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  1. #1
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    Default Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    IMO, another interesting and thought provoking article.

    Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    by Russell D. Longcore

    On Thursday, November 5th, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan used handguns to fire upon fellow soldiers at Fort Hood Texas, killing 13 and wounding 30.

    The base commander says soldiers who witnessed the shooting reported that Major Hasan shouted "Allah Akbar!" (God is great) before opening fire. Hasan, an American citizen and a practicing Muslim, himself was shot four times, and is presently hospitalized in stable condition. Originally it was thought that Hasan was killed, but later his survival was confirmed.

    Hasan is a physician...a psychiatrist in fact. He recently worked at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Maryland, one of the primary places that wounded Gulf War soldiers are treated for horrific injuries. But those same wounded soldiers bring back deep mental wounds, and Hasan’s specialty was in counseling and helping soldiers suffering the mental anguish from war.

    Major Hasan was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan, and reports say that he was angry about his deployment.

    Over the coming weeks and months, military investigators will work to determine Major Hasan’s motivation for the murders. If found competent, he will likely stand trial for the murders and injuries. However, you should expect that the findings will be "spun" in a way that absolves Washington and the military from any responsibility for their part in the murders.

    Nothing in this article should be misconstrued as a tacit approval of Hanan’s acts. Murder is always murder, and killing 13 and wounding 30 is an horrific slaughter. No justification exists for this act.

    Here are some points that likely will be off-limits in the mainstream media:

    1. The morality of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. George Bush’s administration and Congress lied the US into an Iraq war against their own puppet dictator Saddam Hussein. It was never proven that Hussein or Iraq had ANY involvement in the 9-11 attacks. President Obama has now fully embraced war in Iraq and Afghanistan which continues unabated.

    2. The legality of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. No declaration of war has ever been enacted by the US Congress, which is required in the Constitution.

    3. Base security and the Second Amendment. Military personnel do not forsake their rights under the Second Amendment when they take their Oath of Service, do they? The fact that the soldiers on bases across the world are unarmed makes it easy for any assailant to do his work. Universities like Virginia Tech (curiously Hasan’s alma mater, where another mass murder incident took place), public schools, and government buildings are also open kill zones for armed gunmen. Just one soldier carrying his sidearm at Fort Hood could have stopped the slaughter. One soldier. One.

    4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Part of PTSD is the mental anguish military personnel experience when they have done unspeakable things in war that conflicts with their moral code. How do you live with yourself when your actions caused the deaths of women and children who never did anything to deserve death? How do you cope with seeing thousands of people bombed out of their homes and turned into refugees? How do you cope with seeing your buddies blown to bits by IEDs? How do you deal with the disease, displacement and death that your very presence in a foreign country delivers? Most military personnel live through it, albeit mentally tortured. But some choose #5.

    5. Suicide rates in the military. News stories about alarmingly high suicide rates in the military have been surfacing since 2001 when the US began its military adventures in Iraq. The fact that military personnel have been deployed multiple times is a giant factor. The fact that National Guard and Reservists have also been deployed to "the sandbox" multiple times is another suicide factor. Finally, soldiers see...and cause...thousands of civilian deaths in both countries. The military personnel ask "what are we doing here?" and find no answer. They can’t escape their service, can’t desert their post and hop a plane for home, find themselves 5,000 miles from home with no solutions, or are scheduled for a mandatory deployment that they cannot avoid without court martial. So, in hopelessness and despair, many kill themselves.

    6. Desertion: defined in Article 85 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice as "Any member of the armed forces who (1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently; or the abandonment of military duty without leave and without the intent to return." Only in the military...or slavery... is a soldier "owned property," subject to court martial, death or imprisonment for "quitting" his job. Desertion rates are up significantly since 2001, with many deserters heading to Canada or some other nation for asylum.

    Major Hasan is a devout Muslim, so his story will likely be spun about Islam and terrorism. Reports say that he has expressed grave concerns about waging war against fellow Muslims. This is a legitimate concern for any devout believer.

    But Hanan had other options. He could have refused the deployment for religious reasons (Conscientious Objector status), or simply the reason that he refused to obey an order he believed to be an unlawful order. Lieutenant Ehren Watada refused to deploy to Iraq in 2006. Watada said he believed the war to be illegal and that, under the doctrine of command responsibility, it would make him party to war crimes. The Army lost the initial court martial ruling, dropped the second court martial in 2008 and discharged him from the Army.

