Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default Chicago incorporation case argued today

    Listen to how often the Judges interrupted Halbrooke and Gura, and notice what a free ride the Chicago attorney got. This is going to the Supreme Court, it would seem.

    Listen here

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Chicago incorporation case argued today

    Quote Originally Posted by Maestro View Post
    Listen to how often the Judges interrupted Halbrooke and Gura, and notice what a free ride the Chicago attorney got. This is going to the Supreme Court, it would seem.

    Listen here
    Quite frankly, this case going to the Supreme Court is exactly what we want, especially so close to the Heller decision. In Heller the SCotUS briefly discussed the topic of incorporating the 2nd under the 14th without directly deciding on it. In order to further protect our rights, we need this issue to be addressed not just at the the circuit level, but nationwide.
    Last edited by ChamberedRound; May 26th, 2009 at 08:57 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Chicago incorporation case argued today

    Agreed. Incorporation of the Second at the SCOTUS level is exactly what is needed. It will also give the SCOTUS an opportunity to overturn some hideous case law (like the Slaughterhouse cases) that has haunted our judiciary for too long. If that happens, there will likely be a broader application of the 14th amendment, not just in 2A cases, but in other rights as enumerated in the bill of rights.

    Up to now, only parts of the Bill of Rights have been selectively 'incorporated" against the states due to the selective incorporation doctrine.

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