idiot. Of course he is, he's a dumbocrat. But he just shows how much of an idiot he is in this interview with CBS21 in Harrisburg.

President Obama said that the Newtown Massacre is the fourth time a tragedy like that happened since he became President. And that's sparking debates about gun control all across the country, including here in Pennsylvania.

Some say that Pennsylvania needs to have more laws surrounding guns and the sale of guns, for instance, sales at gun shows are not regulated in PA. But others of course have a different view.

Democratic State Representative Michael Sturla says Pennsylvania is in need of more gun control laws. For example, he wants to see a ban on firearms that he says belong in the military. "If you looked at the guns, that were confiscated from the shooter in CT, non of those guns are used for sporting purposes. They're assault weapons essentially."

Right now, Sturla says gun sales at flea markets and gun shows are not regulated by the state, and there are no laws that force you to report a stolen fire arm either.

He says that needs to change. Sturla makes it clear he's not against the Second Amendment right to bear arms. "If there's people who believe we should not control weapons at all, then i have a real problem with it, because i don't want nuclear weapons in the hands of every Tom, Dick and Harry."

Long-time Coroner in Dauphin County Graham Hetrick, who has seen eleven people die in harrisburg this year from gunshots wounds, doesn't think gun laws should change. "I'm only asking that if we have this debate, we look at the whole picture-culture, mental illness, we look at games, x-box and all other boxes that are out there, that are just destruction, killing other people."

Beyond the gun control issue, Representative Sturla also says we need to increase funding for mental health services in PA, funding that's quickly drying up.
At least the coroner has a more sensible ideals. I understand he is a democrat, but the blood dancing by these morons, and the blatant disregard for the truth by the local media is getting out of hand.