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  1. #1
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    Default IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

    IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

    The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as "global quantitative easing" by printing billions of dollars worth of a global "super-currency" in an unprecedented new effort to address the economic crisis.

    Alistair Darling and senior figures in the US Treasury have been encouraging the Fund to issue hundreds of billions of dollars worth of so-called Special Drawing Rights in the coming months as part of its campaign to prevent the recession from turning into a global depression.

    Should the move, which is up for discussion by the summit of G20 finance ministers this weekend, be adopted, it will represent a global equivalent of the Bank of England's plan to pump extra cash into the UK economy.

    However, economists warned that the scheme could cause a major swell of inflation around the world as the newly-created money filters through the system. The idea has been suggested by a number of key figures, including billionaire investor George Soros and US Treasury adviser Ted Truman.

    Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the IMF, said: "The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them.

    "The objective is to create a windfall of cash. However if everybody goes out and spends the money it could be very inflationary."

    (looks like the beginning of the new global currency)
    "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! " - Patrick Henry

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

    Quote Originally Posted by ThoughtCriminal View Post
    IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

    The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as "global quantitative easing" by printing billions of dollars worth of a global "super-currency" in an unprecedented new effort to address the economic crisis.

    Alistair Darling and senior figures in the US Treasury have been encouraging the Fund to issue hundreds of billions of dollars worth of so-called Special Drawing Rights in the coming months as part of its campaign to prevent the recession from turning into a global depression.

    Should the move, which is up for discussion by the summit of G20 finance ministers this weekend, be adopted, it will represent a global equivalent of the Bank of England's plan to pump extra cash into the UK economy.

    However, economists warned that the scheme could cause a major swell of inflation around the world as the newly-created money filters through the system. The idea has been suggested by a number of key figures, including billionaire investor George Soros and US Treasury adviser Ted Truman.

    Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the IMF, said: "The principle behind it is that everyone would get bonus dollars and instead of the Federal Reserve having to print them, everyone gets them.

    "The objective is to create a windfall of cash. However if everybody goes out and spends the money it could be very inflationary."

    (looks like the beginning of the new global currency)
    If the whole world was in a "global depression", would there actually be a depression?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

    Quote Originally Posted by ThoughtCriminal View Post
    (looks like the beginning of the new global currency)
    Yeah, because other major worldwide efforts have been so very, very successful. See also: League of Nations, WTO, United Nations, EU, . . . .

    Yet another sign that no one has learned a goddamned thing from the current mess. Changing the face of money doesn't do a frakking thing for the underlying systemic failures and dysfunction that got us where we are.

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