Amendment rights then this is an election that you cannot afford to sit out.

    This message has been approved by Stonesriver1862, who is NOT Joe the Plumber.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    next to my neighbor, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    brother, you have to move out of that commy country. come to the other side..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    SomewhereWestPA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Thanks for your vote of confidence in us Stones!

    But I fear it is sadly misplaced. Better to post this on a Florida or Ohio gunboard.

    This Stones; is Pennsylvania...

    We had a rock-star young senator, even mentioned on The Sopranos.
    We dumped him for a wodden Indian with name recognition. Almost all our politicians here get elected on name recognition.

    We had another rising-star young Republican congress-gal - we dumped her for a numbnut.

    We have the largest, highest-paid state-level government in the entire 50 states. And - it is one of the MOST corrupt state govts on the planet.
    Even Zimbabwe would be embarrased by our Harrisburg.

    But every year we return the same jackasses to Harrisburg.

    We have a crooked, corrupt, fattbassturd congressman that calls our own men and women in uniform - our neighbor's kids, our kids, the kids of our neighboring states - war criminals and murderers, while calling the rest of us racists.
    His bone-phucking-stoopid constituency WILL return him to office. Gauranteed.

    We re-elected a fat-ass cretin of a governor on the promise that he keep his first-term promise that he would give us the promised property tax reduction.

    We never saw a dime and never will. I'll bet our property taxes are higher than yours in NJ!!

    And when this pizza-chitt wasn't campaining around the USA for Hillary on our payroll, Fast Eddie was here skimming tax dollars for himself.

    No Stones; this is Pennsylvania.

    In the USA you can fool all of the voters some of the time, some of the voters all the time, but ALL the Pennsylvania voters ALL of the time.

    Obiden has ALL the Pennsylvania black votes regardless. And unless Obiden is caught on camera eating a broiled white-baby, he would STILL hardly lose any of the massive idiot vote here in the buckle of the rustbelt.
    Last edited by nfafan; October 17th, 2008 at 09:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    milford, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    im voting mccain....

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    down side of up, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Quote Originally Posted by nfafan View Post
    Thanks for your vote of confidence in us Stones!

    But I fear it is sadly misplaced. Better to post this on a Florida or Ohio gunboard.

    This Stones; is Pennsylvania...

    We had a rock-star young senator, even mentioned on The Sopranos.
    We dumped him for a wodden Indian with name recognition. Almost all our politicians here get elected on name recognition.

    We had another rising-star young Republican congress-gal - we dumped her for a numbnut.

    We have the largest, highest-paid state-level government in the entire 50 states. And - it is one of the MOST corrupt state govts on the planet.
    Even Zimbabwe would be embarrased by our Harrisburg.

    But every year we return the same jackasses to Harrisburg.

    We have a crooked, corrupt, fattbassturd congressman that calls our own men and women in uniform - our neighbor's kids, our kids, the kids of our neighboring states - war criminals and murderers, while calling the rest of us racists.
    His bone-phucking-stoopid constituency WILL return him to office. Gauranteed.

    We re-elected a fat-ass cretin of a governor on the promise that he keep his first-term promise that he would give us the promised property tax reduction.

    We never saw a dime and never will. I'll bet our property taxes are higher than yours in NJ!!

    And when this pizza-chitt wasn't campaining around the USA for Hillary on our payroll, Fast Eddie was here skimming tax dollars for himself.

    No Stones; this is Pennsylvania.

    In the USA you can fool all of the voters some of the time, some of the voters all the time, but ALL the Pennsylvania voters ALL of the time.

    Obiden has ALL the Pennsylvania black votes regardless. And unless Obiden is caught on camera eating a broiled white-baby, he would STILL hardly lose any of the massive idiot vote here in the buckle of the rustbelt.

    SO, UH, How do you REALLY feel? Now, don't hold back.

    I seem to recall that those with electoral votes can vote for whomever they choose, regardless of the popular vote.

    Zombie Response Team SECTOR 4 Ground assault unit
    "Nothing defuses people like crazy." ~ Lycanthrope

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Quote Originally Posted by pirateron View Post
    SO, UH, How do you REALLY feel? Now, don't hold back.

    I seem to recall that those with electoral votes can vote for whomever they choose, regardless of the popular vote.
    The only problem with that, I am sure Obama has already thought of that and made sure he has the deck stacked! Unless there is a chance that I can get on the electoral collage, than I can't guarantee that any of those votes will go to McCain regardless of the popular vote. Actually, If I was on the electoral collage I would probably vote for Ron Paul lol... oh well.... such is life.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Quote Originally Posted by pirateron View Post

    I seem to recall that those with electoral votes can vote for whomever they choose, regardless of the popular vote.


    Yup, unless *state* law dictates otherwise, congress picks whomever they choose. The Prez is not, nor has ever been elected by popular vote. The "President" is coronated king by congress.

    Wanna have some fun? As your local voting staffer where your vote goes, and how it affects the presidential election. Initially most play dumb, but when I ask about the magic 270 electoral votes, the break out in an ashen pallor.

    To really finish them off, better yet: recite article 2 section 1 and also the 12th amendment of the Constitution verbatim and explain the electoral college process. Then, ask again where your vote goes. The last woman I asked this series of questions was visibly shaking. About a year later she was working in a local pizza shop, she was still frightened of me. [8^(

    Note from experience: don't do this to people that are feeble minded (they don't get it), zealots (they don't believe it and just retaliate) or older folks (you: oh shit, is there a doctor in the house? Is there a pulse?!? Mrs Fenstermacher? Can you hear me?)
    Gloria: "65 percent of the people murdered in the last 10 years were killed by hand guns"
    Archie Bunker: "would it make you feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?"

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Quote Originally Posted by Longshot View Post
    The only problem with that, I am sure Obama has already thought of that and made sure he has the deck stacked! ....

    Yes, that's correct. It's called the congressional elections. In a nutshell, the majority rule in congress determines the president. The only way this can't happen (and I mean the ONLY way) is if congresscritters are willing to vote for candidates from the (gasp) OTHER party. Obama won in the last congressional election.

    This is why the mavericks (like Ross Perot, Lyndon LaRouche, et al) don't have a snowball's chance in hell of doing anything except becoming a spoiler.
    Gloria: "65 percent of the people murdered in the last 10 years were killed by hand guns"
    Archie Bunker: "would it make you feel better, little girl, if they was pushed outta windows?"

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Don't believe the polls. If it's such a run away, why so heavy campaigning?
    If it's such a run away, why the campaigning in places like N.H. and Dakota's?

    Don't believe the polls!

    If you tell a lie long enough...
    Just listen to the press go on and on ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pennsylvania can save the Nation!

    Unfortunately, with the GOP president running the country into shit the last 8 years while the maverick stood by in full support, there's a pretty valid reason why he is not going to win PA.

    As Dubya so eloquently put it,
    "Fool me once, shame Fool me twice.....well, the point is, you won't get fooled again."

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