    Washington’s leaders and minions set the stage for this tragedy. But don’t look to them to take any responsibility for the toxic environment that our military personnel are forced to live under. Isn’t this akin to abusing a dog over years, and then feigning surprise when the dog attacks someone? Should we not treat our fellow humans better than our pets?

    Think about this. Do you believe that any military personnel, constitutionally deployed within the borders of the Unites States of America in a purely defensive status would ever have reason to react in this manner?

    Does this have anything to do with state secession? Yes, it does.

    Hanan's actions are what is commonly referred to as "blowback"...the unintended consequences of government policy. Nations that don't invade other nations don't have these kinds of tragic events as a rule. And states that eventually secede from the US, and keep their militias within their own borders, defending the new nation from invasion, won't have them either.

    November 7, 2009

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Somebody needs to cite some of those claims with stats. "News stories about"? Please. The only thing worse than the media's loose work with facts and anecdotes is multiple vague references to what may or may not be their poor prior work.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Interesting and thought provoking? More like liberal drivel.....

    On the declaration of war issue: There isn't any specific wording in the constitution for this. Congress authorized the use of force, hence the wars are legal. End of story.

    Hasan volunteered for the military. I'm sure he probably re-enlisted at some point since the wars began. If he couldn't accept the possibility of having to actually fight in them, he shouldn't have re-enlisted. "Desertion" and any "morality of the wars" falls under "shouldn't have re-enlisted, as well.

    PTSD? From what? He wasn't even deployed.

    Let's face it, the more that comes out about this guy, the more "Islamic fundamentalist terrorism" sounds like a real possibility.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Didn't you post in another thread that you are from across the pond? And looking to become a US citizen?

    It makes a whole lot of sense then that you post this liberal apologist drivel.

    How are the Brits handling there Muslim influx? How's that working out for them?

    The fact of the matter is that a crazy (Muslim) man went on a rampage and killed Americans!!! Please stop looking to blame us Americans.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Quote Originally Posted by Guns4Fun View Post
    Didn't you post in another thread that you are from across the pond? And looking to become a US citizen?

    It makes a whole lot of sense then that you post this liberal apologist drivel.

    How are the Brits handling there Muslim influx? How's that working out for them?

    The fact of the matter is that a crazy (Muslim) man went on a rampage and killed Americans!!! Please stop looking to blame us Americans.
    Damnit brother, my button is still in the shop..........

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Quote Originally Posted by Guns4Fun View Post
    Didn't you post in another thread that you are from across the pond? And looking to become a US citizen?

    It makes a whole lot of sense then that you post this liberal apologist drivel.

    How are the Brits handling there Muslim influx? How's that working out for them?

    The fact of the matter is that a crazy (Muslim) man went on a rampage and killed Americans!!! Please stop looking to blame us Americans.
    It stated in the article which I bolded to highlight it's significance;

    Nothing in this article should be misconstrued as a tacit approval of Hanan’s acts. Murder is always murder, and killing 13 and wounding 30 is an horrific slaughter. No justification exists for this act.
    I do not aplogise for what he did.

    And I don't blame Americans. I am not trying to make an issue of Americans vs Britons, merely posting an article I found interesting and thought others would to.

    I was clearly mistaken.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    Damnit brother, my button is still in the shop..........
    Mine too . I'll have to remember him .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Quote Originally Posted by Guns4Fun View Post
    Didn't you post in another thread that you are from across the pond? And looking to become a US citizen?

    It makes a whole lot of sense then that you post this liberal apologist drivel.

    How are the Brits handling there Muslim influx? How's that working out for them?

    The fact of the matter is that a crazy (Muslim) man went on a rampage and killed Americans!!! Please stop looking to blame us Americans.
    He is campaigning to be the Mayor of Londonistan. Either that or a bomb throwing troll. Reading that article was a grand waste of time, I will never get those 90 seconds back.

    As for the OP, the reason it "won't be discussed" is they are all pretty senseless points. Except, perhaps, #3, the part about being disarmed.

    Be safe (and remember, this ain't Eurpoe for a reason).


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    that article is crap! as for rights......yes you do in fact sign away most of your rights when you enlist, that's why we have the UCMJ!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Fort Hood Murders: What Won’t Be Discussed

    Quote Originally Posted by fingers80002 View Post
    Damnit brother, my button is still in the shop..........
    Quote Originally Posted by 1861 View Post
    Mine too . I'll have to remember him .
    I got him. Not as much as you guys, but at least he knows he is loved

    Be safe (and use positive reinforcement).


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