What with all the talk about the lies of the MSM , such as the totally bogus claim about the guns in Mexico GangWar being 90% from the US , plus the sure to be coming outrage for more gun laws in light of the recent spate of rampage shootings , thought it might be interesting to discuss the origins , physcology and effects of " The Great Lie " .

Most everyone knows or has read or heard about Hitler and the " Big Lie " , I want to make clear that Im NOT necessarily linking Hitler or his underlying ideology to todays situation . However , I think there is ample evidence in what we see everyday to support that the theory of the " Big Lie " is certainly well practiced today

This part is interesting , for those that dont know their history , the OSS was the WWII precursor to todays CIA .

Used in Hitler's psychological profile

The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:[2]

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

To me this sounds like a verbatim example of the garbage spouted by our elected officials on a whole range of topics . For me personally it is even more relevant to what I have been saying about gun control groups and the media .

The basic reasons the concept of the " Great Lie " and its value as a propaganda tool rely greatly on actually taking advantage of most people's inherent un willingness to tell an obvious whopper . Most law abiding or "good hearted " people instinctively resist telling a " big lie " in their daily lives and therefore falsely assume that their peers , including elected officials behave the same way .

The natural instinct is to want to believe a civilized society is based on basic shared " social mores " and behaviors , which obviously include from our earliest child hood upbringing to tell the truth . I know this is "broad strokes " but most people , living their lives and behaving "honestly " and in a law abiding manner , seem to have a great difficulty imagining that some one could actually be deceitful on a grand scale , because the people themselves would instinctively resist such behavior in their own daily lives .

Applying the concept of the " great lie " and the definition of the Psychological aspects of it to any number of today’s issues would seem to bring a sharper focus to bear on why it is that people seem so willing to swallow , hook , line and sinker what their told , despite the fact that any logical , objective and common sense examination of the particular issue and its attendant arguments prove beyond question the lie itself is in fact real . It would seem we truly do see only that which we choose to .

For me its very puzzling and interesting how it is that people in general , regardless of political affiliation or a host of other differences , are so willingly led to believe things that are so obviously untrue . Im really struggling with trying to comprehend how people actually " allow " themselves to be deceived on such a grand scale when there are such obvious clues that they are being lied to . I mean people instinctively know when their children are lying to them just by the nature of a childs implausible explanation when confronted. People automatically know when some one claims the Holocaust or the Moon landing never happened that the very statement is absurd on its face.Yet that instinctive BS meter somehow develops a short circuit when applied to the much larger issues of society in general . Its an interesting dichotomy