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  1. #1
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    Default Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Been a lot of talk today in several threads about people's rights being trampled, most notably MTN Jack's arrest in Beaver BUT there are many more threads that while the topic is different the underlying subject is the same. The other major underlying topic is a unified front. While none of us agree on every topic I REALLY think this is one we need to look at objectively and as a collective.

    If you will indulge me I would ask you open your mind while you read this and FORGET what political party affiliation you may have, what color your skin may be, what country your "people" came from ..... throw ALL that out the window for this one read and just keep ONE THOUGHT in your head, you are an American, your forefathers, brothers, sisters, husbands and wives have fought and died for an ideal that was founded 232 years ago .... just give me the latitude to do that one thing for me while you read this.

    Its ALL about the "abuse of power", its just that simple. Let's take what happened to MTN Jack. Now no one is 100% sure if the secret service had told the local police to clamp down or if the police were just trying to score "brownie points" and we will probably never know. The fact of the matter is "some" authority WE pay for and put into place overstepped their bounds BIG TIME.

    Let's also look at the raids around the RNC, again we will probably never know if these people were just simple protesters or if in fact they had something else "up their sleeves" but when you see that none of them have been charged with serious crimes it makes one wonder AGAIN if the authorities have overstepped their bounds.

    Those are only two of many many things we have seen or heard of over the past few years and they seem to be getting more and more common each and every day.

    My point is, this has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats, it has nothing to do with race, gender or religion, it has to do with the fact that OUR government has been overrun by those that feel YOU and I no longer have the rights this great nation was built on. Fear, assault, illegal search and seizure, wiretapping, not allowing people to express themselves freely has become the norm and THAT my friends is the problem.

    I thought back this afternoon to try and pinpoint the first time I recognized this abuse of power and two things came to mind. The first was the raid to grab Illian Gonzalez and the second was the raid on Waco that left so many dead. Now remember this was on Clinton's watch (and Janet Reno) so again this has NOTHING to do with which party is on power!

    And there is NO reason why intelligent people from all parties, all races, creeds and religions shouldn't be able to see what the problem is ... the problem is our government, the whole stinking system is rotten to the core and THAT'S why intelligent people from ALL walks of life need to wake up, identify the real problem and start getting this country back on track before it is too damn late!

    Many many people today used terms "united front" and "standing together" and I believe each and every one of them means it but by untied front we must throw all the preconceived notions out the window, we MUST throw aside the petty differences and bickering. Remember the best way to defeat an enemy is to "divide and conquer" and that is why all the bickering about things that really don't matter in the big scheme of things will hurt any "movement" to return this nation to the land we love (not that we don't now BTW).

    Just like my thread the other day about doing something to stop the erosion of the area I live in I see this as the exact same thing. Yes things have started to slip towards a country none of us could recognize but do we just sit back and hide our heads or do we stand up and start now?

    Personally I say if we do NOT start now we are as much a part of the problem as "they" are.

    We need to "get over" the petty differences we have, we have to unite with other groups that believe our rights are more important than any political party. We need to educate the public every time the opportunity arises, we need to get people involved in communities and local offices and last but not least we really MAY have to make our voices heard loudly at organized events! Remember WE are only one of 50 states, there are groups out there in the other 49 that we can reach out to.

    So what's the issue? Plain and simple its about OUR rights, not just gun rights but all the rights we should have as an American citizen and to stop the abuse of those rights by ANY organization or department....... its REALLY that simple!

    I thank you for your open mind and tolerance in this long winded post!
    Last edited by dc dalton; September 1st, 2008 at 06:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    First let me say, Great post!!!
    I agree that we do need to start now and we are. Fighting back such as the OCB incident, MtJack's problem and various other violations is a great start but if we want things to change we need more exposure. I would love to see a rally that includes all 50 states. If we could organize a march or rally at each state capitol at the same time, On the same day it would be a big leap towards change in the way things are done. But how to organise something like that is beyond me.

    "you have no power; here is the power; feel the power, brat, and then speak again of how you come to kill the Eternal."
    Pennywise The Clown

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    I agree 100% with the above 2 posters! Gun owners need to unite and start to take our country back from all forms of government!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Damn double post!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Quote Originally Posted by ihunt49 View Post
    I agree 100% with the above 2 posters! Gun owners need to unite and start to take our country back from all forms of government!
    Yes BUT, it is NOT just about guns! It is about ALL the rights we could lose, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, right to a speedy trial, protection from illegal search and seizure .... my point is it is NOT just one right, it is all of them.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    dc, I really agree with ya here. The ever too common trampling of rights "for a good cause" is alarming. No one can say where it will end...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Not saying you are wrong, but the problem is that we can not even get the gun owners on this site to unite, much less the gun owners nationwide. Try to add in everyone nationwide that believe in peoples rights and it just is not going to happen.
    Bread and circuses. The people are fed and entertained, so they don't give a crap.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Quote Originally Posted by gf45acp View Post
    Not saying you are wrong, but the problem is that we can not even get the gun owners on this site to unite, much less the gun owners nationwide. Try to add in everyone nationwide that believe in peoples rights and it just is not going to happen.
    Bread and circuses. The people are fed and entertained, so they don't give a crap.
    You know its funny, I was thinking the exact same thing a while ago when I saw 72 views of this thread and only 6 replies (one of them being mine) ... sad to be honest, you know damn well most know the problem yet even those people will sit there on their hands and do nothing ...

    What the hell is wrong with people when they refuse to stand up for rights they are granted just by being an American citizen.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    My personal belief is that the system is so corrupt that it may not be able to be changed from within.
    That said, it does not mean that we can not try, and, perhaps win.
    We must, at least, fight the good fight.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Simply Put? Its About Abuse of Power

    Quote Originally Posted by gf45acp View Post
    My personal belief is that the system is so corrupt that it may not be able to be changed from within.
    That said, it does not mean that we can not try, and, perhaps win.
    We must, at least, fight the good fight.
    Sadly I would agree, but let me ask this, where to start? What one thing can we put forward that people would grasp that would actually make them care and get involved? How do we cut through the apathy most Americans are awash in now?

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