Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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Thread: New member

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    New Jersey
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    Question New member

    Hello everyone! This looks like a great site.

    My name says it all--I know zip about firearms. Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about them. Last time I held a gun was about 15 years ago. I always wanted to learn about firearms, but I’ve put it off until I have more time. As of this month I have a bit more time (yes, it was planned, 4 yrs in the works).

    I’ve been a frequent poster, an active member, or a moderator on various forums (nothing with firearms) over many years, and it pisses me off when some newbie asked “can you tell me everything about___?”, and who would expect others to write for hours about basic stuff that 2 minutes on Google would easily answer. I tried doing this for firearms, and notice that there is a lot of conflicting information, a lot of charlatans who think that they know something about guns but are misleading readers, and a lot of people with axes to grind.

    Can you recommend a couple of websites about firearms that would give a total ignoramus introductory overview to firearms? Something reliable to start off with? A view from 30,000 ft, if you will? A site where you would feel good about sending a neighbor, a grocery bagger, or your mother-in-law, who would ask you: “So tell me something about guns....” ?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Levittown, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
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    Quote Originally Posted by TotalNewbie View Post
    Can you recommend a couple of websites about firearms that would give a total ignoramus introductory overview to firearms? Something reliable to start off with?
    Well, you're off to a good start by coming here. The folks that regularly post are very helpful and informative. I hope you find some of what you're looking for. If you want to begin with some basics, I'm sure we can help with that. It would also be helpful for us to know what it is you have in mind? Are you looking for target/plinking? Concealed carry? Home defense? Hunting? If you have one or more of these in mind, it will help us to help you. Best of luck.
    USAF vet. NRA life member. GOA life member.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Laporte, Pennsylvania
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    Welcome aboad Newbee!

    We all are newbees to something! My wife says, "sex". :P (sqib..) I'm a newbee to R/C aircraft and I'm pulling my hair out in frustration! One over-looked .2 cent screw and 300 hours of my balsa wood and glue goes..poof.

    Don't be afraid to "pull them pistols" and ask away. Most of us..err..speak fur myself..Come to theses boards to ask a few questions but probably hope to answer a few. Don't we all like to think we have the answers? Ask away..I promise to tell ya when I'm full of it..I'm just warming up..2 down-4 to go.

    "It's enuff that you know..that I know..I'll do what I hafta..hmmm.."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quakertown, Pennsylvania
    (Bucks County)
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    Welcome aboard!

    About firearms in general there is not much to know. Load bullet, aim and pull trigger. BANG! There you go, now you are a expert like the rest of us.

    What type of firearm? Now that's a issue you can spend a life time learning and still be amazed how little you know.

    It would helpful if we knew what brought you here and what prompted your interest. Self Defense? Hunting? Zombies? From here we can maybe be of more help to guide you in the right direction.

    If I were you I would try to decide between a pistol or rifle. Once you decide, visit a local gun shop and pick up one that strikes your fancy. There are plenty of used and surplus firearms out there so for a few hundred bucks you can get a decent shooter. Then learn to take it apart, put back together, take it apart, put it back together.....until you fell comfortable with its operation. Then, go shoot it, again and again until you feel comfortable. Now your hooked. By next year you will be buying your 10th. firearm and asking Dan how to change your screen name to SNIPER!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Before you go out and spend a bunch of cash on gun/guns, shoot some different models of the type of firearm you are interested in.

    I always suggest that new shooters get some professional instruction to learn how to properly manipulate any type of firearm they may be interested in and do so early enough to not develop bad habits that will be more difficult to break later.

    See if you can find a one to three day class in your area (or here in Pittsburgh ) which will review the following;
    1) safety (spend enough time with this to be completely familiar with the 4 universal safety rules).
    A) all guns are ALWAYS loaded
    B) never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy
    C) keep your finger OFF the trigger until your sights are on target
    D) be sure of your target
    If these simple rules were followed by everyone who ever held a gun, there would never be a NEGLIGENT discharge.

    Wearing the proper clothing, a good belt and holster, hearing and eye protection.

    2) range etiquette- this involves knowing range commands and common courtesies to fellow shooters who share the line with you
    3) stance -
    4) grip
    5) sight picture and alignment
    6) trigger press with a surprise break
    7) follow through (essentially you need to see another sight picture after the shot breaks) 1 shot ,two sight pictures 2 shots three sight pictures etc,et.

    Other issues that will eventually be addressed will be:

    How to load and unload the weapon.
    Press checking the weapon to see if it is ready
    Presentation from the holster
    Malfunction clearances
    Shooting with a light
    Shooting while moving

    On and on and on, Proper training involves a lot. It isn't a 15 minute session with your buddy, slap in a mag and empty it as fast as you can wondering how the bullets didn't find the target.

    Many gunshop sales personnel will guide you into a firearm that may not be right for you. When i bought my first carry pistol, I was told to KISS (Keep it simple stupid) so I started with a Glock model 32 for concealed carry. No magazine safeties,extended slide stops, extended mag releases, decockers or other DoDads.

    Let us know what your interests are and many here will chime in to help you out.


    Opinions are like anal apertures. They all stink but mine.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    "Everything I ever needed to know about firearms I learned from videogames!"


    welcome to the forum TotalNewbie!
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Thanks ‘Blazer, ‘Ned, phillyd2, 27hand, ‘Diego. I really appreciate your comments. My questions are pretty basic, and I will be posting them in the appropriate forums as they come up.

    27hand: “See if you can find a one to three day class in your area…
    … Proper training involves a lot. It isn't a 15 minute session with your buddy, slap in a mag and empty it as fast as you can wondering how the bullets didn't find the target.”

    Yes, I am a very much by-the-book guy, and take safety, firearm or otherwise, pretty seriously: I’ve got kids of mine own now, so I am not immortal and infallible like when I was 20.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
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    Default Places you might look

    You might look at the NRA webpage for info, also if you are interested in specific shooting IDPA, USPSA, CMP... you might look into those pages. Most of us like one sort of shoting more then an other, many of us have more then one shooting skill (sport) for example, I like skeet, then pistol and just plain plinking... helps to know what you expect to do with your shooting. If your just reading for knowledge and dont plan on shooting, its one thing, if you plan on buying, then you want to most bang for your buck... No pun intended. {well maybe a little pun.. or 2}
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Latrobe, Pennsylvania
    (Westmoreland County)
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    welcome and check out. what other forums you belong to post. if you haven't yet.

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