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  1. #1
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    Default Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    This is a great idea IF they only enforce it, in PA we have a similar law that seldom gets enforced or used by DA or JUDGES.
    I posted some of the comments to see if they are similar to your own.

    Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Senate Republican Leader Mark Norris, speaking at an April news conference at the state Legislature, was instrumental in the push for tougher sentencing laws for violent gun and gang crimes.

    Metro law enforcement officials have been looking for a cure to Tennessee’s weak gun laws since April, pushing for legislation that would increase jail time for gun crimes.

    Now they have a possible remedy.

    Beginning on Tuesday, the state’s “Crooks with Guns” law will take effect — one that imposes mandatory minimum sentences without parole for individuals who use firearms to commit felonies, individuals who are in possession of guns while committing felonies or prior felons who are found in possession of illegal weapons.

    “We pushed hard with the Legislature last session to try to put some real teeth with laser-like focus on prison sentencing for dangerous, repeat, violent offenders,” said Metro Police Chief Ronal Serpas.

    “‘Crooks with Guns’ we believe is the fist step toward holding those people who refuse rehabilitation efforts and who choose to make you their victim as their life’s choice, to keep them in prison longer,” he said.

    According to the legislation, on Jan. 1 anyone employing a firearm during the commission of a felony will face a charge punishable by “the service of 10 years in the penitentiary at 100 percent,” meaning the defendant shall be required to serve the entire sentence and the sentence shall not be reduced for any reason.

    Before the legislation was in place, according to Serpas, a defendant needed only to fulfill 30 percent of a prison sentence before getting the possibility of parole.

    “We think [the bill] is going to help make Nashville a safer place by taking those repeat violent offenders and giving them real prison sentences instead of rolling them back out too quickly,” the chief added.

    In Nashville in 2006, 695 arrests were made on suspects for the use of firearms in the commission of a felony, a 7.4 percent increase from 647 in 2005, according to statistics provided by the Tennessee Public Safety Coalition.

    The coalition, a statewide group consisting of police chiefs, district attorneys and sheriffs, pushed hard for the legislation with help from the bill’s sponsor, Senate Republican Leader Mark Norris (R-Collierville).

    The legislation does have a price tag however. It is estimated the cost of the new law — due to increased incarceration time for inmates — will be just short of $24 million.

    But it’s a price that Norris earlier this year said was worth it.

    “The notion that we need to shy away from legislation like this because of the projected cost, really rings hollow because, in fact, if we’re successful at giving law enforcement the tools they need to do their job, their job will become simpler, and there’ll be less people incarcerated,” Norris said in March.

    The total number of reported offenses involving guns in Tennessee is rising, according to statistics from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation — jumping from 17,450 statewide in 2003 to 18,662 in 2005.

    Read some of the posted comment to this article
    Member Opinions:
    By: BADCOPS on 12/28/07
    This will be good news if everyone follows through with it.
    There are state and federal laws that we already have that always seem to be ignored regarding felons in public housing. MDHA provides housing for these gun slinging felons, which is illegal so why isn't Serpas addressing this crime. People that house these felons with government assisted money, which is illegal should also be behind bars.
    Tougher on illegal drugs would also be a plus, as it is all a crime and yet there are wall-to-wall crack houses all over this city. Most of the felons with guns are also involved with drugs but this is not mentioned. Why?
    Can't reduce gun crime Serpas without including drug crimes.

    By: WickedTribe on 12/28/07
    Wow, the police doing something good that helps against real crime? There must be an election coming up.

    And yeah, like BADCOPS said, drugs are behind most crime in this city, yet apparently it's still on the bottom of Serpas's priority list!

    By: crackcitytn on 12/28/07
    Calling to report drug activity has always been a low priority when it comes to the MNPD.
    The aren't smart enough to connect the two crimes together.

    BC is correct there are laws that we have had for decades and the cops are deaf dumb and blind like the open air drug markets, and p.s. other than the projects this is the location of most of the crime areas.

    I also think Serpas needs to give Phil Ryan a wake up call about the crime in Ryans rentals. If he doesn't want to do it, call the feds in as it is a case of federal fraud. If Serpas keeps ignoring it then he needs to be replace immediately.

    By: vchester on 12/28/07
    This is a good positive step towards keeping criminals in jail. Next step is a harsh penalty for drug dealers. As I have said before, dealers should get the death penalty, especially at the top tier. I know some of you limp back libs will shriek at this, but think about the harm they cause to their victims and families. It can destroy not just one person, but a whole family for life. You pimp drugs on the street, you should get the needle!

    By: serr8d on 12/28/07
    Any laws that crack down on criminals are good laws. The more time behind bars, the happier I am, when it comes to felons, thieves, murders, and their ilk.

    But this..."Metro law enforcement officials have been looking for a cure to Tennessee’s weak gun laws since April, pushing for legislation that would increase jail time for gun crimes."

    Guns do not need to have laws put on them, you buggerbrain! Guns are inanimate objects that, by themselves, do nothing. I've never seen a gun do any harm, unless someone is holding it. PEOPLE who misuse guns need laws (like these) to help protect law-abiding citizens, like me, keep our guns.

    Now, to strengthen the existing punishments...including the death penalty. Either make it timely, or get rid of it. No more 20-year waits for justice.

    By: Idahoser on 12/28/07
    There is only one 'good' gun law and it was in the Constitution. All you accomplish with this one is the same as the intent of every other damn gun law... create more criminals out of people who piss off the politicians.

