Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    So, I was looking at Pitcairn~Monroeville Sportsmen's Club membership application (link below)

    and I find the paragraph at the bottom of the application very disturbing:

    By signing this application, the applicant pledges to obey all said laws and rules, and will not support Anti-gun Legislation: belong to, or support any Anti-Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, or Animal Rights Activists groups.

    This to me reads "blah blah blah I agree to give up my first amendment rights in order to be a member of this club".

    Would it be acceptable if a social club said "By signing this application, the applicant pledges to obey all said laws and rules, and will not own a gun or associate with any one who uses or endorses the use of firearms."

    I'm just shocked by this -- maybe I'm the pinko liberal of the group, but I can't believe that this would be okay with people who so staunchly support the second amendment, when this seems to so blatantly violate the first one.

    I understand that a private club is allowed to make virtually any rule they want -- I'm just surprised they would make one like this...

    <Favabean climbs into his flame retardant suit>

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    Would it be acceptable if a social club said "By signing this application, the applicant pledges to obey all said laws and rules, and will not own a gun or associate with any one who uses or endorses the use of firearms."
    Only if the organization was the brady campaign.

    They are basically saying "you can join OUR club if you promise not to join any of the enemy clubs"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    Why can not gun owners be just as hypocritical as those against guns? Sure we are all in favor of the 2nd. Amendment but the hell with the 1st.

    YMMV but I would never sign such a fascist application.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    It's a private organization. They can set any rules they want and you don't have to join. I'm a relatively new member (August) but that didn't particularly bother me.

    Maybe whomever wrote that was smarter than the average bear and it's an outlet to expel someone who may be anti-gun and joined simply to be a troublemaker.

    You can lean politically to the left and be pro gun. If you're favorite liberal politician advocated some form of gun control you can contact him and ask him not to vote for the legislation and still support him on other issues.

    I doubt the Democratic Party is what they were insinuating by anti "this" or "that" activist group.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    This probably came about from Micheal Moore joining the NRA and filming and such.... Basically using his membership to try to paint them in a bad picture, the club doesn't want that. My best guess that is... You could just ask them why they put that in there, you might get an interesting response.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    I just got my membership card today after sending the app in Thursday morn.

    That line didn't particularly bother me.

    I am not a member of any of those organizations nor do i intend to become one.

    I don't feel I am giving up my first amendment rights by agreeing to what i see is a non issue.

    If there is any issue I may have with the club down the road, I will just move on to another club.

    Opinions are like anal apertures. They all stink but mine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    First off, I appreciate everyone's responses. I was sure that the flame throwers would be fired full blast in my direction and so far that hasn't been the case.

    Second, as exceltoexcel suggested I am going to contact the club to inquire about this clause and encourage them to remove it. Again, I understand that as a private club they can have any rules they like, but I think there may be others (like myself and possibly phillyd2) who would join the club, but won't because of this clause.

    Finally, 27hand, your statement surprised me.:

    I am not a member of any of those organizations nor do i intend to become one.

    I don't feel I am giving up my first amendment rights by agreeing to what i see is a non issue.
    I understand your sentiment, but again flip that around. My mother for example could say, "I'm fine with them taking away the second amendment, I do not own a firearm, don't intend on owning one so frankly repealing the second amendment to me is a non-issue." I understand I'm stretching to make my point, but I hope you see the parallel that I am drawing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    Well at least they did change one thing on there, there was a time you had to be a citizen of the USA to join, now they just ask if you are a citizen... In my opinion, it should not matter if you are a citizen or not, if you are in the US legally, and can own guns, what business of any club is it if you are a citizen or not? ANd for that reason, i believe they should change their application form.
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    Yeah that gave me a bit of a hesitation, but so far it's not been an issue. I'm a pro-gun moderate leaning to Libertarian Dem so I just tend not to discuss politics when at shooting clubs/events. And I support hunting/fishing rights though I don't participate in those sports though I certainly would've loved to have learned to hunt when I was younger.

    Heck some of these clubs aren't real thrilled with the competitive pistol shooting sports.

    I figure how I vote is no one's business.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Maybe someone can explain this to me....

    Quote Originally Posted by Favabean View Post
    So, I was looking at Pitcairn~Monroeville Sportsmen's Club membership application (link below)

    and I find the paragraph at the bottom of the application very disturbing:

    By signing this application, the applicant pledges to obey all said laws and rules, and will not support Anti-gun Legislation: belong to, or support any Anti-Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, or Animal Rights Activists groups.

    This to me reads "blah blah blah I agree to give up my first amendment rights in order to be a member of this club".

    Would it be acceptable if a social club said "By signing this application, the applicant pledges to obey all said laws and rules, and will not own a gun or associate with any one who uses or endorses the use of firearms."

    I'm just shocked by this -- maybe I'm the pinko liberal of the group, but I can't believe that this would be okay with people who so staunchly support the second amendment, when this seems to so blatantly violate the first one.

    I understand that a private club is allowed to make virtually any rule they want -- I'm just surprised they would make one like this...

    <Favabean climbs into his flame retardant suit>

    Not sure what the issue is here.

    It's a Hunting/Shooting Club.
    If you are anti-gun or support anti-gun legislation (LEGISLATION, not politicians/political parties), WHY would you want to join and WHY would the club WANT YOU?

    If you protest hunting by walking through the woods with anti-hunting signs and honking a horn, WHY would you want to join a SPORTSMAN'S CLUB and WHY would the club WANT you to?

    Not sure I see the conflict. If they said "You may not discuss anything regarding the operations/membership of this club off of club property." that would certainly (maybe?) violate your first amendment rights.

    FORCING the club to accept members who participate in the above activities would seem to me, to be a more offensive "violation" of rights.

    As a member of PMSC, I can tell you that there is PLENTY of political differences between members. Even if we're just talking "club politics" (just attend a meeting a few times!).
    I don't know you. Maybe we'd get along, maybe not. I can only tell you that I've run into plenty of great people there who are helpful and friendly.
    OK, Now that I'm done with that, let me say It's ultimately YOUR choice.
    My thought here is that you're reading WAY too much into this.
    All I can say is that they are "Capitolist Pigs" like so many of us, in that they REALLY are mostly interested in the cash you put in their hand! (sorta joking there!) I was worried about joining because the "rules" said you had to be "sponsored" by a member. I gave 'em a check for $100.00 and everyone was happy!

    Relax, clean your gun and come check out the club.
    If you really are interested, let me know. I'm not recruiting, I'm just offering to show you around if you'd like.
    It really IS a good deal as far as cost to shoot is concerned.

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