Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Rendell and Legislative Black Caucus (Phila.) Declare WAR on PA Gun Owners!!!!!

    Got these from ACSL Dec 2007 report

    Governor Rendell and Legislative Black Caucus (Phila.) Declare WAR on PA Gun Owners!!!!!

    The setbacks suffered by Ed Rendell before the Judiciary Committee on November 20 has done little to derail the gun-control juggernaut he continues to advance to the legislature and the media in his misguided attempts to undermine the freedoms of law-abiding Pennsylvanians to cover up for the failure of his administration to adequately deal with violent crime.

    On December 5th 16 members of the general assembly’s Black Caucus walked off the House floor before a vote on a new open records Bill was to be taken as a protest of the legislature’s lack of action on gun control bills. They have threatened to boycott anything else until they get their petulant childish viewpoints addressed in what can only be described as an act of bullying or political terrorism. We should also not be naïve in understanding that our governor, Ed Rendell, is playing a substantial part in the drama that is unfolding in Harrisburg.

    This coming Monday, December 10, Ed Rendell once again upped the ante on the gun control debate by organizing a demonstration of support from anti-gun mayors from a small group of cities who are experiencing an upsurge in violent crime. Surprisingly, he is coordinating this with a number of anti-gun groups throughout Pennsylvania most notably Cease-Fire PA. Cease-Fire PA is an organization that has never been afraid of twisting or torturing the truth to support their agenda. In addition they, along with all their other organizations, have never contributed anything substantial or worthwhile to the violent crime debate other than to demand the suspension or restriction of freedoms of law-abiding citizens.

    It’s clear that gun owners of Pennsylvania will face many more challenges before we can put this episode of gun control stupidity behind us. The failure of city fathers, local leaders, and the justice system to address the real and pertinent issues involved in violent crime will only continue to provide political opportunities for the unscrupulous elected official to misdirect public attention into the unfounded and empty agenda we are now facing.

    We have made every effort to keep gun owners aware of the developments as they occur and to provide them with the means with which to get involved and to contact legislators. We will continue this effort as well as our support for legislators who respect our freedoms and our heritage.

    How ironic it is that we are suffering this kind of onerous assault just as the United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments on the Washington, DC gun ban and whether or not it violates the second amendment of the United States Constitution. Is this part of a larger effort to sway the opinion of the Supreme Court? Stranger things have happened!

    Please stay tuned as this is certainly only the beginning of one of our darkest hours in history!


    another interesting story from same source

    Registration of Firearms UPDATE!
    More than 540 firearms seized in statewide crackdown, AG says
    ASSOCIATED PRESS/10:42 a.m. December 10, 2007
    LOS ANGELES – California Attorney General Jerry Brown says authorities have seized more than 540 guns in recent months as part of a statewide crackdown on convicted felons and others banned from owning firearms.
    Brown announced Monday that sweeps conducted by state and local law enforcement since June targeted about 1,000 illegal gun owners.
    He says the owners had purchased the guns legally. But they were later barred from owning guns because they were convicted of various felony and misdemeanor crimes or found to be mentally ill.
    Everything from handguns to assault rifles were seized around the state.
    The owners were identified through a state database that matches criminal histories with gun ownership registries.
    Authorities plan to investigate about 9,000 others.

    Just wait till they cross link the new point of sales 2008 PA hunting licenses with the state police illegal gun database, look out everyone its coming here sooner or later.


    still another federal story that threaten US

    *Federal Legislative Update:
    H.R. 1022 Gun Owners Nightmare
    H.R. 1022 was recently introduced in Congress by rabid anti-gunners Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y) and Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) to "Reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes."
    This bill is a wish-list of anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment proposals...AND IT NOW HAS FIFTY-NINE CO-SPONSORS IN THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES!
    It is not about self-defense. It is not about stopping criminals or reducing crime. H.R. 1022 has only one purpose - Eliminate the availability of entire classes of popular, legal firearms.
    The gun ban extremists are promoting this bill as a popular, needed measure that their "polls" show even law-abiding gun owners support...
    The debate over this bill is growing more intense every day. The original Clinton assault weapons ban expired in September 2004, just two months before the Presidential and Congressional elections!
    Now in a non-Presidential election year, it's clear that the anti-gun extremists will do or say anything to turn H.R. 1022 and the fight over reauthorization and expansion of the Clinton assault weapons ban into a major legislative issue.
    So get ready for a non-stop barrage of anti-gun activists, the politicians who support their cause and biased media elite, loudly beating the drum for passage of H.R. 1022!
    H.R. 1022 is not just a reauthorization of the 1994 Clinton/Gore ban on a handful of so-called assault weapons and large capacity gun magazines.
    • H.R. 1022 creates a new, permanent gun ban and it includes a huge increase in the number and types of firearms banned.
    • It bans 65 named guns (the Clinton law banned 19) and hundreds of other similar guns that use "A frame or receiver that is identical to, or based substantially on the frame of receiver of a firearm described..." according to Section. 3(a)(30)(J) of the bill.
    • H.R. 1022 will permanently ban sales of ALL semi-automatic shotguns used all across the country by law-abiding citizens for hunting, skeet, sporting clays and self defense.
    • This terrible legislation would also ban sales of three centerfire rifles most commonly used in target shooting competitions, the AR-15, the Springfield M1A and the M1 "Garand."
    • And H.R. 1022 bans any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle a sitting Attorney General would arbitrarily find to be "not particularly suitable for sporting purposes."
    These are just a few of the provisions of H.R. 1022 that would destroy the Second Amendment rights of millions of law-abiding gun owners today, while effectively wiping out the rights of future generations as it causes firearms to become less and less available and affordable.
    If you would like to read the entire bill for yourself, go to on the Internet and type in "H.R. 1022" as the bill number to search for. We think you will be shocked by the scope of this gun grab proposal.
    Passage of H.R. 1022 would certainly be the beginning of the end of your Second Amendment rights - and a huge step towards a total ban of all firearms!
    Remember - There are people working, organizing, raising money, lobbying politicians and writing legislation at the state and federal level with the single intent of banning your guns and making you part of the last generation of American gun owners

    One other side note the ACSL has a new Individual membership available (for the first time in its history), so for all of you from outside Allegheny county can now join this very active Pro-Gun organization that fights to keep our rights and freedoms.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rendell and Legislative Black Caucus (Phila.) Declare WAR on PA Gun Owners!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
    One other side note the ACSL has a new Individual membership available (for the first time in its history), so for all of you from outside Allegheny county can now join this very active Pro-Gun organization that fights to keep our rights and freedoms.
    How does get said membership?
    Dan P, Founder & President, Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rendell and Legislative Black Caucus (Phila.) Declare WAR on PA Gun Owners!!!!!

    PAFOA should become a member club.. I assume Kim can help us. He is listed in the contacts area.
    Last edited by danp; December 18th, 2007 at 12:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Thumbs up Re: Rendell and Legislative Black Caucus (Phila.) Declare WAR on PA Gun Owners!!!!!

    If you are p-ssed off about this issue and really want to do something about, think about joining the Allegheny County Sportsmen's League. Our Legislative Chairman Is one of the PEOPLE leading the fight against this tyrranical attack on OUR constitutional rights. Email the ACSL Membership Chairman
    at and request a membership application via email. The Leagues website is for further information about the League.
    Last edited by danp; December 18th, 2007 at 12:58 PM.

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