Here is an annual fundraising letter from John Lott. This year gifts will be matched up to $10,000 which I know they need as the operate on a shoestring budget.

I've included some links to recent articles and research so you can see how much good work these guys do for all of us.

You can donate by clicking here.

Thank you.

Dear Friends,

I only try to bother you all once a year about fundraising, and now at the end of the year is that time. While I hope that those who have given in the past will help us out again, we will receive a donation of up to $10,000 for new donors who help us out over the next few weeks. However, there are a couple of restrictions before we will get this money: 1) the contributions will have to come from people who haven't previously donated to us and 2) the donations will be matched up to $500 each. That means for us to receive all $10,000 we will have to get 20 gifts of $500 or, say, 200 donations of $50 or some other similar breakdown. Getting this money before the end of the year will be extremely important to getting the work done that we need to do, and it will unlock this $10,000 potential matching donation for us. We have a very tiny budget of less than $200,000 and there is no other organization that does original research and educates people the way that we do on self-defense issues.

Attached are two new studies that we have just released: One updating our work on mass public shootings around the world from 1998 to 2015 and another on the Arizona state prison system over a 32 year period. We had finished this report on Arizona earlier this year, but we were motivated to put it up now because of an ABC television show this week making ridiculous claims about Americans facing long jail terms for simple possession of small amounts of marijuana.

The release of our new report on mass public shootings allowed us to get a lengthy op-ed piece in the Chicago Tribune. One America News also covered this research.

I also wanted to announce that Professor Carl Moody from the College of William & Mary has joined us as our new research director. Carl replaces John Whitley, who is now the chief financial officer for the US Army under the Trump administration.

Among the more amazing "other news," the former research director for Bloomberg's Everytown has been hired by the New York Times to cover gun and gun safety issues for the newspaper.

I hope that you all will help us out again this year. I also hope that those who haven't helped us out before will especially consider it this time, as you donations will be matched up to contributions of $500.

For information on activities at the Crime Prevention Research Center, here is a link to our “info deck.” Please view in full-screen mode and scroll using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Thank you very much.
New Research

New CPRC Research: Mass Public Shootings are much higher in the rest of the world and increasing much more quickly

Prison Sentence Lengths for Arizona


In the Chicago Tribune: On comparing mass public shooting rates across countries and the danger of gun-free zones

Television Interviews

On the One America News Network: Study: Mass Shootings Less Frequent in the US

Interview with Mexico’s EnlaceJudio about terrorist attacks against Jews and others

Media Coverage

Another Mass Public shooting in yet another gun-free zone: Chicago’s Mercy Hospital

Bloomberg’s Everytown former Research Director hired by the New York Times to cover gun control issues

Illinois Association of School Boards barely defeats arming teachers 53% to 47%

ABC's The Rookie making the false claim you can get a felony record for simple possession of a small amount of Marijuana

John R. Lott, Jr.
Crime Prevention Research Center
(484) 802-5373