    You don't think rape, robbery, murder are serious enough to warrant 'serious' punishment, yet you jump right on the damn anti's bandwagon and swallow their horse0000 that THIS one will really put the bad guys away. STUPID PEOPLE WAKE UP YOU ARE THE TARGET, the already have the bad guys and they let them go. STUPID.

    By: WickedTribe on 12/28/07
    Actually the target is criminals who commit felonies with guns. I don't commit felonies as a general rule so I'm not the target.

    You may be though, especially with those anger issues you obviously have.

    By: Muzhik on 12/28/07
    New laws don't replace good police work. Just how many felons committed a crime between early release and their full sentences? This law costs taxpayers $24 million...that's a lot of money. If we prevent 100 felons that would have cost TN taxpayers $240,000 per person. This law sucks!

    By: Mr_Conservative on 1/1/08
    Good law should be welcomed by pro-gun folks. Here, the Superior Court judge put FIVE gun violators on parole in one court session! One was a convicted felon who should not have a firearm in the first place. It is great to see some vertebrate judges, most of whom are not much in favor of mandatory sentences, take up the fight. Attack those who violate the law, not the majority of law-abiding people. So many politicians and anti-gun groups fail to distinguish between the firearm and the criminal using a firearm. Now if you would make a carry permit within the financial realm of possibility for law-abiding folks, you will see crime go down.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law


    Why? It won't be enforced any more than PA's law is. The judges don't want to give hard time, the Prosecutors want to show a high conviction count so they plea bargain, the FEDS staked out the territory for felons with firearms but almost NEVER prosecute or get a conviction, so the only ones this works against is us because each time these polical cretins have a brain fart we pay for it!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    That picture gives it all away doesn't t? How many of those cops wouldn't be frowning if they really believed the courts will uphold the law and the DA's offices would press for conviction every time.

    Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Quote Originally Posted by scjbob View Post
    That picture gives it all away doesn't t? How many of those cops wouldn't be frowning if they really believed the courts will uphold the law and the DA's offices would press for conviction every time.
    A picture is worth a thousand words

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    laughable. Its funny I read this when I did... just minutes ago, one of my officers put a file on my desk for a guy carrying a firearm without a license... he just got 112 days (time served) to 23 months and is on the street.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Quote Originally Posted by mikepro8 View Post
    laughable. Its funny I read this when I did... just minutes ago, one of my officers put a file on my desk for a guy carrying a firearm without a license... he just got 112 days (time served) to 23 months and is on the street.

    18-6106 Firearms; carried without a license

    In ten 10 years of data that for violations of 18-6106
    2005 is the highest & newest data for number of people charged.

    Here are the number 1432 total violations for all of PA in 2005.
    yes, Only 1432 people charged for violating 18-6106 with all the Philly screaming about doing something and confiscating thousands of firearms that is all the people that are charge with illegal possession of firearms.

    Out of that 1432 small number of people actually charged in 2005 here is the break down of what the courts or the DA did to them.

    243 Jail time
    410 Prison time

    34 reduced in penalty
    113 rescinded sentence
    632 Probation

    So criminals that are caught only get jail-prison time about 45% of the time, and the District Attorneys and anti-gunners scream for more laws, what to get a 50% incarceration rate with a better law. Hence my many posts about DA plea bargin deals just to make their job easier.

    I glad many of you looked at that photo to see the look on those police officers faces “a picture does say a thousands words” about this new law.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Interesting information Whitefeather.

    A couple months ago I sent a request for information to the PA AG's Office asking for current arrest and convictions on weapons violators. The answer I received said there was no such report available.

    I would appreciate knowing your source if you can (or are willing) to provide it.

    I'm also curious about the dispositions, based on your data it looks like only 34 were plea bargained to a lesser charge, making a 98% conviction rate or did I miss something?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Here's a novel about we concentrate on the CRIMINAL for a change?
    Nah.......never work......

    Glock Pistols.......So simple a Caveman could fix them!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    That big'un in the pic on the left..... um, how many perps has he run down lately?

    Old, overweight career police/politicians. Yeah, they'll save the world.

    Heres another 'radical' idea:


    I was pissed to learn that convicts in PA can get a transfer to a local prison (close to da hood) cause it makes for a happier convict if mommy can come see them.

    All the while 'mommy' is smuggling in drugs in the baby diapers, or in her snatch... or worse.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Tenn Police may soon see benefits of state’s new gun crimes law

    Quote Originally Posted by Brick View Post
    Interesting information Whitefeather.

    A couple months ago I sent a request for information to the PA AG's Office asking for current arrest and convictions on weapons violators. The answer I received said there was no such report available.

    I would appreciate knowing your source if you can (or are willing) to provide it.

    I'm also curious about the dispositions, based on your data it looks like only 34 were plea bargained to a lesser charge, making a 98% conviction rate or did I miss something?
    Got the information from Rep Frank Dermody who had to twist arms to get the information. Current right now I am working on a report or review of all the documentation of lack of prosecution for violation of the law from 1995 to 2005. When it’s completed, I will post it for everyone to be amazed at what a laughable joke that is played on all citizens of PA by the DA's and judges and all the Anti-gun screaming for more firearm laws.

    Anyone that received less than punishment for the crime of violation of UFA such as probation, reduction in penalty or rescinded sentence is a plea bargained deal.

    mikepro8 comment about 112 days is an example of a slap on the wrist

    here is an example of what the report will have, all of you may find the numbers of lack of enforcement here interesting as well

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